I mean, anyone with two brain cells can comprehend why. It's not like Medvedev is some absolute titan of the sport who is beyond criticism anyway.
What's really funny is their championing of those absolute losers from 20 years ago who were absolutely no better. Watching Agassi in his 30s in far worse shape than these old guys are now going toe to toe with every one of those mental midgets was as hilarious and pathetic in equal measure to anything happening now. It is the reason I became a Nadal fan despite him playing tennis antithetical to what I most prefer to watch.
Watching the equivalents of the people I was arguing with 20 years ago now making the argument I was making then is spectacular comedy to me. I can acknowledge that to some degree we are witnessing the same thing.
They, seemingly, cannot. Nor that a decade+ age difference is quite clearly nothing like what it was 10/15/20 years ago as guys in their 30s, as proven across all sports, can stay healthier stronger longer than ever before.
Rose-tinted, fave-pandering garbage.
Agassi vs. Roddick (ignoring their first two matches - 2/0 to Andre - when Roddick was a baby) - 3-1
Agassi vs. Hewitt (ignoring their first two matches - 1/1 - when Roddick was a baby) - 3-3
Agassi vs. Safin (ignoring their first 3 matches - 2/1 to Andre - when Safin was a baby) - 1-2
Agassi vs. Nalbandian - 1-0
Agassi vs. Davydenko (ignoring their first match - 1/0 to Andre - when Davydenko was even more unremarkable than he would later be, and ignoring that he won two titles that year) - 1-1
Agassi vs. Blake (ignoring their first match - 1/0 to Andre - when Blake was a baby) - 3-1
Agassi vs. Gonzalez - 0-2
Agassi vs. Ferrero - 2-3
Agassi vs. Robredo - 2-0
Aside from Blake, where it's just a 9 year difference, every single one of those people is at least a decade younger than him.
This ignores people like Keifer, Ancic, Karlovic, Haas, all of whom Federer beat up on at the majors through his prime years (Kiefer was one of the most consistently challenging slam rivals of Federer's best period!) that Andre had winning records against, and was a combined 14-4.
But man, those days were so strong, and these days are so weak.