thomas daniels
Did you know that 90% of all competitive tennis players never reach their full potential?
Less than 10% of all of the players out there that are playing right now, will reach their full potential!!!
Well, there is the reason for this and I am going to tell you...
most don't understand the game that they are really playing in their matches.
And it is not TENNIS.
Write this down somewhere and post it up as a reminder.
Because you never want to forget this matchplay tip.
"I'm not playing tennis during competition, (I am really playing the mental game) and my matchplay results will be determined by how well I am playing it on any given day".
That's it right there, my friend.
Know the game that you are playing, then learn how to play the mental game, then learn how to master playing it through warrior meditation and you will be one of those players in the 10%.
Which is why I am sharing this with YOU here today.
Of course.
Develop a all around solid matchlay game for competing on a consistent basis.
After you do that... work on your mental game twice as much as you work on your matchplay game.
You see.
When you take your mental game to another level, you are going to be dominating guys out there.
I just wish some coach would have told me this when I was still playing.
You feel me?
Good, because I'm out!!!
Less than 10% of all of the players out there that are playing right now, will reach their full potential!!!
Well, there is the reason for this and I am going to tell you...
most don't understand the game that they are really playing in their matches.
And it is not TENNIS.
Write this down somewhere and post it up as a reminder.
Because you never want to forget this matchplay tip.
"I'm not playing tennis during competition, (I am really playing the mental game) and my matchplay results will be determined by how well I am playing it on any given day".
That's it right there, my friend.
Know the game that you are playing, then learn how to play the mental game, then learn how to master playing it through warrior meditation and you will be one of those players in the 10%.
Which is why I am sharing this with YOU here today.
Of course.
Develop a all around solid matchlay game for competing on a consistent basis.
After you do that... work on your mental game twice as much as you work on your matchplay game.
You see.
When you take your mental game to another level, you are going to be dominating guys out there.
I just wish some coach would have told me this when I was still playing.
You feel me?
Good, because I'm out!!!