Why do D1 players like Hyper-G?


Watching college tennis, it seems like Hyper-G is widely used. However, as a much lower level player (4.0-4.5) it seems like one of the main attributes is extra pocketing/power/spin vs more control-oriented strings. So my question is: for players who are UTR 10+, wouldn't they generally want even more control-oriented strings? Also: I suspect at much higher swing speeds, the attributes of the string change - curious on any experts' thoughts on that (i.e at a higher swing speed, the pocketing helps more?). Thought of this because Ive come to the conclusion for myself that I prefer crisper and more control oriented strings, at lower tensions (eg Tour Bite @ 45). And it seemed weird that HG felt too muted feedback/powerful response to me but not to much better players.


Watching college tennis, it seems like Hyper-G is widely used. However, as a much lower level player (4.0-4.5) it seems like one of the main attributes is extra pocketing/power/spin vs more control-oriented strings. So my question is: for players who are UTR 10+, wouldn't they generally want even more control-oriented strings? Also: I suspect at much higher swing speeds, the attributes of the string change - curious on any experts' thoughts on that (i.e at a higher swing speed, the pocketing helps more?). Thought of this because Ive come to the conclusion for myself that I prefer crisper and more control oriented strings, at lower tensions (eg Tour Bite @ 45). And it seemed weird that HG felt too muted feedback/powerful response to me but not to much better players.

If you trust your swing and RF angle, you don't need "feel" or "control"

You know how to hit the ball for most situations, so the most important thing is what happens after the ball bounces


I wouldn't overthink it too much. A lot of players get deals on frames and strings and that can influence what players use even more than their personal preferences in many cases. I think it also tends to be the case that higher level players don't waste nearly as much effort as us more hobby types on equipment. The payback from fiddling with equipment is a lot less than actually getting out there every day and training more fundamental aspects of play.


Not just college kids but juniors and even adults. Frankly I don't think Hyper G is that great a string.

Why do you see it used so much?

Because Solinco wisely gave their string to colleges for free. Once one player sees another using the "green string" then they use it, etc., etc, etc.

My son is a college player and he even used it for a good period of time until recently switching to TF 4S which performs much better than Hyper G. If you look at the specs other than slightly poorer tension maintenance it is a square string with better characteristics than Hyper G. He snaps it so the tension maintenance is not an issue.
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I did a comparison of RPM Blast, ALU Power, Cyclone, Cyclone Tour, Tour Bite, Tour Bite Soft and HyperG as a cross to use with gut mains about 5 years ago. HyperG was a clear favorite for me as I got the control/spin I need along with some extra pop on serves. ALU Power was also great for about 5-6 hours and then performance drops off too much as it goes dead the fastest. After HyperG Soft was released, I liked it even better than HyperG and so it has been my cross for the last four years. HGS has more comfort and maybe slightly less pop than HG.

Many college teams are sponsored by Solinco, but it does seem like many college players do choose HyperG over the other strings from Solinco. I also see a lot of HyperG use amongst the 4.5+ men at my club— maybe it is just easy to spot because of the distinctive color.


I did a comparison of RPM Blast, ALU Power, Cyclone, Cyclone Tour, Tour Bite, Tour Bite Soft and HyperG as a cross to use with gut mains about 5 years ago. HyperG was a clear favorite for me as I got the control/spin I need along with some extra pop on serves. ALU Power was also great for about 5-6 hours and then performance drops off too much as it goes dead the fastest. After HyperG Soft was released, I liked it even better than HyperG and so it has been my cross for the last four years. HGS has more comfort and maybe slightly less pop than HG.

Many college teams are sponsored by Solinco, but it does seem like many college players do choose HyperG over the other strings from Solinco. I also see a lot of HyperG use amongst the 4.5+ men at my club— maybe it is just easy to spot because of the distinctive color.

A lot of advanced players choose to use Hyper G. I wonder too how many just start playing with it and don't take an opportunity to try something else which may point to that it is decent string for advanced players if they never choose to wander from it.

I tried Hyper G Soft and it was too stiff a string for me so you can guess that I am not in the market to try Hyper G.


I string low at 47/44 and it works well as a cross even in winter for me on a Strike Tour. I also use 18g.

I have been using Diadem Solstice Black 16G at 51/46 and restring each time I play. It is pretty soft, has pretty good bite, and sheds tension like crazy so I have to restring but I don't mind as I string my own racquets.


I have been using Diadem Solstice Black 16G at 51/46 and restring each time I play. It is pretty soft, has pretty good bite, and sheds tension like crazy so I have to restring but I don't mind as I string my own racquets.
If you are restringing every time, try ALU Power. Awesome string for the first few hours - get pop and control with good feel.


I have been using Diadem Solstice Black 16G at 51/46 and restring each time I play. It is pretty soft, has pretty good bite, and sheds tension like crazy so I have to restring but I don't mind as I string my own racquets.
ALU would be great if you restring every time, but I'd probably go for a multi. Of course with how cheap you can get Solstice Black right now, it might be better to stick with that. :)


They get the strings for free. Solinco give so many of them out the college tennis players trade them for food at some of the places they have matches at. A parent of one of the D1 tennis players told me that a while back. So they do not have to spend money on strings and usually the tennis coach has access to a stringing machine to use to restring racquets. I know one college uses the stringing machine at our club when they come in to practice.
Many college teams are sponsored by Solinco, but it does seem like many college players do choose HyperG over the other strings from Solinco.
They must have a good reason. What qualities does Hyper-G have that make it a better choice than Confidential or Tour Bite or Revolution?


They get them for free, Solinco is massively sponsoring college tennis. And they use Hg because it's least bad of all Solinco strings, in their eyes, has some elasticity when fresh, although it goes dead quickly, and isn't harsh on the arm. Most college players play grindy styles with an undefined western forehand, and with stiff light racquets, so a shaped launchy low powered muted string is something they think helps them. It doesn't, but..


Hall of Fame
I think it's in their head. My son isn't in college, yet, but he started using hyper g soft bc other kids have told him how great it is. He was using cyber flash and now says he likes hyper g more bc it lasts longer (one week vs half week, same gauge), so he isn't restringing as frequently. But, when he first switched, he thought he was getting more bite and control.


I think it's in their head. My son isn't in college, yet, but he started using hyper g soft bc other kids have told him how great it is. He was using cyber flash and now says he likes hyper g more bc it lasts longer (one week vs half week, same gauge), so he isn't restringing as frequently. But, when he first switched, he thought he was getting more bite and control.

It is in their head and I think the green was a smart marketing ploy by Solinco as it stands out from traditional black and silver strings that were on the market so it is easy for kids/players to spot. Then they want it.... Then they want it... Then they want it...


They must have a good reason. What qualities does Hyper-G have that make it a better choice than Confidential or Tour Bite or Revolution?
Maybe some players or coaches tried different Solinco strings and liked HyperG better and then started recommending it. Like I said, I did playtests with other famous soft polys and HyperG played the best for my game. Maybe the difference was having some extra pop while still having the control of other soft polys. Also for me it lasted longer than other polys I tested.


My son is home for Thanksgiving although he is still asleep after going out last night with local girl and guy tennis buddies from the various colleges that are back home for the holiday. I think they went glow bowling or whatever they call it. I will ask him whenever he decides to wake up why they all use it. Like I said I have never hit with the stuff.

A friend of mine is a former D3 player and she played with Revolution for many years and really liked it. My son tried it several years ago now and he didn't care for it. Revolution never really seemed to catch on like Hyper G perhaps as others have noted it is a dead poly.
It might be because it plays it well and lasts longer than the other alternatives. No one plays with crappy items because theyre free unless there are money considerations.


It might be because it plays it well and lasts longer than the other alternatives. No one plays with crappy items because theyre free unless there are money considerations.
For us college guys, there are always money considerations. If Solinco wants to give me free stuff, I'll use it. I bought both of my rackets for $120 and it's good enough for me. Are they great? No (way too heavy for my game). Will I switch soon? Probably, but I'm not paying full price for anything. My coach has a Yonex deal, so I'm trying their stuff right now.


Hall of Fame
For us college guys, there are always money considerations. If Solinco wants to give me free stuff, I'll use it. I bought both of my rackets for $120 and it's good enough for me. Are they great? No (way too heavy for my game). Will I switch soon? Probably, but I'm not paying full price for anything. My coach has a Yonex deal, so I'm trying their stuff right now.
I hear you and i don't blame you.


Hall of Fame
I did a comparison of RPM Blast, ALU Power, Cyclone, Cyclone Tour, Tour Bite, Tour Bite Soft and HyperG as a cross to use with gut mains about 5 years ago. HyperG was a clear favorite for me as I got the control/spin I need along with some extra pop on serves. ALU Power was also great for about 5-6 hours and then performance drops off too much as it goes dead the fastest. After HyperG Soft was released, I liked it even better than HyperG and so it has been my cross for the last four years. HGS has more comfort and maybe slightly less pop than HG.

Many college teams are sponsored by Solinco, but it does seem like many college players do choose HyperG over the other strings from Solinco. I also see a lot of HyperG use amongst the 4.5+ men at my club— maybe it is just easy to spot because of the distinctive color.
I play gut/poly. Doesn't the Hyper G cut through the gut mains really fast? How about hyper G round?


I play gut/poly. Doesn't the Hyper G cut through the gut mains really fast? How about hyper G round?
When I play a mix of singles and doubles, the gut breaks only after about 15 hours. The poly goes dead around 15 hours also. So I wouldn't get any more play if the gut lasted longer. I did test HG Round a few months ago and didn’t feel like I got as much spin - maybe a little less power although I’m not sure if it is because I swing less hard due to the lower spin.


But do they hand out only HyperG free or any of their strings that you prefer?
Everything is free, but people typically like HG because it has a little more free power and spin than the others, the touch is pretty good, and the string is quite lively. I also know people who like TB and Confidential, but you don't notice them as much because their strings aren't bright green.


Everything is free, but people typically like HG because it has a little more free power and spin than the others, the touch is pretty good, and the string is quite lively. I also know people who like TB and Confidential, but you don't notice them as much because their strings aren't bright green.
That is my experience with HyperG also when I playtested many polys - played better, felt more precise, got more pop on serves and won more with it.


-its not.bad/decent string, its free-ish, and its readily available to them
-1 less thing the "broke college kids" dont have to spend money on!
-the college kids ive strung for, just wanted what the college had
-very few brought their own stuff!
-they go through strings so fast, a poly is a poly to them, FOR THE MOST PART
-their OWN tension + decent playability is what they settle for!

mad dog1

Solinco makes great performing strings. Hyper G, Tour Bite and Confidential offer great playability. All provide a combination of great spin, decent to good power, good to great control, decent to good durability and tension maintenance. Also they perform very linearly. What you put in is what you get out. Some strings get too elastic and get wild the harder you hit. Comfort is fair for polys that offer this level of performance. All of the qualities give the strings the predictability high level players appreciate and rely on.


I don’t know about other colleges or players but with me (D3). Hyper g typically gets chosen just because other guys and girls recommend it and most of us don’t really want to think about equipment so we just use what everyone recommends for the most part. Another reason is that we either get discounts or for free depending on the college
I don’t know about other colleges or players but with me (D3). Hyper g typically gets chosen just because other guys and girls recommend it and most of us don’t really want to think about equipment so we just use what everyone recommends for the most part. Another reason is that we either get discounts or for free depending on the college
It seems colleges definitely get varied discounts from all companies but I doubt every player picks their equipment in the same manner.


Hall of Fame
I don’t know about other colleges or players but with me (D3). Hyper g typically gets chosen just because other guys and girls recommend it and most of us don’t really want to think about equipment so we just use what everyone recommends for the most part. Another reason is that we either get discounts or for free depending on the college
This was my experience in college as well. You use the team string most of the time. If you have access to hyper G, you use it. We never had hyper g, but plenty of other strings from signum and kirshbam. More particular players who were willing to pay would buy whatever they preferred if the team didn’t have it or couldn’t get it.

Also, I personally think hyper g can go pound for pound with any other top string. Not sure what the slanderous title’s about (I half jest), but it’s a great string that works well for more modern players. If it didn’t live up to the hype, it wouldn't be as popular as it is.


This was my experience in college as well. You use the team string most of the time. If you have access to hyper G, you use it. We never had hyper g, but plenty of other strings from signum and kirshbam. More particular players who were willing to pay would buy whatever they preferred if the team didn’t have it or couldn’t get it.

Also, I personally think hyper g can go pound for pound with any other top string. Not sure what the slanderous title’s about (I half jest), but it’s a great string that works well for more modern players. If it didn’t live up to the hype, it wouldn't be as popular as it is.
Hyper G is inconsistent as low swing speeds, but once the level crosses a certain threshold, it is as predictable as anything else. A lot of rec players may not like it because their swing speed isn't high enough to make use of the advantages.


They get them for free, Solinco is massively sponsoring college tennis. And they use Hg because it's least bad of all Solinco strings, in their eyes, has some elasticity when fresh, although it goes dead quickly, and isn't harsh on the arm. Most college players play grindy styles with an undefined western forehand, and with stiff light racquets, so a shaped launchy low powered muted string is something they think helps them. It doesn't, but..
What strings would you say is better for that playstyle and those type of rackets?


Big manufacturers try hard to keep the launch angle low, with spin strings too. There's almost zero pros who play with shaped strings

Round or roundish strings keep the launch angle down, and then the player can drive through the ball with confidence, like Sinner. Then you can also modulate how much you go under the ball, and how much covering to give it, and it's easy to find strings that give enough spin and make the ball dip nicely

If you go for, or get, too much spin, then your balls lose significant velocity over the court, your swing energy goes into the spin instead. Then you produce slow, floating balls that sit up nicely for your opponent to attack. That happens to Ruud quite often for example, he's swinging like a maniac, and he produces way too many slower spinny balls that not only aren't rushing his opponent, but are also sitting up nicely in the hitting zone

High launch angle forces you to control the trajectory with more brush, to make sure balls don't fly long. So instead of hitting through the court, with fast, dipping balls at a lower trajectory, you're sending spinny slow moonballs

I could understand shaped strings in a low launch angle 18x20 in some situations though, but I don't think it helps there either, only compensates a bit maybe
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Big manufacturers try hard to keep the launch angle low, with spin strings too. There's almost zero pros who play with shaped strings

Round or roundish strings keep the launch angle down, and then the player can drive through the ball with confidence, like Sinner. Then you can also modulate how much you go under the ball, and how much covering to give it, and it's easy to find strings that give enough spin and make the ball dip nicely

If you go for, or get, too much spin, then your balls lose significant velocity over the court, your swing energy goes into the spin instead. Then you produce slow, floating balls that sit up nicely for your opponent to attack. That happens to Ruud quite often for example, he's swinging like a maniac, and he produces way too many slower spinny balls that not only aren't rushing his opponent, but are also sitting up nicely in the hitting zone

High launch angle forces you to control the trajectory with more brush, to make sure ball don't fly long. So instead of hitting through the court, with fast, dipping balls at a lower trajectory, you're sending spinny slow moonballs

I could understand shaped strings in a low launch angle 18x20 in some situations though, but I don't think it helps there either, only compensates a bit maybe
Hmm yeah...didnt find that to be the case with Pa98 and Hyper G neither did this junior:


Hyper G is inconsistent as low swing speeds, but once the level crosses a certain threshold, it is as predictable as anything else. A lot of rec players may not like it because their swing speed isn't high enough to make use of the advantages.
Thanks, that resonates with me. At a 4-4.5 level, basically only my best shots have "high" swing speed in a match (I'd say that's true for most folks at my level). My hypothesis is that if I swing harder, I get more control out of hyper-g. This might be true in all polys, but it seems less pronounced. To be clear, I like HG but feel it's a bit launchy. The paradox I was trying to solve was: shouldn't it be even launchier for faster swings? The answer I guess is no.


My son is home for Thanksgiving although he is still asleep after going out last night with local girl and guy tennis buddies from the various colleges that are back home for the holiday. I think they went glow bowling or whatever they call it. I will ask him whenever he decides to wake up why they all use it. Like I said I have never hit with the stuff.

A friend of mine is a former D3 player and she played with Revolution for many years and really liked it. My son tried it several years ago now and he didn't care for it. Revolution never really seemed to catch on like Hyper G perhaps as others have noted it is a dead poly.

Thanks! My other unsubstantiated theory: the hyper-g "style" of play is perfect for college: high spin to create aggressive consistency, say. Watching college tennis it certainly feels to me like there are fewer players hitting through the court. At the pro levels, outside of doubles, pace becomes more important (consistency is tables stakes), eg hitting big flat serves.
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