Shes hardly pretty although that is subjective....
Fed fans hate everything and everyone. They have soft spot for Djokovic because what he has done to Rafa in 2011 and Djoko is the only one among big four Fed has winning record.
We'll see what happens if they play at USO this summer. It will be interesting to use Nadal to see if Murray has really progressed or not. And I see Delpo wreaking havoc again at USO this year.
There is also the small matter of him being accused of acting like he is injured if things aren't going well, a player as respected as Tommy Haas remarked on this years ago.
Don't know. He has a terrific sense of humor but it doesn't show very much during matches when he often appears like a whiny type. Maybe that will change as his confidence increases. I think the main reason is his positive records vs Fed. While a lot of Djoko hatred comes from Nadal fans (due to Djoko's streak in 2011), the bulk of Murray hatred comes from Fed fans (who don't like that Murray leads the h to h vs Fed). In a nutshell: sour grapes.
Another reason is that he was the last of the big 4 to make his mark in slams. That made him the easy butt of jokes obviously. He's also the only one of the big 4 who hasn't made it to #1 yet. As long as he struggles on clay, it's gonna be tricky for him.
Why would Fed fans be sour?
Murray isn't in the same universe as Federer.
Most his H2H wins so far are trolololol 2/3 set wins in Masters and 500s which boring Andy used to win while the rest of the squad mopped up the slams.
Real talk.
Djokovic won the Oz Open in 2012 in five sets after coming through a five setter in the semis.
I'm bored of people on this forum calling every instance of a player kicking off a tantrum. A tantrum is Federer's use of school boy swearing in the 2007 Wimby and 2009 US Open finals, Murray was arguing that the light was fine.
Lol. Djokovic has way more haters.
It's pretty close.
Murray has haters within the UK mainly because he's Scottish, and on a more global scale because some find his style to be "boring" or reminiscent of the "pushers" who routinely own them at their local clubs.
Djokovic has haters internationally because he's Serbian, his histrionics sometimes get under people's skin, and he has also single-handedly made a huge dent in Nadal's career ("the streak" probably prevented Nadal from catching Federer's record).
Btw, your signature. What? :lol:
Yeh, one of those rec-level pushers who hits crazy passing shot winners, slaps down 140mph serves, hits 124mph forehands, 100+mph backhands?
I agree. Andy has proved he can beat Federer, Djokovic, JMDP, etc... but he is still yet to prove he can beat Rafa in a consistent way.
I would love to see a match between them at the USO.
Yeh, one of those rec-level pushers who hits crazy passing shot winners, slaps down 140mph serves, hits 124mph forehands, 100+mph backhands?
All the same, it must be awfully embarrassing and irksome for Fed fans that their hero has lost ELEVEN of his twenty matches against someone who is not even in the same universe as him! Only 2 other players can boast double-digit victories against him, Nadal and Djokovic, and presumably they both share the same universe?
If Fed fans are not troubled by these statistics, why do so many of them waste so much time and energy on these boards trying to disparage and belittle Murray as much as possible....a bit like you do? ;-)
Lol Mainad still holding up the H2H mantra.
What is their age differene again? Must be quite embarrassing losing every major final to a player past his prime. Boring argument. Hilarious that you are trying to join Murray to Nadal and Djokovic, perhaps you need to look up their achievements in the sport. I realize you're on a high, and it's well deserved but it's pointless to argue that Murray is comparable to Federer. What is even more ironic is that back when he was Hopeless-zero-Slam-Murray you were pleading your sincerity in saying there is no need for him to be compared to Federer, while all you ever do is spout this rubbish H2H like it means something.
I think people like you are a good reason some dislike Murray. Just like some dislike Nadal because of his fans.
I see Mainad has touched a nerve, hence your ad hom. The Murray head to head bothers you - otherwise you wouldn't be protesting so much about how irrelevant it is and tilting at windmills about comparing Murray to Federer. You were clearly quite angry when you wrote that post - QED.
Everything is true because you said so.
All the same, it must be awfully embarrassing and irksome for Fed fans that their hero has lost ELEVEN of his twenty matches against someone who is not even in the same universe as him! Only 2 other players can boast double-digit victories against him, Nadal and Djokovic, and presumably they both share the same universe?
If Fed fans are not troubled by these statistics, why do so many of them waste so much time and energy on these boards trying to disparage and belittle Murray as much as possible....a bit like you do? ;-)
Still angry then?
boring tennis. but only the minority hate him. the rest of us would rather go play tennis than watch his tennis.
I am not an angry man, I do despise stupidity however. Mainad's posts are never moderated and I tend to avoid them but this was very rich. You should ask him if he was angry. Did you text him? Is he rushing from the field to his PC to argue on the internet? Are you angry? You seem absorbed. Forgot to address any part of the post and concentrated on trying to discredit me. Are you angry batz? I am hurt, so hurt in fact I will retire to re-read Shogun for the upteenth time and listen to the babyphone. And angry of course, I am so angry.
I hate him because he is a pusher and is so lucky while winning slams, everything should work out right for him and for many other multiple reasons and most importantly not because he has a leading h2h against goat. Fed has no comparisons and to be compared with murray is an insult!
I hate him because he is a pusher and is so lucky while winning slams, everything should work out right for him and for many other multiple reasons and most importantly not because he has a leading h2h against goat. Fed has no comparisons and to be compared with murray is an insult!
Oh grow up! You are a typical example of the outraged Fedfans on here that tend to litter threads like this venting your collective hatred of Murray and for no reason I can discern other than that he has a positive H2H against your hero. If it weren't so, why do you and other Fedfans keep posting your ridiculous attemots to disparage him with your constant, "He's just a pusher! He's just so damned lucky...whine, whine, whine!" You're not fooling anyone because few people actually believe such nonsense and I believe that includes you!
And if Murray is so 'lucky' winning Slams, how come he has only managed to win 2 of them? If he's that lucky, he should have at least as many as Fed has now, shouldn't he? Something seems to have gone astray with this much touted 'luck' of his!
Oh grow up! You are a typical example of the outraged Fedfans on here that tend to litter threads like this venting your collective hatred of Murray and for no reason I can discern other than that he has a positive H2H against your hero. If it weren't so, why do you and other Fedfans keep posting your ridiculous attempts to disparage him with your constant, "He's just a pusher! He's just so damned lucky...whine, whine, whine!" You're not fooling anyone because few people actually believe such nonsense and I believe that includes you!
And if Murray is so 'lucky' winning Slams, how come he has only managed to win 2 of them? If he's that lucky, he should have at least as many as Fed has now, shouldn't he? Something seems to have gone seriously astray with this much touted 'luck' of his!
Most of the Murray haters on this board are Federer fans. Ummmmm.........wonder why ?..............:twisted:
I like Murray because he is British as that makes me and because he seems a decent guy.
However, if someone likes Federer for the way he plays like I do, then Murray's game may not appeal to them. It's foolish to say Murray is luck, he is a great tennis player and a multiple slam champion. I don't even he was lucky in winning the slams he did either, though tiredness hurt Djoke at the US open.
Good post. But just because you are a fan of such-and-such a player and like their style, why does that mean you have to hate anybody else and try to demean them as much as possible? I don't believe people who do that can possibly be true tennis fans at all!
I have been a Murray fan for many years now. As people on here will agree, I will defend him when I think he's being unfairly attacked and, boy, does he get unfairly attacked! But that doesn't mean I'm trying to hype him over Federer, Djokovic or any other player who have clearly had superior accomplishments. Nor does it mean I have any compulsion to try to hate or disparage anybody else. In fact I have been a Federer fan for considerably more years than I've been a Murray fan and I regard myself as a far truer Federer fan than some of the so-called Fedfans I've encountered on here who think that the only way to support their hero is to sneer and put down anybody else who might be compared to him!
They need a good education in what it is like to genuinely support someone. Just because you think someone is great, it doesn't mean that others can't be as well!
Murray's haters from the general public were usually ignorant jingoist retaliating at him from perceived anti-English comments.
With the tennis establishment is is probably, because Britain is still arguably the most powerful media when it comes to tennis. Murray for no fault of his own like many British sportsmen are/were overhyped. Fans of other players get angry that their favourite is constantly being asked questions about Murray or disrespected. I remember Djokovic fans in particular were annoyed that Murray got so much more attention and hype than Djokovic, despite the latter being more successful at a youner age.
The final reason and this is why I have never taken to him as much as Henman; is Murray' game. Some people like me find it too defensive.
These same posters are quick to point out an utter satisfaction when Murray has come up short in Grand Slam finals. He's a pusher and weak when he's lost, he's lucky because the opponent is "tired" when he winsI agree with this post as well. I never seen why people feel the need to put down other players. It happens to much on this board and it is a shame.
Lol Mainad still holding up the H2H mantra.
What is their age differene again? Must be quite embarrassing losing every major final to a player past his prime. Boring argument. Hilarious that you are trying to join Murray to Nadal and Djokovic, perhaps you need to look up their achievements in the sport. I realize you're on a high, and it's well deserved but it's pointless to argue that Murray is comparable to Federer. What is even more ironic is that back when he was Hopeless-zero-Slam-Murray you were pleading your sincerity in saying there is no need for him to be compared to Federer, while all you ever do is spout this rubbish H2H like it means something.
I think people like you are a good reason some dislike Murray. Just like some dislike Nadal because of his fans.
if you like federer then you should also like murray. they're basically exactly the same player
Lol Mainad still holding up the H2H mantra.
What is their age differene again? Must be quite embarrassing losing every major final to a player past his prime. Boring argument. Hilarious that you are trying to join Murray to Nadal and Djokovic, perhaps you need to look up their achievements in the sport. I realize you're on a high, and it's well deserved but it's pointless to argue that Murray is comparable to Federer. What is even more ironic is that back when he was Hopeless-zero-Slam-Murray you were pleading your sincerity in saying there is no need for him to be compared to Federer, while all you ever do is spout this rubbish H2H like it means something.
I think people like you are a good reason some dislike Murray. Just like some dislike Nadal because of his fans.
I hate Murray for all the reasons that have already been brought up by other posters, I really can't stand him. Only thing I can add to all the things already posted in this thread is that he has a very ugly face expression when he's about to return a serve.