Hey now. Watch it.
I started playing league in 2005 as a 2.5. I had taken some low-quality group lessons, so I was nowhere near ready for 3.0. The women who were also 2.5 were there for a reason: brand new like me, very old, seriously overweight, and even physically disabled. Still, we had a league, we had a season, there were districts, sectionals, nationals.
I was bumped to 3.0 after that first season, but several of my teammates were not bumped up and had to do a second year at 2.5. There were a few DQs, as most people were self-rated and a few folks didn't understand just how weak you had to be to be a 2.5.
There were nine 2.5 teams in our league that year. Nine, can you believe it? We played around twice. It was fun.
In fact, I think it is a crying shame that 2.5 barely exists nowadays. The whole point of 2.5 is so that people don't feel intimidated by more experienced players and don't get blown out. The death of 2.5 league means more people have to play 3.0 when they don't belong, which is no fun for anyone.
I think USTA should push harder to revive 2.5 tennis.