Why don't I break strings?

Hi, I'm a 4.5 soon to be 5 player and for some reason, I'm not breaking any strings. Compared to a year ago, when I was a 4.0 player, I broke strings much more often then, even with the same set up and racket. I'm playing the same amount. I normally use CF, but I put in PSGD because its easier on the arm. I'm pushing for about 10 hours on the PSGD and i really don't think they are going to break soon. I'm using 16 guage. I realized that I really stopped breaking strings after I got my own stringer. My guess is that the string machine needs to be calibrated because i'm probably stringing too lowly. Any thoughts?


Maybe you're hitting with significantly less topspin?

I know a guy who use a full Western forehand grip and he demolishes the ball with spin. He breaks strings every two weeks.

Yet another guy has a similar playing style but with flatter strokes. He rarely breaks strings. In fact, he's had the same strings in his racquets for so long that he doesn't even know what they're called.


Hall of Fame
It's dependent on how much topspin you hit for the most part and then there is the string pattern on your racquet; the wider it is, the tougher it is on your strings assuming you're using same string and tension.

Oh yeah, I know people who break strings a lot because they shank too much and hitting on the sides of the stringbed will put a lot of stress on your strings, but I don't think that's the case here just thought I'd put it out there since say you are improving.
shanking causes stress on the strings? Oh no... thats bad for me. I shank around 4 times a set, and I can see huge chunks of ball lodged into my string near the frame. I guess maybe this is why the strings are getting so loose?
I have an eastern forehand grip, i definitely hit with a moderate amount of topspin, but i'm just not breaking strings, it makes no sense to me, a year ago, i was an animal, going through strings very quickly, now, i haven't broken in as long as i can remember, i just cut them out because they go dead.
are you playing different people? maybe that is a factor. Do the current people you play with hit harder or softer than the people u played with back when u were 4.0?
same people. I have like 10 hours of play on a PSGD that never happens to me! could it be that I'm stringing them at a lower tension than I think because i haven't calibrated?


well my guess is that your previous stringer was doing something wrong. Did you take it to the same guy? He probably either burned up the mains when he put the crosses in or maybe kinked up the string a bit so it would break easier. When you string for yourself you probably take your time and your goal is to do a nice job. Someone who is stringing your racquet wants business so they might try these techniques to get you coming back sooner.


New User
lol ive been using the default strings that came with my k6.1 that i got 1 and a half years ago. I like it now, the lack of power compared to when i first used it gave me more confidence and now i can actually hardcore topspin it without worrying. but thats just my opinion.


New User
maybe ur style of game changed?? could be several reasons. Maybe it is ur hitting the ball better and becoming a better player that you are hitting more crisply.


Maybe as you've improved, you hitting in the sweetspot more consistently? Like dead center, and since you hit with moderate topspin, there's less stress on the strings? Along with probably taking more care during stringing(since you're stringing it yourself)...
Its not that I don't want to break strings. lol. My concern is that they are not breaking when they used to break under very similiar conditions and now they are hardly breaking at all.
well, i finally broke my nps tonight

looks like a pretty clean break, right?
now what should i string with?
i have CF 17 and a bunch of PSGD 16 packages and a Wilson stamina 16
I was thinking of trying a CF/ PSGD hybrid
any thoughts


i've never heard of people doing that before. i thought that most people let their strings break before they cut them.

Nope... cut mine out all the time as they lose tension.

I rarely have strings break before I cut them out and restring.


ive broke 2 sets of nat gut and now a set of nrg2....never broke any b4 .....took like a month to break nrg2