Why Federer is so delighted with Rafa win


Obviously he prefers Rafa rather than Novak to have the GS record.

But it also means that he has lost out on the race. Also means

- He has messed up many wins, particularly W19 else he would be still there at 21.
Then USO 09 match.
- When age was still there i.e 33-35 years range, he could not win any slam. Overpowered by djokovic all the time.

While his rivals at 34-35 are sure to win more GS. Only the next gen who are not strong enough are there to provide resitance


Hall of Fame
"delighted" LOL

Both Rafa and Novak are reaching the age injuries start to rear their ugly heads. Past 35 you're usually done at this level.

That's common knowledge.

Rafa winning yesterday was an almost miracle.

And for all i know, neither him or Nole are ever going to win a slam again.

For all i know, Rafa pulled a total miracle he shouldn't have normally pulled.

And you're alleging self-centered, insecure Roggie was "delighted" to see his slam record overtaken by the grace of a miracle ?



Hall of Fame
I know very welll the social norms. Its not social, he is very Happy when Nadal reached 20 slams and now 21.

He gave an half hearted one liner to Novak when hewon Wimbledon 21

Roggie confirmed he forgot 40-15 after half an hour

True story


He likes the good tennis?

No seriously, he's a tennis nerd who follows tennis a lot, incl juniors & even challengers. He congratulated Kokk on his first title in Adelaide, you think he wouldn't be watching the AO final?

I don't think Fed cares after slam Race now and seems to be a much matured person than he was in his 20s. He's smart enough to know that he's no the oldest memeber of big 3 and can no longer compete in slam race with other big 2. moreover , he seems quite relaxed in his life .As far as whom he prefers ? Its difficult for me to tell and we can only guess.Novak's family has always been disrespectful towards him and there has been some bad blood between him and Novak .OTOH Rafa's family has always praised Fed and respected him. If i had to guess then i think Roger wil prefer Nadal to have the slam race.
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It shouldn't have got to a point where every win of Fed's is scrutinized because of losing the slam record. If the Next Gen was any good, Fed wouldn't have to regret losses from over a decade ago, but them's the breaks.
Typically 'domination' has comprised a kind of vacuum-viable super high level of play. Fed 04-07, Djoker 2011/2015, Nadal at different points between 2008 and 2013 etc. etc. all showed imposing excellence on all surfaces. It was obvious.

Now it's 20-buttfucking-22 we've come to the stark realization that dominance has always been a relative term, and we're in the laughable position of watching an injury-ridden MEME become the record holder for longest gap between first and last slam by like, two and a half years. If it wasn't difficult to take this sport seriously before, it is now.


I know very welll the social norms. Its not social, he is very Happy when Nadal reached 20 slams and now 21.

He gave an half hearted one liner to Novak when hewon Wimbledon 21
I can’t blame him tbh, he is a ‘fair’ minded player, he sees through the veil ******** tried to put on years and years - be that falsifying positive covid test, 35 ball b0unces , bathroom breaks, djokos vulture of a dad muttering behund to break opponent’s concentration, “breathing problems” , - you name it, gluten-free - yeah right took the food right on in detention - so glad aussies had a pair of balls and did not backdown. i think if Fed was not a bigger person he should just not congratulate Novaxx ********. Djoke’s a cheater through and through and fed in above avg smart to know it but would not stoop down to his level so congratulates. If i were him and all the stuff the djoko pulled over the years - i would not. Hard No.


I don't think Fed cares after slam Race now and seems to be a much matured person than he was in his 20s. He's smart enough to know that he's no the oldest memeber of big 3 and can no longer compete in slam race with other big 2. moreover , he seems quite relaxed in his life .As far as whom he prefers ? Its difficult for me to tell and we can only guess.Novak's family has always been disrespectful towards him and there has been some bad blood between him and Novak .OTOH Rafa's family has always praised Fed and respected him. If i had to guess then i think Roger wil prefer Nadal to have the slam race.
There is no second guess on this one.
Federer and Nadal have a great going friendship. This is especially true since 2010.

Whereas Federer and Djokovic always had a cold relationship. It was real bad till 2011. Then PR and matrurity effect. The closest was in 2018 when Novak played Laver cup.

Yes, and Federer matured a lot after 35. He has absobed theW19 loss well. He was more pissed off by USO 11 and W 08 loss for eg


Bionic Poster
Typically 'domination' has comprised a kind of vacuum-viable super high level of play. Fed 04-07, Djoker 2011/2015, Nadal at different points between 2008 and 2013 etc. etc. all showed imposing excellence on all surfaces. It was obvious.

Now it's 20-buttfucking-22 we've come to the stark realization that dominance has always been a relative term, and we're in the laughable position of watching an injury-ridden MEME become the record holder for longest gap between first and last slam by like, two and a half years. If it wasn't difficult to take this sport seriously before, it is now.



Somehow, as driven as Roger has always been, I doubt that he gets as worked up about losses and the slam/Goat race as his staunchest fans do. Look at the life he is living. I don't mean that he doesn't care. But most parts of his legacy are quite secure.

Same for the other two, although the landscape is much trickier for Novak now, for obvious reasons. Of course, I hope he is able to rebound from all this.

Really, as tennis fans, individually and collectively, they've given us some of the greatest tennis moments (despite lows mixed in with highs) we've experienced. However the numbers shake out, I wish them all well.


1. He doesn't care much about the slam race nor the so-called GOAT race hyped up ridiculously by the media.

2. He and Rafa are friends and they do like each other (don't wanna look like he's gonna be my boyfriend, no?), simple as that.


Hall of Fame
He’s probably contented himself by having a chuckle at Djokofans tying themselves up in knots on here .

“Rafa win must be asterisked as there was absolutely no talent in the draw without Novak”

So Novak has won a load of slams against a weak field?

“Absolutely not. Tennis has never been stronger or shown more depth…. Something about Hewit…”
Fed and Rafa like and respect each other. Some people used to say that it was a show when they were both in Nike, but that's obviously not true.

Djoker and Fed merely tolerate each other. Fed once told Djoker's parents to "be quiet" during a match in which they were specially rambunctious, that should give you an idea.

And then Djokovic complains that it's all about nationality.


Hall of Fame
I think these 2 Fedal get along very well.It isnt just a PR thing anymore.They are both mature Fed 40 Rafa 36 no need to be spicey anymore for no reason.Fed also loves Rafa more compare to Djokovic it is pretty obvious.


Knowing him ,probably he still thinks he can win more GSs.
If nadal can come back after 1000 injuries, why can’t fed come back as well? Even though he’s much older, his talent level is about 5 levels higher even if he doesn’t have the athleticism of Nadal. I have a inkling that he will be sometime this year and surprise us all. Nadals win may give him some more motivation as well.


Hall of Fame
Obviously he prefers Rafa rather than Novak to have the GS record.

But it also means that he has lost out on the race. Also means

- He has messed up many wins, particularly W19 else he would be still there at 21.
Then USO 09 match.
- When age was still there i.e 33-35 years range, he could not win any slam. Overpowered by djokovic all the time.

While his rivals at 34-35 are sure to win more GS. Only the next gen who are not strong enough are there to provide resitance
It’s fedal and he is more fond of him deep down dislikes Novak.
also even if Fed got to 21 seems like Nadal will get 22 at FO anyway. Also seems like novak will get 3-5 more as well




If nadal can come back after 1000 injuries, why can’t fed come back as well? Even though he’s much older, his talent level is about 5 levels higher even if he doesn’t have the athleticism of Nadal. I have a inkling that he will be sometime this year and surprise us all. Nadals win may give him some more motivation as well.
I think the same, he can come back and win. I do not think the same about his talent. If his talent was 5 times more, he should have won more slams than Rafa.


It’s obvious that Fed would prefer Rafa to be the one to break his record.L rather than djoker.

Fed vs nadal is like Batman vs superman or aliens vs predator. It’s the tennis battle of all ages.

If djoker holds the most GS, Federer will be much less relevant. Nadal with the most GS arguably keeps rogie relevant to the conversation.


Hall of Fame
It shouldn't have got to a point where every win of Fed's is scrutinized because of losing the slam record. If the Next Gen was any good, Fed wouldn't have to regret losses from over a decade ago, but them's the breaks.

How would that make difference?


Talk Tennis Guru
It is Federer's arrogance. He knows that anything Nadal and Novak achieve will only add to his own dignitas as grandfather of the modern tennis superstar game.

Adam Copeland

Hall of Fame
It’s obvious that Fed would prefer Rafa to be the one to break his record.L rather than djoker.

Fed vs nadal is like Batman vs superman or aliens vs predator. It’s the tennis battle of all ages.

If djoker holds the most GS, Federer will be much less relevant. Nadal with the most GS arguably keeps rogie relevant to the conversation.

If Federer vs Nadal is Batman vs Superman then Djokovic is Lord Darkseid

He will destroy everyone.


Hall of Fame
Obviously he prefers Rafa rather than Novak to have the GS record.

But it also means that he has lost out on the race. Also means

- He has messed up many wins, particularly W19 else he would be still there at 21.
Then USO 09 match.
- When age was still there i.e 33-35 years range, he could not win any slam. Overpowered by djokovic all the time.

While his rivals at 34-35 are sure to win more GS. Only the next gen who are not strong enough are there to provide resitance
He faced a peak djokovic in 3 Finals played between 14-15. Remove djokovic he wins all of them. All of them were closely fought matches. Except the 2015 final where he was outclassed in set 3 and 4 the remaining two were matches which he should have won.

Ofcourse the 2019 and 2009 Finals were ultimate lost opportunities


Hall of Fame
"delighted" LOL

Both Rafa and Novak are reaching the age injuries start to rear their ugly heads. Past 35 you're usually done at this level.

That's common knowledge.

Rafa winning yesterday was an almost miracle.

And for all i know, neither him or Nole are ever going to win a slam again.

For all i know, Rafa pulled a total miracle he shouldn't have normally pulled.

And you're alleging self-centered, insecure Roggie was "delighted" to see his slam record overtaken by the grace of a miracle ?

Well a self centered and insecure Fed hater like you should try something different. TT is getting bored of your same dirty tricks.


Hall of Fame
Well a self centered and insecure Fed hater like you should try something different. TT is getting bored of your same dirty tricks.

Speaking of tricks, any idea what happened to Roggie's nose after he won his first Wimbledon ?

Paul Dorochenko, fed's junior trainer, spoke of him as a "manufactured champion" and being VERY insecure about his nose.



Obviously he prefers Rafa rather than Novak to have the GS record.

But it also means that he has lost out on the race. Also means

- He has messed up many wins, particularly W19 else he would be still there at 21.
Then USO 09 match.
- When age was still there i.e 33-35 years range, he could not win any slam. Overpowered by djokovic all the time.

While his rivals at 34-35 are sure to win more GS. Only the next gen who are not strong enough are there to provide resitance
They are rivals but also friends. I think he also recognizes they are forever linked. Each one made other push for more. Same for Novak really, they fueled him.
He accepted the inevitable way back in 2009/2010. Its why he was crying at the AO . He was like "Yep I'm screwed, I can't beat this guy anymore" 2017 Gave him a glimmer of hope but by then it was too late as Rafa was already right there breathing down his neck


I know very welll the social norms. Its not social, he is very Happy when Nadal reached 20 slams and now 21.

He gave an half hearted one liner to Novak when hewon Wimbledon 21

1. Novak at Wim 21 didn't break the record
2. Was he super mega joyful when Rafa equalled him at 20, and 'gave an half hearted one liner to Novak'?

3. He has a super polished PR image. What would he win by not celebrating whoever breaks his record?
Do you really believe that they are friends?
Just observe how they look at each other during official matches, it will tell you how much they 'like' each other, and I am not limiting this to Fed & Nadal, bring Nole as well here.


There is no second guess on this one.
Federer and Nadal have a great going friendship. This is especially true since 2010.

Whereas Federer and Djokovic always had a cold relationship. It was real bad till 2011. Then PR and matrurity effect. The closest was in 2018 when Novak played Laver cup.

Yes, and Federer matured a lot after 35. He has absobed theW19 loss well. He was more pissed off by USO 11 and W 08 loss for eg

was Nadal friend (Fed) invited to the wedding?


He is delighted since he had to post that congratulatory message to Rafa rather than Nole.. Now if Djokovic does go on to break the record he will break Rafa's record. Fed can retire knowing that he doesn't have any involvement in the slam race anymore now that Nadal surpassed him.