Why I'm Selling my Yonex VCORE Pro 97 (310)


Loved this racket but I ended up wanting to sell it after a little time with it. I want an extended frame and the market for those is very limited, as you might know. So as I look for rackets I am willing to extend, I decided to sell this one in favor for another. It"s one I have been told to try so I finally did!

But this one is now shipping to a new owner. Why? You can watch the video for more detail but it mostly has to do with the fact I can get any racket now that I am open to modifying to get the length I want and I'm more of an 18/20 guy than a 16/19 guy. Even 16/20 is cool. I just like a more control style stringbed and the idea of lowering tension and still having that instead of raising it to get more control.

But it's a lovely frame and one of my favorite frames I've tried but I ultimately just figured I wasn't going to be happy with it but it felt like nothing else, honestly! Hope you enjoy watching if you do :)

I have a few more like this coming out with other rackets I'm selling so stay tuned or consider subbing if you want to see more. Happy to chat about stuff here or there, thanks!