Hall of Fame
From your response dogmatism and nationalism is obvious..." hey I am spanish so spanish only, get it?.." sorry dude, this is the laziest approach. A player as high profile as Nadal should know better.
At least you could come up with better excuses than movies,
You want to know why he doesnt speak good English? because he is more about brawn than brain. He spends more time body building and spends no time behind the computer or learning anything outside the gym.
Have you ever seen him post video messages during a tournament for his fans the way Federer does? No. Just go and compare their facebook pages.
Instead of defending your hero and ridiculous excuses like movies and tourists, just say he doesnt care, he is not the type to bother about those type of things. That would make more sense, and it's probably true.
Well dude, if your only intention is to bash Nadal (who I'm not trying to "defend" him but to explain him... speaking badly a foreign idiom is nothing to be "defended of") and even to bash me, I have not much more to say to you. It's obvious you have not understand my posts, maybe it's my fault for having a bad English, but I promise I'll keep on my efforts on learning it.
By the way, and maybe it's due (again) to my poor English, your answers seemed to me to be somewhat obtuse, short-minded and rigid. Also, I had the impression that you tried to twist the whole point of my messages in your responses. But maybe it's only because my English readind comprehension is not good enough. Maybe your answers were smart and interesting and I just missed the point because my mother language is different to yours (is there an option that we continue the debate in Spanish? That would solve my comprehension problems)
Last but not least, let me encourage you to try some biographic readings about Joseph Conrad (pick the language you like the most for the reading) and of course some stuff about the process of learning a language and the importance of acoustically being used to its sounds at an early age. But maybe the ignorance on these topics is (yet again!) just a misunderstanding I made because my... you know the rest.
Keep well.
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