Why isn’t there more buzz about the new Babolat Pure Strike?


Is the latest version of the Pure Strike a bust for Babolat? I don’t see too many posts about it or too many club players playing with it on the hard courts of Southern California. Project One Seven got so much hype initially, but many players found it too harsh and uncomfortable over time. The new version is much more plush and is a big improvement in terms of comfort - otherwise it seems to play very much like the highly-reviewed previous version. Babolat also introduced a more stable Pure Strike Tour in this version that is targeted for advanced players who like higher swingweight and stability. The 2019 Pure Strike Tour was an Editor’s Choice winner for heavy-hitters by Tennis Magazine also and online reviewers from many countries like it. Babolat even has a Top 3 ATP player in Dominic Thiem endorsing it.

Why doesn’t the new Pure Strike get more buzz and love like Project One Seven did? Does the Pure Strike line deviate too much from Babolat’s brand image of producing stiff, high-spin rackets for baseline bashers? Why don’t more players who liked the Pure Control, Pure Storm and Aero Storm models love the Pure Strike? Does anyone know if it is selling as well as the 2017 version?


I think the release for the current generation of the strikes has been long, slow and a bit sloppy compared to the project 017 marketing campaign which was a good one. Babolat put a lot of effort into the project 017 but with this update they kind of just expected it would just happen like usual with their racquets. Then in 2018/ 2919 it was overshadowed by Clash, blade and gravity campaigns. You could also say that about the current E Zone release but to many I talk to wish the DR will come back. Im hoping that the V Cell range from Volkl is a good one as the V Feel to me was a little disappointing.
I agree with the weight. Project 7one comes out and is unique at the time, great control, slightly more maneuverable than RF or vcore 330 dual G. Then 3rd generation comes out, more muted, kind of listening to feedback from the consumer. But, at the same time, Vcore HD comes out, Speed Pro, new Blade, other rackets that even more comfortable and more head light, yet stable, kind of do everything better. So whatever the Project 7one fans liked, it's no corrected, but the correction from feedback was outdone by other brands. I think it got caught at a bad time.
totally anecdotal: my local shop (pretty good size store) said they are selling more new Strikes than the PO7 all white. Same store said Clash was by far the biggest racquet of last year and most frames sold.


New User
I agree with the weight. Project 7one comes out and is unique at the time, great control, slightly more maneuverable than RF or vcore 330 dual G. Then 3rd generation comes out, more muted, kind of listening to feedback from the consumer. But, at the same time, Vcore HD comes out, Speed Pro, new Blade, other rackets that even more comfortable and more head light, yet stable, kind of do everything better. So whatever the Project 7one fans liked, it's no corrected, but the correction from feedback was outdone by other brands. I think it got caught at a bad time.
Is the new pure strike actually more head heavy than the blades ? I play with the v7 blade 16x19 and its definitely more head heavy than Project 17. I loved the blend of easy power, spin, manuverability and control of project one7. But had to do way as it niggled my elbow. I was so hyped about the new pure strike but it has been really under the radar, I wish I could hear more opinions about it.


New User
I've been playing RF97 (all black) and PS97 CV (all black) for the last years and was looking for a new toy, so I tried the new Babolat PS 98 18/20 (3rd generation), the Head Gravity Tour and also the new Wilson Blade v7 18/20.
Out of these rackets the PS98 gave me an absolute "pinpoint" feel, ultimate control and I totally fell in love with it!!
BUT as I've been playing with PO17/ PS98 16/19 (2nd generation) prior to RF97s/ PS97 I can actually confirm the "evolution to the better" with the new Pure Strike but still same to its predecessor it's a racket which may cause "discomfort" :-(
After playing 10 hours with it I started to have some pain in my elbow with my usual setup I've been playing with my RF97s & PS97s over two years so now I'll try to get rid of it by switching to a full bed Head Hawk Touch (25/24kg either with 1,15mm or 1,20mm).
The Head Gravity Tour in comparison plays also extremely well and even more muted than the PS98, at this time I'm not sure if I'll stick to the Babolat, if not Gravity Tour would be me first choice!
I didn't like my Wilson Blade v7 18/20 to much as switching between these three sticks "it didn't click" as it did with the two others.
The launch angel was considerably higher and unfortunately I couldn't feel the ball in the same way.

As a summary the new Pure Strike is a really FANTASTIC racket BUT as long as it's to sensitive to the arm (in my case to the elbow) I may rather go for the Head Gravity Tour (which plays IMHO very similar to my old Head Youtek IG Prestige MP resp. the iconic Head PT630 which I also play sometimes)
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From what I have seen the PureStrike Gen3 is selling very well. I have switched to them from the PureAero (2016) and love them. They are a great control racket with power when needed. They are a bit more head heavy but I plan to customize with some leather grips to get a bit more head light, overall a great hitting frame.

Every time I have buddies complain of arm pain my first thought is what strings are they using at what tension - that is my first step. The frame, while playing some part, I feel is not as much of a contributor vs the strings. I have friends get arm pain from every type of racket from PureStrike to Blade to ProStaff etc.. I ask, what type of strings and how old are they? Many times they are using a full poly bed and it's very old (2+ months). I say cut them and put in a softer string or hybrid with a soft multi as well as resting their arm.


The original Pure Strike was such a bad seller and disliked being sold 2 for 1 that Babolat put a lot of marketing behind the Pure Strike 2017. Also just because Babolat replaces the racquet every 3 years doesn’t mean it’s better. Racquets don’t improve every 2 or 3 years. Racquets aren’t mobile phones. Racquets to be honest have not improved in over 30 years. There’s been no reason tech I’m said to say.


Because the 2017 Strikes were so massively hyped up that they were the greatest most magical racquets ever produced, perpetuated by over the top gushing reviews by TW staff and sheeple customer reviews that over stated the racquet. A year after the One7 release virtually no one who bought one was still using it. Awkward wrist damaging balance and harsh bone jarring impact.
So fast forward to latest release 2020 update and the gullible tennis buying public that were burned on the Strike aren't falling for it again. Though the 2020 Strike 100 is actually a decent all round racquet.


Perhaps it isn't that good..or that there are better offers out there... Seems like people spend time and money on things they like..
Yet it could be good..just people are focused on other rackets..


New User
I totally second that but having played (and sold) PO7 and now again trying out the new PS98 I've to say that somehow this sticks plays "smoother" and seems to be less harsh to the wrist (or in my case) to the elbow!
Playing today with Hawk Touch (1,20 & 1,15) I've to say that it's a nice racket and I'll give it a chance for the next weeks to come
I bought PS20 but I feel it a little bit unnatural for my strokes ... When I play for example with RF97 (red and white) it feels compact ... Its just a feeling


Hall of Fame
It will catch on. My son absolutely hated the PO17, but he is in love with the new Pure Strike 16x19. He chose it over the Blade 98 V7 18x20 & the RF97 (*a close second). What is astounding is that he was already a heavy topspin hitter, and this frame absolutely helps his RPM and overall power & control on his shots. Many of his shots look like they’d be too high to drop in, but they drop at the last minute near the lines with vicious bounces. The new Pure Strike 16x19 clicks all the boxes for him - loads power with pin-point control & loads of spin with predictable, confidence boosting responses.

I also played with his Pure Strike 16x19, and I must say I much prefer this version than the previous two versions. The feel and the overall playability has improved, imo. I didn’t think the PO17 was so great, unlike many who loved them, so your experience with this frame may vary, but I think the new Pure Strike feels and plays better than its predecessors.

Babolat has really improved on the feel of their frames, I love the latest Pure Aero. The latest Pure Drive also has nice feel compared to its previous versions, which I can’t wait for the updated version to come out later this year. The new Pure Strikes really improved on the feel and overall playability that really helps to provide pure enjoyment of playing aggressive all-court game.


New User
I think people on this post will not agree with me, but for me I'm turned off by the increasing prices for all racquet brands not just Babolats. The way the prices are increasing... these greedy corporations will eventually kill off the casual and new generation of kids looking to get into tennis.


New User
Why are you posting in this thread, nobody is interested in complaining about pricing of racquet brands at all! :mad:
This thread is about the new Babolat Pure Strike and not pricing policies...


New User
Hey sorry my post made your face all bunched up and turn red, but that's part of the reason why and besides did i say i was complaining? The poster asked why isn't there more buzz about the new Pure Strikes and my answer is totally related to the question, but no one would admit it. If you can't afford to buy it to try, how are you going to give an honest feedback?

I've been lucky to have the monetary resource to buy new racquets whenever I want, but I know kids that really want to get into tennis can't afford it.

To satisfy your requirement to post here about the new Babolat Pure Strike. I did demo the new Pure Strike and it was too stiff and I can feel it in my wrist and elbow, so the reason why and this is my educated guess only... most rec players these day are getting wrecked by stiff racquets and suffering injuries and they are gravitating to the softer RA racquets like the Wilson Blades, Prince Phantoms, etc.
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New User
thanks for clarification, I got red faced because it's unfortunately very common in some forums to post in threads w/o contributing to the actual question(s)/ discussion.
Besides this I think the second part of your previous post is valuable and you're right especially about the stiffer frames but you should also not forget about the stiffer strings (co-polys) which additionally contribute to pain generation 8-B


Overall, it's just in incremental difference compared to the old version whereas the old version (Project7) was quite an improvement so hence the big hype then and not with the new frame.

This frame seems to be very sensitive to to QC and string selection. I'm not exactly sure why but it's likely very much to do with its stiff hoop.
With the original PS17, I absolutely loved the frame I demoed. Bought a few but none played like the demo, returning one that I absolutely hated. My conclusion there was that the ligher spec played much softer and more to my liking than the heavier spec that feels way stiffer for my arm. QC of 7gm (+-) is not acceptable in my opinion as it greatly impact the play/feel. The fact that I absolutely loved 1 while hating 1 of the same line says something.

Tried the new one and found it more muted and slightly more head heavy. Problem is I don't know if it's just bad QC or design difference. Didn't like the sound/feel for some reason. Prefer the Gravity Tour more right now for the better feel.
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