Why the fascination with NTRP 6.0 and 7.0?


I've noticed a few recent threads asking about these NTRP levels - and I have to ask - "Why the fascination with these upper level ratings?"

For roughly 98+% of the people on the planet, that level of play is simply unattainable.

For the people who it probably would apply to - don't give a hoot about NTRP ratings; their other accomplishments by far speak louder than a numerical skill rating from USTA.

Curious, K_I


Hall of Fame
yes, pros dont care about NTRP ratings, they are beyond that.. but they do have a ranking system.. which reflects their results and ability..


This is a tennis message board. Why shouldn't we be fascinated by it? It's a place to discuss tennis. Is this something odd about tennis, fans of other sports don't talk endlessly about the highest levels of the sport they love?


Hall of Fame
This is a tennis message board. Why shouldn't we be fascinated by it? It's a place to discuss tennis. Is this something odd about tennis, fans of other sports don't talk endlessly about the highest levels of the sport they love?
Quite shocking. I know.
Did you think before posting this thread? As 35ft6 mentioned earlier, it's natural for people to want to talk about the best. Who better than to study and learn from?


Hall of Fame
This is a tennis message board. Why shouldn't we be fascinated by it? It's a place to discuss tennis. Is this something odd about tennis, fans of other sports don't talk endlessly about the highest levels of the sport they love?

well said 35


This is a tennis message board. Why shouldn't we be fascinated by it? It's a place to discuss tennis. Is this something odd about tennis, fans of other sports don't talk endlessly about the highest levels of the sport they love?

You just won the internet.


This is a tennis message board. Why shouldn't we be fascinated by it? It's a place to discuss tennis. Is this something odd about tennis, fans of other sports don't talk endlessly about the highest levels of the sport they love?

Thanks for the inputs.

Fair statement. There are amazing world class players out there. I tend to refer to them by their national or ATP/ITF ranking - as I see that as more explicit and accurate.

To me - NTRP levels 6 and above are ambiguous, nebulous, and generally intangible. The overly generalized descriptions for those levels are misleading. For example, I know a guy who is computer rated below 5.0 who has both a USTA national ranking and ITF international ranking in Men's 35s.

To me the _rankings_ are more accurate and stand on their own.

To each their own, K_I


To me - NTRP levels 6 and above are ambiguous, nebulous, and generally intangible. The overly generalized descriptions for those levels are misleading.
Most of the arguing is about 5.5 and below. Look around this board, most people are way more confused by what it means to be 4.5 or 3.5 or 5.0 or 4.0. For the reasons you mentioned, there is way less debate over 6.0 and 7.0.

In case I sounded snippy, I didn't meant to. But I really don't understand why people start threads questioning the worthiness of a tennis related topic. This is a tennis message board. A lot of us don't really get to discuss tennis with real people on a daily or even weekly basis. If you don't like a topic, ignore the thread. Myself, not sure what it says about me, but I can't get enough of "man versus woman" and "how good are the pros" type threads. It's just really fun to talk about. And I'll forever be susceptible to threads like "I'm 35 years old, fat, legally blind, and just picked up a racket last week... can I go pro in two years?" I complain about the nuts on these boards but this place would stink without them. I ignore 99% of the threads here.
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yup even though i discuss tennis in school almost on daily basis i still cant get enough no mater what type of thread it is ,it's fun to know how others think about thingz you love ..... even though i ignore some stupid topics like,,can a 4.5 beat fedrer when he is 100 yearz old,,(imaginary thread) i like posting my input on other topics