Have you ever been a captain? If so, you should know that rescheduling is the biggest pain in the ass in the world. Especially, if your home courts are at a facility that hosts lots of USTA teams so that all the courts are reserved months in advance. Good luck in trying to find an open block of time for 5 courts at the same time when everyone is available anytime in the near future.
Why do you have to reschedule all the matches for the same time and location? I exchange lineups and contact info with the other captain and we distribute to the players. It's up to them to make-up the match on their own time. Make-up matches do not have to be played at the original home court. In my area, there are plenty of public neighborhood courts that people can use on the weekends. Maybe this is a regional issue. Public courts are probably harder to come by in places like New York.