New User
Why don't the haters of the Williams sisters start there own forum. I am sure tennis fans would love to read vile,evil,mean,disrespectful, comments about the sisters all day. After reading most of these post, I am positive you will have an audience. I am so sick of feeling like I have to defend the sisters. Whom, by the way are two entirely different human beings.
Not all the members of TW dislike Venus and Serena. I am sure that most of you evil,mean spirited rude, comment makers have never even met, nor trainned with the sisters. So let it go, I get it that they are overratted, not talented, and a waset of tennis talent, but at the end of the day that is there choice to make.
I am not Naive, I know as human beings we like who we like, and we hate who most of you hate, I get that, but I feel no sense of fairness, it seems to be just displaced racisim, or mean spirited intollerance, which I guess this country is built on,so it is your right to feel that way you feel, but I am not going to get angry anymore.
I can stand critisism, but this Anti- Williams board is getting a bit much, and just plain over the top. For the record, it is becomming a bit old!
Tennis For Everyone!! "That includes my children, and all types of styles"
At least I think So...
Not all the members of TW dislike Venus and Serena. I am sure that most of you evil,mean spirited rude, comment makers have never even met, nor trainned with the sisters. So let it go, I get it that they are overratted, not talented, and a waset of tennis talent, but at the end of the day that is there choice to make.
I am not Naive, I know as human beings we like who we like, and we hate who most of you hate, I get that, but I feel no sense of fairness, it seems to be just displaced racisim, or mean spirited intollerance, which I guess this country is built on,so it is your right to feel that way you feel, but I am not going to get angry anymore.
I can stand critisism, but this Anti- Williams board is getting a bit much, and just plain over the top. For the record, it is becomming a bit old!
Tennis For Everyone!! "That includes my children, and all types of styles"
At least I think So...