Williams Haters Unite!


New User
Why don't the haters of the Williams sisters start there own forum. I am sure tennis fans would love to read vile,evil,mean,disrespectful, comments about the sisters all day. After reading most of these post, I am positive you will have an audience. I am so sick of feeling like I have to defend the sisters. Whom, by the way are two entirely different human beings.

Not all the members of TW dislike Venus and Serena. I am sure that most of you evil,mean spirited rude, comment makers have never even met, nor trainned with the sisters. So let it go, I get it that they are overratted, not talented, and a waset of tennis talent, but at the end of the day that is there choice to make.

I am not Naive, I know as human beings we like who we like, and we hate who most of you hate, I get that, but I feel no sense of fairness, it seems to be just displaced racisim, or mean spirited intollerance, which I guess this country is built on,so it is your right to feel that way you feel, but I am not going to get angry anymore.

I can stand critisism, but this Anti- Williams board is getting a bit much, and just plain over the top. For the record, it is becomming a bit old!

Tennis For Everyone!! "That includes my children, and all types of styles"

At least I think So...


No... a separate forum for 'Williams haters' wouldn't work for the simple reason that, in all fairness, it would have to be followed with separate forums for 'Roddick haters', 'Hewitt haters', 'Safin haters', 'Nadal haters', 'Dementieva haters', 'Henin haters', 'Capriati haters', etc., etc... all of whom receive equal negative treatment to Venus and Serena from posters on this board.

A separate forum for the unjustifiably bitter and biased might be a welcome idea, however...


PumpCann said:
....I am so sick of feeling like I have to defend the sisters.

You don't have to, you know. The sisters may be cry babies, but they are old enough to take care of themselves. So don't worry about defending them.


Hall of Fame
Deuce said:
No... a separate forum for 'Williams haters' wouldn't work for the simple reason that, in all fairness, it would have to be followed with separate forums for 'Roddick haters', 'Hewitt haters', 'Safin haters', 'Nadal haters', 'Dementieva haters', 'Henin haters', 'Capriati haters', etc., etc... all of whom receive equal negative treatment to Venus and Serena from posters on this board.

A separate forum for the unjustifiably bitter and biased might be a welcome idea, however...

And you can be its charter member, because you never pass up a chance to take a swipe at one of the Williams sisters (or Mattress Mac, McEnroe, etc., etc.). We know that you, along with your little buddy Topspin and legions of others don't like them. We get that message, okay?


if you dont like reading about people hating the williams sisters the answer is simple ... just dont click the link. Its not like it is effecting you severley to read the odd i hate sarena


Hall of Fame
federer_nadal said:
if you dont like reading about people hating the williams sisters the answer is simple ... just dont click the link. Its not like it is effecting you severley to read the odd i hate sarena

No, jerky boy, that simple answer of yours (and it IS simple) is not the correct answer. If I read something I don't like then I will respond accordingly as will a number of other people here. As I told you before, when you write something on a public forum you take the risk of getting cyber biatch slapped for it-that's the way it is; free speech in all its glory. You better get used to that...or else, don't say anything. The answer is that simple.


Great idea! We'll have something like in Chappelle's show, a players hater club. I'll be silky johnson. Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate!!!
Why are you people so jealous of them? I mean, why do you care if they have ouside interests? They don't need to only be tennis players. Serena has successfully shown that she can be a clothes designer and a tennis player at the same time (Australian Open 2005).

It's not like they have losing records or anything?!?!

Sure, it would be nice to see them put a little more effort into their tennis, but it's their effort to put in, not yours to complain about.


danniflava, get off the drugs! Serena a successful clothes designer? Puleeeze, tell us you were joking. And no, I don't care about their other interests.


Hall of Fame
danniflava said:
Why are you people so jealous of them? I mean, why do you care if they have ouside interests? They don't need to only be tennis players. Serena has successfully shown that she can be a clothes designer and a tennis player at the same time (Australian Open 2005).

It's not like they have losing records or anything?!?!

Sure, it would be nice to see them put a little more effort into their tennis, but it's their effort to put in, not yours to complain about.

Nothing to be jealous about. I find their father to be too loud and his unlikable personality looms in the background of his daughters.