What do you not like about it? Color, Stiffness, Head Size, Beam width, stiffness, control, power? What model year is it? Auxetic 1, Auxetic 2?, Is it too boardy or not comfortable enough? Not crisp enough?
I tried the Head Boom Team 2024 Auxetic 2 and it was one of most comfortable frames I have tried in years (and I have ProKennex models). I just don't like the thick beam and larger head size of 102. The Head Boom Team has a Vibration Frequency of 122 hz which is extremely low and comfortable (see Learning Center - TW University Link at Bottom - then Racquets tab for Vibration Frequency of many racquets). Head Boom MP is not listed, but my guess is it is less comfortable and more boardy/heavy vs the Team. There is a separate forum on the Head Boom Pro which is well liked and is in the middle of these two models, but the heaviest.
Some of the Wilson Blades and Clashes have low vibration frequencies with low stiffness. I have a Wilson Pro Staff 97L v14 and with the right string setup feels great, even though it has a stiffness of 69. But the beam width on it is thick at 23.5 mm to my liking. With the wrong string (poly) it feels too boardy.
I am only a 4.0 level player. At my light weight and ectomorph-ology, I tend to like lighter racquets that are head-light because I can control them better, whip them easier, and adjust from there with string tension and type. If you are extremely strong in the forearms and play at 4.5 and above, a heavier racquet may allow you to relax on your swing and let the racquet do the work. That is what a lighter racquet allows me - a much better feeling on control and allows me to relax. I just play better with light racquets.