Wilson Blade 98 (16 x 19) - Will V7 or V9 grommets fit the Blade V8?

Hi all, the title of this thread says it all: As grommets for the Blade V8 are hard to come by, has anyone successfully fitted grommet sets from other Blade 98 (16 x 19) versions into a V8?

I understand that some people have rather unssuccessfully tried to fit Blade V7 grommets into a V8. But maybe someone else has found a way to make it work? Or has anyone even used earlier version, V6, V5, etc.?

The Blade V9 is still a recent release, but perhaps someone has some experience with V9 grommets in a V8?

Thanks for any feedback or ideas!

chris keane

New User
Blade Pro 98 v7 16x19 grommets: if the mold remains the same for 16x19 v7,8,9...can all grommets be interchanged? (grommets WR8425600 vs WRG059700 or others) will newer "staple grommet" version in v9 fit a v7? The v7s are hard to find at reasonable cost..