Wilson Blade 98 (16x19) CV..... WOWZERS

...sighs... I promised myself that I wouldn't demo rackets and get confused but ALAS, I hit with this thing 2 days ago and played phenomenally, controllable power up the wazoo and now I'm thinking of playing with it some more to see how much potential it has

What is it about this frame that makes it so good ? or was it just placebo? I need some advice here since I am an old time Fischer frame player and this thing blew up my world, I felt like I could punish the ball and I did! then it was a winner and my opponents were intimidated LOL

Is it really the frame ? I need perspective guys...

It's got this weird feel to it, it feels "muted" but thats not the right word because the feel it has is VERY LIVELY but at the same time different, I also think that the stiffness was why I had so much pop, thoughts ?

mad dog1

Yeah. I have a bunch of different versions of them.

Blade blx (black/gold)
2015 blade
Blade cv

Blade blx (black/silver blx)

They all swing like sledgehammers and crush the ball.


The cv 98S had near-Babolat level power, and a huge sweet spot. Sadly, control takes a good amount of work.


Hall of Fame
I had both 18x20 & 16x19 Blade 98 CV. While I liked both, to me 16x19 provided just as much control (*honestly, there wasn’t much difference on spin, either.) with more accessible power. You really can’t go wrong with either one, especially if you like the feel.


New User
I was hugely impressed by the 16x19 cv mix of power and control. Although muted I actually enjoyed the feel and feedback the test racquet had with a full bed of revolve.

Serving was a bit of a mixed bag, good control and placement, but if I tried to go for full out flat first serves, the pace seemed to get absorbed.

How are others' experiences with serving with the 16x19 also compared to 18x20?

I only had a short outing with the 18x20, but that was in cold and windy conditions and that particular racquet was rather head heavy.