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I'm pretty sure I did this wrong... I'm so used to Yonex 2-pieces which end up so clean. I bought a new 18x20 v7 Blade and as per their site, it mentions to tie the x-string at 6T, 12B. Problem being the mains have already travelled back to tie off at 7B which leaves a bundle of strings like in this photo. How can I do this so it comes out cleaner? Someone in the wilson thread mentioned tying off the bottom x-string on 9B but that's on a main string — isn't that a no-no? Kilppermate's site says to tie off on 6B, but that requires enlarging the hole and also a main string.
Should I have tied off the main strings on 9B so it clears up some space? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Should I have tied off the main strings on 9B so it clears up some space? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.