Wilson H19 and Pro Stock Blade

Big John

Over the past couple of years, I've owned and hit pretty much every retail Wilson there is and almost all of their pro stocks. I'm pretty much done the same with Head as well. I won't bore you with the list, just want to share my conclusions and ask some questions related to these if I may?

My 'favourite' Head pro stocks have been the much vaunted pt57a, pt57e, pt161 and tgk 269.1. I love serving with the pt57e, love hitting groundies and the general feel of the pt57a and really like the heavy ball from the 161 and 269.1. I'm still leaning toward an extended open pattern pt57a in theory at least being my ultimate stick but as I have to use Wilson, have been looking for the Wilson equivalent.

My Wilson search is pretty well up to date and includes open pattern custom drilled Juice Pro's, open pattern h22's, numerous 6 1 95 and Classic pro stocks in various patterns and layups, the Dimitrov 93 and the Federer Stock 90.

Most recently I came across some pro stock XL Blades in open pattern. There seems to be some confusion identifying the h19. From what I can see, the difference between the Blade and the h19 is most obvious from the rounded edges on the outside of the head of the blade. Is that correct? Does the h19 have more of a square beam?

Any idea what pro/pro's may use/have used this Blade racquet?

Have to say that this Blade may well be for me at least, the best yet. Lovely combination of flex, spin and power. A bit like an open pattern pt57e perhaps, a very good compromise on a lot of fronts.

Further to this, has anyone out there hit an open pattern h19? Is there anyone on your that uses such a racquet? Effectively it would be the Wilson equivalent of the Andy Murray open pattern pt57a but with a slightly stiffer head?

Has anyone out there hit the open pattern blade/h19/h22? What were your impressions?

Has anyone out there hit with the Janko Tipsarevic stick? Sounds from what I've read a bit like an open pattern pt57e also?

I'm a little confused with this H22 racquet. For a racquet with a flex of 64, it plays much stiffer than that. Doesn't feel anything like a radical to me, may look like one but flexes quite differently to me? I understand that there are different layups of this racquet where some are quite flexy? There must be because the ones that I have hit feel very stiff and almost harsh when I've hit with them? Has anyone else had this experience?

Please let me know your thoughts, I'd love to hear others experiences with these racquets.

Big John

Does anyone out there have any experience with the h19, h22 and h25? Are there different layups of the h22?

Particularly interested in Frederico Gil's racquet and Gulbis' racquet, believe the latter is an h22 in tight pattern?

There are clearly more blade pro stocks in play out there than I thought, the h22 had significantly more pop in my opinion, both open pattern in the ones I hit.

The key question, does the h19 in open pattern exist and if so, has anyone seen or hit with one?


Does anyone out there have any experience with the h19, h22 and h25? Are there different layups of the h22?

Particularly interested in Frederico Gil's racquet and Gulbis' racquet, believe the latter is an h22 in tight pattern?

There are clearly more blade pro stocks in play out there than I thought, the h22 had significantly more pop in my opinion, both open pattern in the ones I hit.

The key question, does the h19 in open pattern exist and if so, has anyone seen or hit with one?

19 and 22 are 18x20. H19 is 21mm beam, H22 is 22mm beam.
I am not sure about the H25.
I am sure there are a few layup variables to accommodate different players. H22 reminded me of the PT57E, more powerful though. The H19 was a stab at PT57A, though, I never liked it...

Big John

Thanks Dr. I think this H25 is going to fairly stiff. The h22 must come in different layups. The ones I've hit are pretty stiff, can feel a few twinges in my elbow! Djoko's must have been on the flexier end, someone like Gulbis stiffer?

Anyone know of a Wilson pro that used a 100 head flexy stick? I can't think of any.

Nobody has seen an open pattern h19?

I think these Wilson pro stock questions are the toughest as there are so few players that Wilson will custom make a stick for. Head seem a little more accommodating in that regard?


New User
i have a H22 and a PT57A both with open pattern. The H22 center 8 main strings are very tight while the outer strings are very open from the visual check, Wilson saved 2 main strings from the outer area obviously. the PT57A 16*19 mains looks much better than that, but the crosses are much tighter than H22.
just hit the H22 with the champion choice once(47/45), the first impression was a little stiffer than PT57A, but not very sure on that because the PT57A was strung with poly/syn gut and tension was very low(low 40s), i will strung PT57A with the same string & tension and see the difference. The other difference was the H22 sweet point is smaller(potential reason may be different customization or string distribution)

Big John

That's fascinating Manaldo, thanks for your insight. I'm doing this digging to try and find the best setup for an ATP player. I'm pretty sure now that there are different layups of the H22, Djokovic's and Gulbis' must be different stiffnesses. I think Gulbis H22 is stiffer like pt57e and these other ones that flex more around 59 or so must be flexier layups.

The three H22's in open pattern that I own flex at 64 but play much stiffer than that would suggest. Stiff head with resultant small sweetspot but a serious cannon when you find it!

The pt57a's that I own are much softer, buttery soft. One of the best feeling racquets that I have ever hit. Almost completely different from my H22's. Underpowered versus almost babolat powered, chalk and cheese really. Massive spin from the h22 though and a seriously heavy ball!

My Blade pro stocks are more pt57e like than the h22's, you can feel the racquet flex in the throat and the head doesn't feel as stiff. Next stop h19, which I hear has a slightly stiffer head than the pt57a and is hence more powerful but I suspect at the cost of having a smaller sweet spot?

Big John

I own two pro stock BLX Blade XL pj's that are brand new in open pattern and have another coming that I bought the other day from Stein in tight pattern so I think I've got the blades covered.

I'm more interested in buying open pattern h19 XL's and open pattern h22's in the softer flex in XL. If anyone has any, I've got heaps of pro stocks to trade or would be prepared to buy outright. I think I own or have hit just about everything else?

Big John

Problem with these pro stock blades is that they are filled with foam. Not a lighter layup, hence pretty heavy in the head and light in the handle. Got that butt cap or whatever it is with the two holes in it like the retail, maybe need to take that off, scrape out some foam and put in some silicone, then put some lead on the head. Problem is, racquet will then be getting heavy but we'll see how it goes..

Anyone out there customised one of these?


New User
Big John, i found the same problem in my H22, the foam in the handle and no way to customize, plan to switch the replacement grip to leather to see the result first.

Big John

I put some more silicone in the handle of my H22, there had been some taken out by the previous owner. I still find my h22 to be on the heavy side, there is a fair bit of weight in the head, I think maybe because of the thicker beam?

I've just scraped out some foam from the handles of my Blades. These racquets feel as though they would benefit from some lead at say 8.30 to 10.30, so will weight up the handle enough to do that and hopefully get the balance to something a little more head light. A head light h22 XL in open pattern would be awesome, such a powerful stick! Imagine serving with it.. :)

Big John

Get my pro stock Blade XL in tight pattern today. The rounded beam makes this clearly different from the H22 and h19. Can we give this thing a name, there seem to be a few about. It is clearly pro stock as it is XL, Pblade? :)

It is 339 strung with an over grip and 33 balance with a leather grip and an over grip at 70 cms long..

Big John

I'd love to post pictures but it still says to me that I can't post attachments?:???: How many posts before you can post pictures? If someone can email me at jh at geq.com.au I'll email them and maybe they can put them up?


Hall of Fame
Here are the pics



Big John

Thanks Tony, very kind of you. The racquets at the top and the bottom are the obviously the open pattern, the one in the middle is the tight pattern. Will restring the tight pattern one tonight and take it for a bash tomorrow, will report in my results..

Has anyone else out there hit this pro stock blade and compared it an h19? It is much more flexy than my open pattern h22 which plays much stiffer than the 64 flex that comes up on the RDC..

I'd also love to hear from anyone that has hit the flexier h22 and the h19 and compared them. From what I can gather, the h19 is like a pt57a with a stiffer head, sounds a bit like a pro stock Tecnifibre like a Verdasco or a Vliegen? I found them to have quite small sweet spots and be pretty unstable? I have a couple of Tommy Haas test Dunlops that were similar, quite a strange racquet? Srichaphan's Yonex's were a bit the same?
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Big John

Sorry Manaldo, my H22 open patterns are out on loan. :) I should get them back on Friday? Will take some pics then and email them to Tony..

They are kblade paint jobs and have squarer 22mm beam and although they flex at 64 like my blade pro stocks, the blades feel much more comfortable to play with, h22 has a raw, very crisp feel, the blades feel more cushioned and flexy. Amazing spin from the h22, remarkable actually, especially on drop shots. The ball feels like it has more 'dwell time' on the strings in the blade. Maybe this whole flexy throat stiff head thing producing more spin is correct but it certainly doesn't feel as nice and punishes mishits?

Looking forward to hitting the tight pattern pro stock blade today.. :)

Big John

Hit with the open and closed pattern blades side by side today. I'd put lead from say 8.30 to 10.30 on the open pattern racquets and put silicone in the handles and they went from quite a spinny ball without much on them without lead and silicone to feeling a lot like the h22 funnily enough! Extremely powerful, too much so for me.

The closed pattern with a bit of lead under the bumper and silicone in the handle was much more controllable. That familiar tight pattern control that makes you feel able to take the ball early and slap it flat.. :) Still plenty of spin on kickers, using Rod Groom's Flex Infinity string definitely helps in that regard. My conclusion is that the flexy throat and stiff head with a stiffer string strung loose is the best way to get spin out a racquet. A more elastic string feels nicer and gives you more pop but hits a flatter ball with less control unless you string tighter, it which case they drop off rapidly and lose some of the lovely elastic feel. I think alu power is a case in point.

I'm not giving up on the open patterns, have copied the lead setup from the tight pattern one and will give them a whirl today against some futures guys, that will be a better test.

Might get to hit those actual Agassi sticks today I mentioned in another thread, that should be fun! :)

Will report back.

In other news, it seems that I'm not the only one a bit unsure about these H22's. From what I'd read, it seems like the dream pro stock, but it seems they come in all sorts of different flexes and I guess it comes down to personal preference but they can go from being really quite stiff and elbow testing to pt57a like noodle? Anyone else have any experience on this?

Really interested in the 'noodle' H22 and comparing it to the h19, a mate of mine who plays on tour needs some help here to choose a stick and ordering things that might not be right takes up precious time. Would appreciate some help if anyone has any experience here? Email me at jh at geq.com.au if that is preferable, don't really want to say much more about it on here.

Big John

Hit with the blacked out and lighter h22. There is a bit of flex but still very much on the stiffer side and punishing on mishits. Great when you flush it though!

Changed the lead positioning on the p25 to 2 lots of say 4 inches at 12. Hey presto! Feels great, nice levels of power and spin. Very promising, lovely flexy feel but still with plenty of pop.

Still waiting on the h19 open patterns, fingers crossed.

Have strung up the AA actual racquet. Think there has been some lead taken out but still 372 strung, balance 32.. Yonex butt cap?

Anyone out there compared h22 and h19? I've read whats been written. Got some flexier h22 xl's coming in tight pattern, just need the h19 tight and open now to complete my search.

Big John

Put the P25 on top of a retail blx blade today. Head is clearly bigger on the P25, would say it is a 100 head as opposed to the 98 for the blade..

The P25 flex is actually very similar in feel to the 260.4, almost identical, but I think I'll go with the P25 because it is easier to hit with the bigger head, otherwise an almost identical racquet from a feel perspective.

I've an h19 coming, will compare it with the flexy h22 and report back.

Hit the A.A. racquet, felt great actually. Very solid, feel like you can just block the ball back with interest. Would be a little demanding for more than a hit though I think on a quicker court, felt lovely on the clay though.. :)

Big John

H22 XL tight pattern 59 flex feels like a wet noodle! Amazing amount of flex, will take some getting used to for sure. Haven't got the h19 yet, feel that like the pt57a, these will need weight on the head to work well..


New User
So the open pattern pro stock Blade is more powerful than open pattern H22?

Also, can you post pics of this racquets? :)
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Big John

The H22 has a fair bit of weight in the head due to the fairly solid beam and squarer profile of the beam. The pro stock blade has a bigger head but the beam is curved towards the edges. Quite a clever design as it takes weight out of it, if it had a beam like the H22 it would be very head heavy but it doesn't.

The H22's come in different flexes. The H22 open pattern racquets I have flex at 64 but have a stiff head and this combined with the 22 mm square beam makes them very powerful. I have other tight pattern h22's that have more flex that are less powerful, but these open pattern ones are cannons but quite hard on the arm.

The pro stock blades that I have are less stiff in the head and have less weight in the beam itself and are I think slightly less powerful than the H22 open patterns. They feel softer and are more forgiving, having a bigger sweetspot than the h22's. My blades are 27.5 though, that gives them more pop than standard obviously. An h22 open pattern XL would be a beast of a stick!

I hit the h19 at 27.5 yesterday. Definitely stiffer in the head than my flexy h22's, serves bigger but hits the ball flatter. Lovely but smaller sweet spot. Will need to experiment more with it but a great serving racquet, a bit like pt57e perhaps but harder to hit?

I'd love to post pictures but not allowed! Any idea when this changes?
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New User
The H22 has a fair bit of weight in the head due to the fairly solid beam and squarer profile of the beam. The pro stock blade has a bigger head but the beam is curved towards the edges. Quite a clever design as it takes weight out of it, if it had a beam like the H22 it would be very head heavy but it doesn't.

The H22's come in different flexes. The H22 open pattern racquets I have flex at 64 but have a stiff head and this combined with the 22 mm square beam makes them very powerful. I have other tight pattern h22's that have more flex that are less powerful, but these open pattern ones are cannons but quite hard on the arm.

The pro stock blades that I have are less stiff in the head and have less weight in the beam itself and are I think slightly less powerful than the H22 open patterns. They feel softer and are more forgiving, having a bigger sweetspot than the h22's. My blades are 27.5 though, that gives them more pop than standard obviously. An h22 open pattern XL would be a beast of a stick!

I hit the h19 at 27.5 yesterday. Definitely stiffer in the head than my flexy h22's, serves bigger but hits the ball flatter. Lovely but smaller sweet spot. Will need to experiment more with it but a great serving racquet, a bit like pt57e perhaps but harder to hit?

I'd love to post pictures but not allowed! Any idea when this changes?

What is the head size of H22? The pro stock blade? The H19?
Talk tennis never allows to post attachments.
What I do to post pics is upload the images in flickr dot com.
Then use the insert image button here. :)

Big John

The h22 and h19 look like copies of the radical and prestige so 98 head? Chunkier beam on the h22. Pro stock blade is bigger than the retail blade so I'd say 100 head or thereabouts?


New User
The h22 and h19 look like copies of the radical and prestige so 98 head? Chunkier beam on the h22. Pro stock blade is bigger than the retail blade so I'd say 100 head or thereabouts?

I see. Could you post this pics of this racquets? :D
Just wanna see this grail racquets. LOL

Power Player

Bionic Poster
Big John besides head size it sound as if these blades play similar to retail. Same flex, foam in handle... Etc. will the new open pattern blade basically play the same as the molds you have?

Big John

I haven't hit or seen other than in pictures the new blade so I wouldn't know. The pro stock blade plays a bit softer in the head than the retail one, I found the retail one a bit harsh and unforgiving personally, but that could have been how it was strung and that it was so much lighter?

What has become very apparent in the past few weeks is that racquets with the same overall RA or flex can flex in different places and play and feel very differently. A racquet with a stiff head and flexy throat can have a very small sweet spot but heaps of spin, where are a racquet with a more overall uniform flex has a bigger sweet spot but less pop?

How one racquet with flex 64 can be an arm buster and another that flexes at 64 feel lovely and soft is I guess the art of laying up and constructing racquets and it is up the individual to try them and find which one works best?

All I can say from my recent experiences is that choosing between the h22 open and closed pattern, pro stock blade in open and closed pattern and h19 closed pattern is very difficult, they are all outstanding racquets in my opinion in different ways but at this stage I'm leaning towards the h19 for the additional pop on serve, tough call though.. It somehow feels more connected on serve, the flexier h22's I sort of feel I have to wait for a bit on serve and I feel I have to hold back a bit on serve where as the h19 I can just throw the ball up and hit it as hard as I like? Bear in mind that these racquets are all 27.5, this wouldn't be helping that. I think the 27.5 makes the h22 feel more flexy due the weight in the beam?

I'm going to flex all of them hopefully on Saturday, very interested in what the h19 will come up with against the others.

On another note, got my Prince RTC yesterday and my h19 is 337 grams strung with an overgrip and a dampener, swing weight 366. Please bear in mind that I'm playing on slow clay..
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Power Player

Bionic Poster
Wow yeah it could be the weight. Mine is 329 with a SW of 331. Much lighter, but the feel is sensational. I would not describe it as soft or anything, but the sweetspot feel on contact is fantastic

I did own a tgk prestige and the layup was a little different. Excellent stick, but did not feel hugely different from a similar retail version. Also the retail blade has foam in the handle like yours do..

I wonder what raonic is using..one of your molds..a modded retail...?

Big John

I think Raonic would be using the tight pattern pro stock in standard length. I'm calling them P25's. So it looks the same until you put the retail next to it to see that the head on the pro stock is slightly bigger?

Power Player

Bionic Poster
Yes i noticed that...it is rather interesting. I just discovered the regular blade and to be honest the stinking feels like a pro stock stick the way they foamed the handle and just gave it this super solid feeling for being light. The version you have must feel incredible.

Big John

It does feel great and the sound it makes when you hit the ball is massive, crunch!

I don't see why you couldn't scrape out some of the foam and put in some silicone in the retail, thats what I did with my open pattern pro stocks and it really helped. Might help soften the retail up a bit? My pro stock open patterns were just too light in the handle, couldn't volley with them at all but now, no problem.

There really is very little between the h22, h19 and open pattern blade, really tough call to be honest. They are all exceptional racquets in my opinion.

Big John

Ok, been doing some more hitting. The h19 hits a much bigger ball than my flexy h22's. Serves big! More crisp off the ground too but quite unforgiving on mishits, the ball goes nowhere if you don't flush it.

Have acquired a sore wrist from the h19, got a feeling this is a pretty stiff racquet in the head, thats how it feel anyway. My flexy h22's don't have the same outright pop but are more forgiving and much easier to hit. Having thought about it some more, pretty sure it is the 370 plus swingweight that is causing my sore wrist but that's with a shaved head guard so hard to get these h19's with a head light balance without a heavy static weight perhaps?

Given my recent experiences, leaning towards the h22 xl's..
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Power Player

Bionic Poster
big John, have you heard that the new Blade 98 is more rounded? I wonder if it is the same as your prostocks..anyway, food for thought.

Big John

Well I hope it is! The pro stock is a great stick. I really hope they bring out the 16 15 in a more player oriented frame too?


New User
Hi Big John
Based on your hitting, does the close pattern H22 also provides a heavy ball? But not as much as the open pattern right? And also, how about in terms of spin as a close pattern racquet?

Big John

Yes, still a very heavy ball from closed pattern h22. Lets have a look at this logically. we're essentially looking at a replica of the head radical but it is somehow heavier in the construction, which makes the racquet heavier in the head ie - has a higher swing weight, even without additional lead. This is turn hits a heavier ball and gives the racquet a 'thicker' feeling on impact than the Head equivalent?

This high swing weight and the stiffer layup may be the cause of the arm problems many seem to experience with the H22?

The H22's seem to come in different layups, some are stiffer than others. The H19 has more flex but in the case of the one I have, has an even higher swing weight. It as a result hits an even bigger ball but good luck using it on faster courts without great technique.

I've got some h19's coming with a lower swing weight, going to be very interested to see how those play.

I'm playing on grass today and am going to play with the pro stock blades as they are much lighter swingweights than the h22's. The grass at this time of your I suspect will be a bit dodgy and having a lighter racquet can help when you need to adjust quickly? I'll be using the h22's on clay though, the extra swingweight really helps get the ball up high and through the court when you flatten it out.

It appears that just about any racquet will be more powerful and provide more easy access to spin in an open pattern and this seems to be the case with the h22's. What I have found with my flexier h22's in that the difference in spin and power between the open and the closed isn't that great. I string the closed pattern at 50lbs and the open at 53lbs and the power seems similar at that tension.

My major discovery from all of this is that you can generate heaps of spin from a tight patterned flexible racquet. I had previously thought I needed to go open pattern to hit big kickers, apparently not so.. :)


New User
Yes, still a very heavy ball from closed pattern h22. Lets have a look at this logically. we're essentially looking at a replica of the head radical but it is somehow heavier in the construction, which makes the racquet heavier in the head ie - has a higher swing weight, even without additional lead. This is turn hits a heavier ball and gives the racquet a 'thicker' feeling on impact than the Head equivalent?

This high swing weight and the stiffer layup may be the cause of the arm problems many seem to experience with the H22?

The H22's seem to come in different layups, some are stiffer than others. The H19 has more flex but in the case of the one I have, has an even higher swing weight. It as a result hits an even bigger ball but good luck using it on faster courts without great technique.

I've got some h19's coming with a lower swing weight, going to be very interested to see how those play.

I'm playing on grass today and am going to play with the pro stock blades as they are much lighter swingweights than the h22's. The grass at this time of your I suspect will be a bit dodgy and having a lighter racquet can help when you need to adjust quickly? I'll be using the h22's on clay though, the extra swingweight really helps get the ball up high and through the court when you flatten it out.

It appears that just about any racquet will be more powerful and provide more easy access to spin in an open pattern and this seems to be the case with the h22's. What I have found with my flexier h22's in that the difference in spin and power between the open and the closed isn't that great. I string the closed pattern at 50lbs and the open at 53lbs and the power seems similar at that tension.

My major discovery from all of this is that you can generate heaps of spin from a tight patterned flexible racquet. I had previously thought I needed to go open pattern to hit big kickers, apparently not so.. :)

I see. Btw, can I know what do you string at those close and open H22s?


I have two h22s. They don't match the pro stock pure drive gt+ I have for spin, esp. on kick/twist serves and an edged main string like msv hex. If you don't use a spin string, the spin diff. is not that great. It's only when you take advantage of the spin strings do the spin frames put out.

Big John

I'm sure that there are different layups of the h22. The stiffer ones are surprisingly stiff and I don't think provide that much spin in the tight pattern but plenty of pop. The flexy one does provide plenty of spin though.

I think the only way you'll get a lot of spin out of a tight pattern racquet in comparison to an open one like the PD is for it to be much more flexible. I have found the PD to provide almost too much spin of occasion, have had difficulty getting it through the court!

My open pattern H22's provide huge amounts of spin due to very open pattern but play stiffer than the 64 flex suggests, nowhere near as forgiving and easy to hit as the open pattern pro stock blade?

I got a couple more h19's this week that are more head light. That is a very solid all round racquet, hard to fault really.

Big John

Agreed Power Player. I was just trying to make the point that flexy racquets seem to provide more spin in tighter patterns than stiffer ones? Of course the open pattern equivalent will provide more spin, and I'm not suggesting that you can't get spin out of any racquet if you have great technique. What I am suggesting is that some flexy tight patterns can provide as much spin as stiffer open patterns and that flexy open patterns can provide a seriously 'heavy' ball, particularly with some weight in the head?

All of these H19's, H22's and Pro Stock Blades have a fair amount of weight in the head without lead, and hence hit a heavy ball stock. With more flex, more spin again. With stiffer layups, faster ball or more power, but less spin?

This is what I'm going through at the moment, my racquets are in the early 340's static weight with balances over 33.5 and hit heavy balls but the tradeoff is the ability to use your hands at the net or in the event of a bad bounce?

I'm now looking for a good setup for quick hard court or grass, where I've been using my 231.2 which is the same static weight but much more head light? Will try the h19's I got on Friday now with balance 32, static weight 348 at standard length now and see how they compare? Also throwing a Clilic 231.3 in there with about 5 more grams in there with an open pattern, interesting comparison.. :)


Agreed Power Player. I was just trying to make the point that flexy racquets seem to provide more spin in tighter patterns than stiffer ones? Of course the open pattern equivalent will provide more spin, and I'm not suggesting that you can't get spin out of any racquet if you have great technique. What I am suggesting is that some flexy tight patterns can provide as much spin as stiffer open patterns and that flexy open patterns can provide a seriously 'heavy' ball, particularly with some weight in the head?

All of these H19's, H22's and Pro Stock Blades have a fair amount of weight in the head without lead, and hence hit a heavy ball stock. With more flex, more spin again. With stiffer layups, faster ball or more power, but less spin?

This is what I'm going through at the moment, my racquets are in the early 340's static weight with balances over 33.5 and hit heavy balls but the tradeoff is the ability to use your hands at the net or in the event of a bad bounce?

I'm now looking for a good setup for quick hard court or grass, where I've been using my 231.2 which is the same static weight but much more head light? Will try the h19's I got on Friday now with balance 32, static weight 348 at standard length now and see how they compare? Also throwing a Clilic 231.3 in there with about 5 more grams in there with an open pattern, interesting comparison.. :)

Agree 100% about the flex/spin relationship you wrote.

It's all about finding the right balance of stiffness and pattern density for the amount of SW in your frame.


Hall of Fame
Hey guys. Sorry to stir up an old thread. Has anyone ever seen a 90in. pro stock wilson model?

I have a pro model that I got from a challenger several years ago-- it's fairly destroyed but one can tell that it was at some point painted like a Wilson six one 95. The numbers on the throat of the racquet are identical to the specs of the Pro Staff 90, but if I recall correctly, it's still an 18x20, even though the throat says 16x19 (I'll double check this when I get back to the US.)

It has a stringing sticker from USO 2010, and the grip size/string setup match what Dimitrov was using at the time, so I've come to the conclusion it must have been his...(I got the racquet from the tourney director, so I didn't see who had it.)

So that may have originally been a 90, or potentially a 93"... but there's no way for me to figure that out now as it's fairly mangled :)