Wilson Plans Anniversary Edition Six One 95?


New User
I really hope your source is misinformed.

It kind of makes sense, though. Until the nCode series, the 18x20 Wilsons were mostly European releases.

Trust me, I think it would be a huge hit and sell nicely, but I wouldn't hold out hope for it. Pretty sure they are well informed about the situation.


Hall of Fame
Get your facts straight bud. There is no way you could even know what there plans are. Wait till the FST 95 flops, there will be a new 6.1.

You're right. They wont let the 95 die until the Juice 95 Ultra S (14x16 pattern for power and spin) gives it a go around. Only then will it have Wilson's permission to die.

The 6.1 killed Del Potro. That line has so much voodoo on it now theyd be smart to let it rest


If the Pro Staff anniversary edition is any indication, it will be initially priced at $360 and then drop to $130 a half year later.

Yes, my thoughts exactly. I purchased 3 PS95 Anniversaries sets from an authorized dealer for $99 each still in the Wilson plastic baggies for $99 each. They even threw in an additional set of Wilson Sensations strings too!


Hall of Fame
Where can I get the grommets for the the 18x20 are there other 18x20 95sq inch that would fit the pro staff classic 6.1?

Net rush

New User
Wilson Plans Anniversary Edition Six One 95? (Putting this post out for general discussion/debate – You heard it here first!)

The Wilson Pro Staff Classic marked the beginning of what has evolved into 25 years of the ‘Classic’ Wilson Six One 95 - 1990/91 – 2015/16.

Will the next 2016 iteration (predicted late 2015) mark a 25 years Anniversary Edition of this ‘Classic’ frame?

Is the recent global price drop of the back stock of the BLX2 and the current BLX3 versions designed at clearing stocks to make way for a marketing success of an Anniversary Edition?

Will an eighth Anniversary Edition poignantly finally mark the end of the Six-One ‘Classic’ 95 era? - RIP or continually evolving?

Would you like Wilson to produce a 25 Year Anniversary Edition?

What should be its looks, materials, etc.? – I’m thinking it should certainly show a nod to its 6.0 & 6.1 PSC heritage. – Post your designs.

What are people’s views and thoughts? - Let TW and Wilson know.

The Six One 95 25 Year Chronology:

1991 - 2001 - Pro Staff Classic 6.1 95

2001 - 2004 - Hyper Pro Staff 6.1 95

2004 - 2007 - nCode (Pro Staff) Six-One 95

2007 - 2010 - (K)Factor Six-One 95

2010 - 2012 - BLX1 (Basalt) Six-One 95

2012 - 2014 - BLX2 (Amplifeel) Six-One 95

2014 - 2015 - BLX3 (Parallel Drilling) Six-One 95

2016 - The 25-Year Anniversary Edition???

Post images of your ‘Classic’ 6.1 collections.

Just thought I'd bring this thread back on track by (hopefully?) adding a few images of my new 25 Year Anniversary Edition Wilson Six-One 95, 18x20, L3 and its family.

joe sch

If the Pro Staff anniversary edition is any indication, it will be initially priced at $360 and then drop to $130 a half year later.
Or how about the JKME "limited" release (believe 2K) at $399.99 then after many initial buyers purchased, another release of 2K. Not many of us made out on those as the value never increased.

Would sure be nice to see the Anniversary Edition Six One 95 with the original specs and graphite:

Wilson Pro Staff Classic (6.1) as per Dino sample 362/12.77/71/334


Hall of Fame
The only thing they need to do is make a 16X19 version or decrease the spacing at the middle/top of the frame and wed have a bit more control on the open pattern!


Spin effect....................................................... for more control....................................................................................

It has 18 mains.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Net rush

New User
Wilson Plans Anniversary Edition Six One 95? (Putting this post out for general discussion/debate – You heard it here first!)

The Wilson Pro Staff Classic marked the beginning of what has evolved into 25 years of the ‘Classic’ Wilson Six One 95 - 1990/91 – 2015/16.

Will the next 2016 iteration (predicted late 2015) mark a 25 years Anniversary Edition of this ‘Classic’ frame?

Is the recent global price drop of the back stock of the BLX2 and the current BLX3 versions designed at clearing stocks to make way for a marketing success of an Anniversary Edition?

Will an eighth Anniversary Edition poignantly finally mark the end of the Six-One ‘Classic’ 95 era? - RIP or continually evolving?

Would you like Wilson to produce a 25 Year Anniversary Edition?

What should be its looks, materials, etc.? – I’m thinking it should certainly show a nod to its 6.0 & 6.1 PSC heritage. – Post your designs.

What are people’s views and thoughts? - Let TW and Wilson know.

The Six One 95 25 Year Chronology:

1991 - 2001 - Pro Staff Classic 6.1 95

2001 - 2004 - Hyper Pro Staff 6.1 95

2004 - 2007 - nCode (Pro Staff) Six-One 95

2007 - 2010 - (K)Factor Six-One 95

2010 - 2012 - BLX1 (Basalt) Six-One 95

2012 - 2014 - BLX2 (Amplifeel) Six-One 95

2013 - 2015 - BLX3 (Parallel Drilling) Six-One 95

2016 - 2017 - Pro Staff Classic 6.1 95 - 25-Year Anniversary Edition

2017 - 2019 - BLX4 (Double Holes) Six One 95 http://tennisnerd.net/gear/racquets/wilson-six-one-95-reissue/4777

Bringing my original post/thread back on point with the above amended chronology to both Wilson's introduction of the 2016 25 Year Anniversary Pro Staff Classic 6.1 (Europe) and their newly introduced 2017 Six One 95 (Europe) http://tennisnerd.net/gear/racquets/wilson-six-one-95-reissue/4777

Thank you Wilson for listening, responding and supporting your legion of loyal Six One 95 users with the introduction of the 2017 Six One 95 - http://tennisnerd.net/gear/racquets/wilson-six-one-95-reissue/4777

Net rush

New User
P.S: Very much liking the clean and minimal red and white cosmetics of the new 2017 Wilson Six One 95

Good job Wilson