Wilson Pro Labs: Blade Pro Official Thread


nah just ask anyone who has an older h22. the pattern on the 16x19 h22 used to be tighter. the bottom cross wasn't so low like it is now. they recently changed the drill pattern of the 16x19 h22 to be like the blade pro 16x19, but yes the blade pro 16x19 pattern is very close if not identical to prostaff. there was a review on the wilson website for the v8 blade pro where someone posted pics of the blade pro on top of the prostaff showing how they matched up. of course with the h22 the pros can request whichever pattern they want.
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nah just ask anyone who has an older h22. the pattern on the 16x19 h22 used to be tighter. the bottom cross wasn't so low like it is now. they recently changed the drill pattern of the 16x19 h22 to be like the blade pro 16x19, but yes the blade pro 16x19 pattern is very close if not identical to prostaff. there was a review on the wilson website for the v8 blade pro where someone posted pics of the blade pro on top of the prostaff showing how they matched up. of course with the h22 the pros can request whichever pattern they want.
The drill pattern definitely changed, but I feel like the throat mains and the center (in general) stayed the same. My observation was that my H22 that has the newer drill pattern and looks just slightly tighter than a retail BP. But tbh, when I was traveling down this rabbit hole my goal was to just verify that I had genuine H22s.


New User
Couple ppl have remarked to me that the blade pro is just the pro staff 97 without PWS. Would be fascinating is thats the case
Playing past 8months mostly with PS14 ( occasionally RF97A, PSX, VCP98D, Percept 98D but sold them away) and these feel totally different, eventhough using same string and tension. Both BP and PS14 have TB soft, 1.20mm and 51lbs which actually is pretty nice and as mushy as I wish. Perhaps going to 1.25mm next. My both PS14’s have static weight 344g strung w OG, which is heavier side of PS14’s.
Yesterday went first time with BP and honestly I was totally lost with timing, especially with 2HBH, which is my trusted weapon. BP is more stabile than those”baby RF97”.
With BP volleys are really easy, even picking from 10inch height and still keeping control. No difference in serving. Really really nice and easy FH topspins and never hit like this. The noticeable difference to PS14 for me was turning ball from corner to corner which was easier with BP. You can call it control, and maybe it is, but final precision was sometimes missing. The other notice was that BP allows slow down game pace, and keep the control all time, when PS14 is more a pushers racket, needing heavier hitting to keep constant accuracy. The main difference between these two is BP’s better capability for easy topspin. In slices i did not feel difference, but these work ok with any racket.
I liked BP more than PS14, but still after 1h hitting yesterday, I might still play better with PS14. It might be same even tomorrow but day after that it will change. It is about me, not the racket. BP is not easy to jump in, eventhough coming from PS, but it is pleasure to play. Played also at summer a 1h with std Blade v9, which took about 5min to adapt and have solid game, but it felt powerless.
This is how I felt BP 16x19 at first time. There is new BP 18x20 waiting in my bag, but maybe it will stay there some days until I’m fully in 16x19 as a first.
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Very literally the PS97 came from Federer almost switching to the H22 - definitely took bits from the Pro Staff and bits from H22
I was going to say this, Federer tried the H22 for some time. Fair to say that it played a role on how the PS97 came out.


I took notice to something tonight that really surprised me. The Blade Pro 16x19 string pattern is exactly the same as the Pro Staff 97 V14. I have 3 Pro Staff 97 V14's in front of me. And the string patterns are 100% identical. I don't know know why that seems so strange to me... but it does. Has anyone else noticed this.
The BP is denser IMO. The PS has less coverage the further out you go from the sweet spot.

I did go back to my PS during a match but found the feeling not as nice as the BP but would argue its the livelier frame.


Tour Bite Soft was mushy to me too when I tried it in the Pro Staff 97 V14. Guess that's why they call it "soft".

TBS is not bad in the 18x20. I prefer the 1.15 in 18x20 over the 1.20. Def need higher tension in that 16x19 than 48/45.
It's a good string for sure. Very mushy but honestly it is comfy on the arm. However, after the mains are sawn like 40% through (maybe a 4 sessions) the mains are all displaced and don't go back to their positions and are all crooked. Is this normal? I feel like normally the strings shouldn't do this until much later like when it's about to break. Do I need to up the tension?

Also I second how TBS is less mush and more direct in the 18x20.


It's a good string for sure. Very mushy but honestly it is comfy on the arm. However, after the mains are sawn like 40% through (maybe a 4 sessions) the mains are all displaced and don't go back to their positions and are all crooked. Is this normal? I feel like normally the strings shouldn't do this until much later like when it's about to break. Do I need to up the tension?

Also I second how TBS is less mush and more direct in the 18x20.
Agree, the snapback on TBS is not great. I usually only get 1.5-2 sessions with the mains staying in place. Playability doesn’t change too much until a session or two later.
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It's a good string for sure. Very mushy but honestly it is comfy on the arm. However, after the mains are sawn like 40% through (maybe a 4 sessions) the mains are all displaced and don't go back to their positions and are all crooked. Is this normal? I feel like normally the strings shouldn't do this until much later like when it's about to break. Do I need to up the tension?

Also I second how TBS is less mush and more direct in the 18x20.
Imo tour bite soft is a good fresh match string and yes it does lose its playability fairly quickly but the first 2-3 hrs are really great feel and spin.

I play my 18x20 h22s with 1.20 tbs at 48 or 49. I do prefer the 1.15 at 49 or 50 but I’m out and have had to settle on 1.20.


Had a match yesterday and a dubs friendly this morning using my new string setup 18 gauge multi @52

I never thought I'd say this but it needs a little more weight in the hoop. I removed the lead from the handle but it still feels slightly light. So I'm going to add some at the 3&9.


Finally I got yesterday the email from MRT tech:

Mrt service completed: with plastic on handle
2) 311.95g bal: 5.5pts HL sw: 309
3) 312.32g bal: 5.5pts HL sw: 309
6) 312.63g bal: 6 pts HL sw: 309

**Plastic wrapping accounts for 0.08 oz and 0.5 HL balance points.*

Almost identical frames I will make some tweaks and report back


Hall of Fame
Did you add the 5 grams of silicon at the buttcap?

I was planning to do the same thing you did, add 4 grams at 3/9 , but instead of the 5 grams, replace it with a leather grip, which kinda is the same thing.

Let me know how you hit with it and your feelings.
I hit with the BP today for an hour and a half. I added 2 grams each to 3&9. So 4 grams total. A 6 gram overgrip and 5 additional grams of lead on the handle. Strung with a full bed of Alu Power at 43 lbs. Final specs are as follows.

static weight - 335
swing weight - 341
balance - 3.5 pts hl

The feel was great. Very soft and easy on the arm. I understand why the pro's are using these types of rackets. Given how often they are on court and hitting, they need this arm friendliness. The control was decent. Nothing otherworldly. And spin was average. Nothing special. Power was where it became a disappointment to me. As with any soft (flexible) frame. You're going to sacrifice power. And this frame is no exception. I was hitting side by side and comparing it to my modified Pro Staff 97 V14. Below is my honest opinion between the two.

Power - Pro Staff wins by a significant margin.
Spin - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie.
Control - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie
Feel - Blade Pro definitely wins in this dept.

If you were to blindfold me and have me hit with the Blade Pro and then the VCORE Pro 95, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell the difference in terms of feel. It's a shame. I'm actually starting to really like these softer feeling frames. It's definitely what my arm needs as I age. But they are all so low in the power dept. And I just can't compete with them.

That's my take on the BP. It's back to the Pro Staff for me. Anyone interested in a BP? :sneaky:


I hit with the BP today for an hour and a half. I added 2 grams each to 3&9. So 4 grams total. A 6 gram overgrip and 5 additional grams of lead on the handle. Strung with a full bed of Alu Power at 43 lbs. Final specs are as follows.

static weight - 335
swing weight - 341
balance - 3.5 pts hl

The feel was great. Very soft and easy on the arm. I understand why the pro's are using these types of rackets. Given how often they are on court and hitting, they need this arm friendliness. The control was decent. Nothing otherworldly. And spin was average. Nothing special. Power was where it became a disappointment to me. As with any soft (flexible) frame. You're going to sacrifice power. And this frame is no exception. I was hitting side by side and comparing it to my modified Pro Staff 97 V14. Below is my honest opinion between the two.

Power - Pro Staff wins by a significant margin.
Spin - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie.
Control - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie
Feel - Blade Pro definitely wins in this dept.

If you were to blindfold me and have me hit with the Blade Pro and then the VCORE Pro 95, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell the difference in terms of feel. It's a shame. I'm actually starting to really like these softer feeling frames. It's definitely what my arm needs as I age. But they are all so low in the power dept. And I just can't compete with them.

That's my take on the BP. It's back to the Pro Staff for me. Anyone interested in a BP? :sneaky:
Man sorry to hear you did not gel well with the BP

I want a more arm friendly frame than my tgt341.2 (18x20).

That’s why I’m intrigue with these BP.

Will report back when I get mines.


Interested to hear your thoughts on it.
I might add I have used a lot over the time fleet frames like H22, PT57a, H19 … usually I like pro stock frames , for the last 5 years I have used the 341.1 in both PJ 2019 and 2013 and the these new 341.2 in the 2023 pj.

But also I did played last year with some vcores and Ezone but the lack of “feel “ turn me off

But now I’m getting older and the 341.2 are pretty demanding frames , I need a more forgiving frame and extra spin of the 16x19

Let see if these fit the bill



Had the v7 version, recently switched over to the v9’s, having briefly experimented with extreme tours in between.

Eye of the beholder stuff, but find my optimum unstrung setup to be:

wt: 323g
sw: 310
bal: 31.3cm

This includes finest calfskin leather and I usually drill out the foam in the handle and replace with silicone. Also replaced the buttcap with a Head buttcap.


Had the v7 version, recently switched over to the v9’s, having briefly experimented with extreme tours in between.

Eye of the beholder stuff, but find my optimum unstrung setup to be:

wt: 323g
sw: 310
bal: 31.3cm

This includes finest calfskin leather and I usually drill out the foam in the handle and replace with silicone. Also replaced the buttcap with a Head buttcap.
This is the only reason I don't love this racquet to death. For me, someone who can be extremely lazy, it takes too much work to make the BP reasonably head light. Most of the ones I've tried have been close to even balance or even head heavy, strung.


This is the only reason I don't love this racquet to death. For me, someone who can be extremely lazy, it takes too much work to make the BP reasonably head light. Most of the ones I've tried have been close to even balance or even head heavy, strung.
Fair enough. Don’t forget this is meant as a platform racket of sorts, and comes the spec that it is in order to allow for some customisation. Same with the Ultra Pro’s. The only pro labs frame that is sort of ‘ready to go’ is the 6.1 95.


Fair enough. Don’t forget this is meant as a platform racket of sorts, and comes the spec that it is in order to allow for some customisation. Same with the Ultra Pro’s. The only pro labs frame that is sort of ‘ready to go’ is the 6.1 95.
Ya, I know. I just wish the balance was a little lower (or even more consistently at 4pts HL strung). Having to bring the racquet down from 34/35cm balance takes a crazy amount of weight in the handle for a retail racquet, and I just got too frustrated w/ Wilson QC to keep trying to find a more HL one. This was before TW or any of the other retailers got these in stock, but even when I demoed from there, it was overspec (>340 swing weight and even balance).


New User
Today played first time 1h with BP 18x20, which is strung TB Soft 1.20, 48lbs.
Really good stability and surprisingly broad sweetspot. Comfortable contact to ball, not mushy at all but just pleasant and easy. I was expecting lower launch angle to topspin, but actually this racket in my hands will drop balls pretty well: I would say this on the same range than PSv14 and remarkably higher launch angle than Yonex P97D. The surprise was that how small is difference to BP16x19, when both have TB Soft 1.20. 16x19 is strung to 51lbs.

Which one I would choose ? idk yet, they feel so similar. Neither 18x20 or 16x19 had any extra weight, but both have Wilson OG.
Needing to play a match with heavy hitter & big server with faster pace, to get more clear difference.
Both BP's have better feel and control than PSv14. Spin: 16x19 > 18x20 =PSv14. Power: Hard to say yet.
Comparison to PSv14 is not fair because there are not two identical PS's coming out of factory, but all are different.


Today played first time 1h with BP 18x20, which is strung TB Soft 1.20, 48lbs.
Really good stability and surprisingly broad sweetspot. Comfortable contact to ball, not mushy at all but just pleasant and easy. I was expecting lower launch angle to topspin, but actually this racket in my hands will drop balls pretty well: I would say this on the same range than PSv14 and remarkably higher launch angle than Yonex P97D. The surprise was that how small is difference to BP16x19, when both have TB Soft 1.20. 16x19 is strung to 51lbs.

Which one I would choose ? idk yet, they feel so similar. Neither 18x20 or 16x19 had any extra weight, but both have Wilson OG.
Needing to play a match with heavy hitter & big server with faster pace, to get more clear difference.
Both BP's have better feel and control than PSv14. Spin: 16x19 > 18x20 =PSv14. Power: Hard to say yet.
Comparison to PSv14 is not fair because there are not two identical PS's coming out of factory, but all are different.
What sold me to the 18x20 over the 16x19 was the bh slice and the flatter drive 1hbh. Both serve and return similarly. Volleys are more point and shoot with 18x20.

18x20 is good vs heavy hitter if you’re moving well and taking the ball early. If you play behind the baseline and hit off your back foot, you will probably prefer 16x19. 18x20 is great for doubles.


Had the v7 version, recently switched over to the v9’s, having briefly experimented with extreme tours in between.

Eye of the beholder stuff, but find my optimum unstrung setup to be:

wt: 323g
sw: 310
bal: 31.3cm

This includes finest calfskin leather and I usually drill out the foam in the handle and replace with silicone. Also replaced the buttcap with a Head buttcap.
Did you add any lead tape in the hoop? or just the leather grip and silicon in the handle?

Do you use the 16x19 ?


New User
What sold me to the 18x20 over the 16x19 was the bh slice and the flatter drive 1hbh. Both serve and return similarly. Volleys are more point and shoot with 18x20.

18x20 is good vs heavy hitter if you’re moving well and taking the ball early. If you play behind the baseline and hit off your back foot, you will probably prefer 16x19. 18x20 is great for doubles.
Good summary !
I have strong 2hbh and nailing ball into corners with 18x20 was easy. In volleys and slices prefer also 18x20. But when it comes to fh in baseline, then 16x19 makes easy power and good topspin. In serves I still have minor timing issue occasionally with both BP’s, but it comes from tip weight of BP’s, vs PS’s.
Both models of BP are great and best rackets I’ve played so far, so picking either or from bag does not go wrong.


Did you add any lead tape in the hoop? or just the leather grip and silicon in the handle?

Do you use the 16x19 ?
Yes, lead tape under the bumper to bring the swingweight up and make sure they all matched. Stock, mine were all around 303 to 305 swingweight to begin with. When I had my v7s originally, there was a much larger variance in the swing weights. Had to have a couple replaced as one came in at 333 unstrung. That one was a freak occurrence though, the others weren't anywhere near that. The v9's seem to have much tighter tolerances.

Have just got myself on a new pro stock H22 in the same paint job. Going to put it into the same specs and compare the playability with the Blade Pro to see if there are any differences in reality. The mould and paint job itself appears identical, but obviously the layup may be different. Personally, from previous experience with a previous pj (Burn) H22 I have, I couldn't tell any difference in the way it played to my v7's. So I'm curious to see if there is any difference now between the BP and H22. Only for my own sh1ts and giggles really.


Hall of Fame
Just got two v9 16x19 pros. With leather grip, 320g static, 31.4cm balance, and 304SW. So good stats overall. Definitely needs to be tail weighted in my opinion.


New User
Yes, lead tape under the bumper to bring the swingweight up and make sure they all matched. Stock, mine were all around 303 to 305 swingweight to begin with. When I had my v7s originally, there was a much larger variance in the swing weights. Had to have a couple replaced as one came in at 333 unstrung. That one was a freak occurrence though, the others weren't anywhere near that. The v9's seem to have much tighter tolerances.

Have just got myself on a new pro stock H22 in the same paint job. Going to put it into the same specs and compare the playability with the Blade Pro to see if there are any differences in reality. The mould and paint job itself appears identical, but obviously the layup may be different. Personally, from previous experience with a previous pj (Burn) H22 I have, I couldn't tell any difference in the way it played to my v7's. So I'm curious to see if there is any difference now between the BP and H22. Only for my own sh1ts and giggles really.

Purely out of curiosity: on your H22 are the black BLADE letters, the little red Wilson “W”, and the “V9” inside the throat raised?

I would think these would just be applied decals, and therefore not in the H22 mold. On my Blade Pro however, there is one or two spots where it looks like the letter coloring isn’t perfectly lined up with the actual raised portion of the lettering.


What I like about the BP 16x19 are the angles. It really opens the court up especially when pushed wide.

The 18x20 is probably more suited to my game but I hit too flat with it.


Purely out of curiosity: on your H22 are the black BLADE letters, the little red Wilson “W”, and the “V9” inside the throat raised?

I would think these would just be applied decals, and therefore not in the H22 mold. On my Blade Pro however, there is one or two spots where it looks like the letter coloring isn’t perfectly lined up with the actual raised portion of the lettering.
Yes, they're raised on the H22 in exactly the same as the Blade Pro. To my eye, I can't see or feel any difference. The only thing missing from the H22 is the retail warranty hologram.


Hall of Fame
Just got two v9 16x19 pros. With leather grip, 320g static, 31.4cm balance, and 304SW. So good stats overall. Definitely needs to be tail weighted in my opinion.
I'm guessing it the leather grip tail weighting to help with balance, but these hit way nicer than I remember the V8 playing.

But maybe I'm just playing better now than I was back then. Absolute fantastic frame. Probably switching.


New User
Until recently I had been stringing my BP 16x19 with Luxilon Alu Power 1.25 at 52 lbs. I finally got my own stringing machine and decided to try it at 48 lbs. I am really surprised how much of a difference 4 lbs made. In addition to getting noticeably more topspin, the lower tension dialed the overall feel of this racquet up to 11.

Prior to the BP I was using the latest Radical Pro. I was hitting great with that racquet, but I felt like it wouldn’t give me any feedback. I just couldn’t get it dialed in. There was no tactile difference between an off center hit vs. sweet spot. The Blade Pro is less forgiving, but there is so much feedback sent to my hand. Such a rewarding and enjoyable racquet to use.

I am excited for this set of strings to die so I can try it at 44lbs next.


New User
Hi Everyone,

Figured I'd drop the specs of the Blade Pros V9s 16x19 I just recently purchased.

I really started to enjoy the demo that I received so I will add the demo specs as well as a starting point to help everyone know what I was kind of looking for.

Demo Unstrung:
304 Grams, 12.8 IN, 308 Swing Weight (No Plastic, No Overgrip)
The demo had what I believe was 16 Gauge ALU Power and it came out to be about 340 swing weight.

Rackets I received:
1. 307 Grams, 12.9 IN, 311 Swing Weight
2. 308 Grams, 12.9 IN, 311 Swing Weight
3. 308 Grams, 12.95 IN, 313 Swing Weight
4. 309 Grams, 12.75 IN, 306 Swing Weight
5. 307 Grams, 12.8 IN, 305 Swing Weight
6. 308 Grams, 12.9 IN, 315 Swing Weight

Please Note the 6 Rackets above have plastic on handle still along with butt cap still on.

(I did take off the butt cap and measured swing weight just because I was curious and it took about 3 points off each.)

I was hoping to find two rackets that were very close to the demo I had and even less swing weight if possible. My goal of finding a swing weight was 300 unstrung but that almost seems like a unicorn. I am considering ordering another 6 but not sure if it’s worth the effort to find something 2-3 grams lighter.

I feel like I got pretty lucky with rackets #4 & #5 as they are pretty closely matched AND lower than the demo I had in terms of swing weight. While #4 is a touch heavier I’m not sure if I’ll notice that 2-3 gram difference in static. I also plan to string with 17 gauge string (I typically use Hyper G Soft 17G but open to trying other strings.) Would using 17 gauge put me at about 330-335 swing weight? 330 is ideal and I would be willing to get lighter strings to be right at that mark.

Also being that racket number #4 is slightly 'heavier' it almost works out well because the balance is a touch more head heavy than number #5. So it'll be easy to add a little extra to the handle on 5 to bring it to same weight and balance as #4.

Please let me know if any of these thoughts are off or not. I look forward to hearing from everyone!
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Hall of Fame
Got myself a Blade Pro v8 16x19.

Quick notes, racquet is stock:
very good at serve either flat slice or kick.
Good power and spin
Not as flexy as I thought it would be from the 61ra.
Not super stable
Not great on the rise

I’m playing it along my RFPro for now. RFPro is modified with quite a lot of lead. RFPro is more stable and a joy to hit on the rise. Serve almost as good.

I admit it’s a tough call. Both have different qualities. Next I need to add some lead at 3/9 and weight in the handle of the BladePro to see if I can bring stability up while keeping the other good things with this frame.


Hall of Fame
Got myself a Blade Pro v8 16x19.

Quick notes, racquet is stock:
very good at serve either flat slice or kick.
Good power and spin
Not as flexy as I thought it would be from the 61ra.
Not super stable
Not great on the rise

I’m playing it along my RFPro for now. RFPro is modified with quite a lot of lead. RFPro is more stable and a joy to hit on the rise. Serve almost as good.

I admit it’s a tough call. Both have different qualities. Next I need to add some lead at 3/9 and weight in the handle of the BladePro to see if I can bring stability up while keeping the other good things with this frame.
I wasn't a fan of the V8 blade pro. I got a pair of v9 blade pros with leather and I love it. I know there's supposed to be the same frame other than cosmetics. But the Blade Pro definitely needs handle weight IMO.


Hall of Fame
I wasn't a fan of the V8 blade pro. I got a pair of v9 blade pros with leather and I love it. I know there's supposed to be the same frame other than cosmetics. But the Blade Pro definitely needs handle weight IMO.
Well they are supposed to be the same but Wilson QC is what it is so we never know. Lol

I decided to switch to the Blade Pro. It’s a bit better than the RFPro I was testing alongside and will be replacing the Pure Aeros Plus that I never really totally gelled with.

If anyone has a Blade Pro 16x19 (4 3/8) for sale and not worried about shipping to Canada just PM me.


Hall of Fame
I hit with the BP today for an hour and a half. I added 2 grams each to 3&9. So 4 grams total. A 6 gram overgrip and 5 additional grams of lead on the handle. Strung with a full bed of Alu Power at 43 lbs. Final specs are as follows.

static weight - 335
swing weight - 341
balance - 3.5 pts hl

The feel was great. Very soft and easy on the arm. I understand why the pro's are using these types of rackets. Given how often they are on court and hitting, they need this arm friendliness. The control was decent. Nothing otherworldly. And spin was average. Nothing special. Power was where it became a disappointment to me. As with any soft (flexible) frame. You're going to sacrifice power. And this frame is no exception. I was hitting side by side and comparing it to my modified Pro Staff 97 V14. Below is my honest opinion between the two.

Power - Pro Staff wins by a significant margin.
Spin - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie.
Control - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie
Feel - Blade Pro definitely wins in this dept.

If you were to blindfold me and have me hit with the Blade Pro and then the VCORE Pro 95, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell the difference in terms of feel. It's a shame. I'm actually starting to really like these softer feeling frames. It's definitely what my arm needs as I age. But they are all so low in the power dept. And I just can't compete with them.

That's my take on the BP. It's back to the Pro Staff for me. Anyone interested in a BP? :sneaky:
That a 16x19? What grip size?


I've sold my 16x19 Pro and bought a 18x20 Pro instead. I played a couple of tournaments with it, had it restrung twice and also added lead in various places. The verdict for me was its a good frame but its missing something, and that something is when pulling the trigger, especially on my forehand. Now I'm sure its my poor stroke mechanics but it lacks the certainty that the PS 97 gives me. I would also say it's underpowered so a lively string is a must. The feel is excellent even better than the PS but I prefer a denser string pattern, probably due to my flatter swing path.

The 18x20 will arrive today.
I've sold my 16x19 Pro and bought a 18x20 Pro instead. I played a couple of tournaments with it, had it restrung twice and also added lead in various places. The verdict for me was its a good frame but its missing something, and that something is when pulling the trigger, especially on my forehand. Now I'm sure its my poor stroke mechanics but it lacks the certainty that the PS 97 gives me. I would also say it's underpowered so a lively string is a must. The feel is excellent even better than the PS but I prefer a denser string pattern, probably due to my flatter swing path.

The 18x20 will arrive today.

Interested in what you say about the 18x20 if you think the 16x19 is underpowered - the Blade Pro 16x19 actually feels a lot more powerful to me


My thoughts on the 18x20.

Power wise its pretty similar but the frame feels heavier. Probably due to the denser string pattern. This frames plays more like a Blade than its sibling.and instinctive touch shots are easier to execute. My FH was much more predictable which really helps when dialing into aggressive returns. On the serve, I think the 16x19 is slightly better. More spin and perhaps a tad more power. Back hand was pretty nice, but a bit flatter than the 16x19. I put some lead under the handle but may take it off tomorrow to see if that adds to the power output.
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New User
Played briefly on the Pro 98 16x19 and was very impressed. I haven't played with many Wilson rackets in several years, and in the past they usually were just "okay" for me. Only other Wilson racket I ever vibed with was the Ncode6.1. Felt really great to hit with right off the bat, incredibly easy to hit with (and comfortable), good pop and power, felt in control of my shots, forgiving, and almost no adjustment/break in rhythm on any stroke or serve. It was shocking, honestly. My brief racket history being: Pure drive, ezone, Pure Aero+, and Percept 97 (I realize that one of these are not like the others..). Going to give it another try or perhaps longer, but it's given me a lot to think about now.


Just received my "new to me" V9 16x19.... great stick. Whippy yet stable. Lots of plow without being sluggish. Tip speed still allows for good serves. Good volley stick, solid on grounds and defensive bunts. For a retail stick it doest get much better for me. My Prestige 93 16x19 might be better... just. I plan on getting the new Prestige 98 16x19 - that might be the grail, but the BP is close.


Having owned both V9 Pro frames, I'd recommend stringing with a thinner gauge multi. Not only will that make it more headlight but it will also add to the power.

I'm using a 1.18 string and can play stock with no extra weight. I found adding weight to the handle detracts from its power output.

I played a club match yesterday with the 18x20. This is a frame you can do anything with, the control is sublime.


Yes, lead tape under the bumper to bring the swingweight up and make sure they all matched. Stock, mine were all around 303 to 305 swingweight to begin with. When I had my v7s originally, there was a much larger variance in the swing weights. Had to have a couple replaced as one came in at 333 unstrung. That one was a freak occurrence though, the others weren't anywhere near that. The v9's seem to have much tighter tolerances.

Have just got myself on a new pro stock H22 in the same paint job. Going to put it into the same specs and compare the playability with the Blade Pro to see if there are any differences in reality. The mould and paint job itself appears identical, but obviously the layup may be different. Personally, from previous experience with a previous pj (Burn) H22 I have, I couldn't tell any difference in the way it played to my v7's. So I'm curious to see if there is any difference now between the BP and H22. Only for my own sh1ts and giggles really.
Did you manage to compare your H22 and Blade pro in the end?
Did you manage to compare your H22 and Blade pro in the end?

I think I said this quite a few times, there is no comparing the Blade Pro to H22, as the H22 will vary a lot
Basically the Blade Pro is a higher stiffness H22, because the mold is the same and the layup might be close to the stiffer one

The H22 could be 58,60,62 or 64 stiffness, comes in about every variation of weight, length, SW and even drilling pattern if you are ranked high enough
So, there will never be the one racket to compare it to

But I am convinced that a 64 H22 with the same pattern will feel about the same as Blade Pro


New User
Hello, I would like to ask for your expert opinion. I recently bought two used Wilson Blade Pro v7 racquets.
I’ve read a lot beforehand about Blade vs. Blade Pro vs. H22.
How can I or can you tell if these are “normal Pro Racquet” or if they are “H22” racquets?

Wilson Blade Pro v7 #1

Wilson Blade Pro v7 #2

Thank you for your comments and your help!


Hello, I would like to ask for your expert opinion. I recently bought two used Wilson Blade Pro v7 racquets.
I’ve read a lot beforehand about Blade vs. Blade Pro vs. H22.
How can I or can you tell if these are “normal Pro Racquet” or if they are “H22” racquets?

Wilson Blade Pro v7 #1

Wilson Blade Pro v7 #2

Thank you for your comments and your help!
Same mold except the grommet channel on the H22s up until the V8 paint was slightly longer than the BP. Now on the V9 paint H22s, the grommet ending is the same length as the BP.


New User
Same mold except the grommet channel on the H22s up until the V8 paint was slightly longer than the BP. Now on the V9 paint H22s, the grommet ending is the same length as the BP

Sorry for the follow-up question… but are my models the H22 model?