I hit with the BP today for an hour and a half. I added 2 grams each to 3&9. So 4 grams total. A 6 gram overgrip and 5 additional grams of lead on the handle. Strung with a full bed of Alu Power at 43 lbs. Final specs are as follows.
static weight - 335
swing weight - 341
balance - 3.5 pts hl
The feel was great. Very soft and easy on the arm. I understand why the pro's are using these types of rackets. Given how often they are on court and hitting, they need this arm friendliness. The control was decent. Nothing otherworldly. And spin was average. Nothing special. Power was where it became a disappointment to me. As with any soft (flexible) frame. You're going to sacrifice power. And this frame is no exception. I was hitting side by side and comparing it to my modified Pro Staff 97 V14. Below is my honest opinion between the two.
Power - Pro Staff wins by a significant margin.
Spin - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie.
Control - I can't tell a difference at all. It's a tie
Feel - Blade Pro definitely wins in this dept.
If you were to blindfold me and have me hit with the Blade Pro and then the VCORE Pro 95, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell the difference in terms of feel. It's a shame. I'm actually starting to really like these softer feeling frames. It's definitely what my arm needs as I age. But they are all so low in the power dept. And I just can't compete with them.
That's my take on the BP. It's back to the Pro Staff for me. Anyone interested in a BP?