Wilson Pro Staff 5.1, need urgent help!


New User
Hello to everyone.

I need some suggestions. My husband is a very good dubbel player and palyed for 10 years with:
Wilson Pro Staff 5.1 MP , Rectangular - RG -Geometry
U.S. Pat. No 4.768.786 ( is grey with a nice paint)

Last week one of his rakets broke. One raket isn t enough. We need to buy two new rakets...
He is a big fun of Wilson, Pro Staff serie. Do you have any suggestions wich raket is a bit similary to the old one? Or maybe a another brand?

Thank you for all suggestions.



saralara said:
Hello to everyone.

I need some suggestions. My husband is a very good dubbel player and palyed for 10 years with:
Wilson Pro Staff 5.1 MP , Rectangular - RG -Geometry
U.S. Pat. No 4.768.786 ( is grey with a nice paint)

Last week one of his rakets broke. One raket isn t enough. We need to buy two new rakets...
He is a big fun of Wilson, Pro Staff serie. Do you have any suggestions wich raket is a bit similary to the old one? Or maybe a another brand?

Thank you for all suggestions.


It would've been nice to run your message through some spell checker before posting it to the forum.


New User

Are you here for giving advises and help or just for to make yourself important?

Well, sorry if it was not perfect.I don t speak, write english often. This is a international forum.

Thank you by the other persons for the advises...Seems that the rest didn t had a problem with my english. There are here to help people and give good advises: Tennis lovers!
You should better change your nickname.



New User
Hello Panic,

The old raket I don t find it. I don t know anything about tennis rakets...
I think is better we go to a shop and demo some new models of Wilson rakets.



New User

Thank you for the advis. We will go to demo this raket. I never saw this model before here ( Europe, Belgium). Let s hope I can find it.



Talk Tennis Guru
Perhaps you have a look at:

Wilson ProStaff 6.0 Original 95

if you can find it over there.

Also, check these threads:

Volkl T10Gen2 - Great doubles stick

Best player racquet for doubles?

Which is better for Doubles? 300G or Npro Surge?

I would suggest your husband should look at:
Volkl 10 V-Engine Generation II, Volk 10-Engine Mid and MP
all 3 very good for the arm.

He should DEMO them first, not buy straight.


saralara said:

Are you here for giving advises and help or just for to make yourself important?

Well, sorry if it was not perfect.I don t speak, write english often. This is a international forum.

Thank you by the other persons for the advises...Seems that the rest didn t had a problem with my english. There are here to help people and give good advises: Tennis lovers!
You should better change your nickname.


Hi Saralara,

Sorry about all the rude comments. I am trying to learn "Italian" at age 48. Please keep posting.. there are many excellent player, coaches.. stringers that are members of this wonderful board..and give outstanding advice. if you are looking for TENNIS...info.. this is the place. Welcome and enjoy!



Hall of Fame
I'd say the Wilson Surge also, Prince Shark, Head Instinct, and Saralara, just ignore the (Tennis lovers ) *pin head.*


bluegrasser said:
I'd say the Wilson Surge also, Prince Shark, Head Instinct, and Saralara, just ignore the (Tennis lovers ) *pin head.*


Any snow yet?? We are getting blasted in Western and Upstate NY. How about any of the Dunlop frames that are being sold at super low prices? 300G Mils.. etc. Lead tape here and there.. and away ya go!

Happy ThanksGiving!
