Wilson Pro Staff V13.0 team


hello, seen this morning on a sales site, pro staff 100 team v13.0

on the specs, we find
280g unstrung
balance 32.5cm

Does anyone have any info on this frame?

I played a lot of time with wilson pro staff or six one team 95 289g, but with age a sieve of 645/100 suits me a little more, I have recently been playing with clash 100L
Tried all the pro staff 97 from countervail to v.13 and v.14, didn’t bother pro staff team for a long time cus it was too light. I always go back to my pure drive(used for 10yrs, used the prostaff 90 for 7yrs before that). Then I randomly found pro staff team 100 v13 for a cheap price. I lead it to my liking(12, 3,9)plus leather grip. Result is perfect for my game control and power. I can swing full to the spot I’m aiming unlike my puredrive which I have to aim for bigger margin. My sharp slice is back from ps90 back then. I can place my serves better compare to puredrive.