Also used RF97A for 5 years, had difficulties finding a replacement, have a PS97 v14, and it's just not there. Level - advanced, very consistent, I like clean really hard hitting, one handed bh, also in my 40s
Easily the closest is new Blade v9, I play with 18x20 but demo both 16x19 and 18x20, low tension. Find a 16x19 at a swingweight of around 325kg/cm2 strung, and 18x20 also if you can find one, at least below 296 unstrung / 328 strung swingweight. Many come heavier in the handle, so 308 or 310g static, and they really really play like the RF, even feel very close
PS97 v14 needs fast swinging, is demanding, has a relatively small sweet spot, you have to line up shots nicely and swing through. Feel is very crispy, but it tires my arm and shoulder quite a bit, dunno why, feels like high frequency ringing after impact, and several youtubers have complained about it too. Many here have said it has a swingweight of around 330, but mine is around 320, and when I was looking to buy I couldn't find a single one higher than that absolutely anywhere, either online or in shops
Demo v14 had a swingweight of 336, just too high, not maneuvrable, and racquet just felt off, although I can swing up to 350 without any issues. I'd aim for a strung sw of 325-328, so 292-295 unstrung, so that you can string 1.30 gut/multi in it also if you want, without the strung sw going over 328