moon shot
Hall of Fame
Now that we know what Version 11.0 means here are the previous 10 iterations (some of the naming conventions are not really accurate - just did this quickly - but should give you the general idea). I'm still stubbing out the details...
v1.0 Pro Staff Original: A New Box Beam
ProStaff Original, Pro Staff 6.0 Original
Pro Staff 6.6 Tour Classic
v2.0 Pro Staff Classic: Shaped Beams Strike Back
Dual Taper Beam
v3.0 Hyper ProStaff: Return of the Box Beam
introduced in 2000, version 3 primarily focused on the materials of the frame, primarily hypercarbon.
Hyper Carbon
Version 4 was released in 2003 the Tour models were marketed as a return to the roots of the Pro Staff by removing swing index (6.0, 6.1) numbers.
Introduced in 2004 version 5 was marketed as updates in materials (silicone crystals filling voids).
introduced in 2007 version 6 was marketed as having ...ummm... more nanoscopic stuff.
introduced in 2010
introduced in 2012
introduced in 2014
introduced in 2015
introduced in 2016
v1.0 Pro Staff Original: A New Box Beam
Followed after the Sting and Ultra with its introduction in 1983. Introduced in this version is braided graphite & kevlar and it is the longest selling box beam Wilson made.
parallel version lines
Ultra, Ultra 2, Ultra FPK, Jack Kramer Staff, and the Profile which evolved into the hammer and dual taper beam pro staff.
parallel version lines
Ultra, Ultra 2, Ultra FPK, Jack Kramer Staff, and the Profile which evolved into the hammer and dual taper beam pro staff.
ProStaff Original, Pro Staff 6.0 Original
:: - 11.6-12.3oz - 1-1.5in balance - 27in length - 17mm shaft - 16x18
Midplus :::
:: - 11.6-12.3oz - 1-1.5in balance - 27in length - 20mm shaft - 16x18
:: - 11.6-12.3oz - 1-1.5in balance -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16x19
ProStaff 125:: - 11.6-12.3oz - 1-1.5in balance - 27in length - 17mm shaft - 16x18
Midplus :::
:: - 11.6-12.3oz - 1-1.5in balance - 27in length - 20mm shaft - 16x18
:: - 11.6-12.3oz - 1-1.5in balance -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16x19
:: - 11.6-12.3oz - 1-1.5in balance -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18x22
ProStaff Tour DB 85 (asian market)Pro Staff 6.6 Tour Classic
:: - 12.3oz - 10pts - 27in length - 20mm shaft - 16x18
:: - 12.3oz - 10pts - 27in length - 20mm shaft - 18x20
:: - 12.3oz - 10pts - 27in length - 20mm shaft - 18x20
v2.0 Pro Staff Classic: Shaped Beams Strike Back
Version 2 began around 1990 and was largely concerned with beam shapes. The dual taper beam, classic beam, and later the rectangular geometry beam originated in this version.
Version 2 began around 1990 and was largely concerned with beam shapes. The dual taper beam, classic beam, and later the rectangular geometry beam originated in this version.
Dual Taper Beam
Hammer Pro Staff 4.0 95
Pro Staff 4.5 95
Pro Staff 4.9 95
Pro Staff 5.5 95
Pro Staff 5.8 95
Pro Staff 5.9 95
Pro Staff 6.0 95
Pro Staff 6.5 95
Hammer Pro Staff 4.0 110
Pro Staff 4.5 110
Pro Staff 4.9 110
Pro Staff 5.5 110
Pro Staff 5.8 110
Pro Staff 5.9 110
Pro Staff 6.5 110
Pro Staff 6.8 Lite 110
Classic BeamPro Staff 4.5 95
Pro Staff 4.9 95
Pro Staff 5.5 95
Pro Staff 5.8 95
Pro Staff 5.9 95
Pro Staff 6.0 95
Pro Staff 6.5 95
Hammer Pro Staff 4.0 110
Pro Staff 4.5 110
Pro Staff 4.9 110
Pro Staff 5.5 110
Pro Staff 5.8 110
Pro Staff 5.9 110
Pro Staff 6.5 110
Pro Staff 6.8 Lite 110
Pro Staff 6.0 85
Pro Staff 7.0 85 Lite [asian market]
Pro Staff 4.2 95
Pro Staff 6.0 95
Pro Staff 6.1
Pro Staff 7.0 Lite 95
Pro Staff 7.5 95
Pro Staff 6.0 110
Pro Staff 7.0 Lite 110
Pro Staff 7.5 110
Rectangular Geometry BeamPro Staff 7.0 85 Lite [asian market]
Pro Staff 4.2 95
Pro Staff 6.0 95
Pro Staff 6.1
::: - 340g - 315mm - 27in - 21mm shaft - 16x18
Tour Edition ::::
::: - 340g - 315mm - 27in - 21mm shaft - 18x20
Stretch 95 ::::::
::: - 340g - 315mm - 28in - 21mm shaft - 18x20
Stretch 110 ::::
:: - 340g - 315mm - 28in - 21mm shaft - 18x19
25th Anniversary
::: - 340g - 315mm - 27in - 21mm shaft - 18x20
Pro Staff 7.0 95Tour Edition ::::
::: - 340g - 315mm - 27in - 21mm shaft - 18x20
Stretch 95 ::::::
::: - 340g - 315mm - 28in - 21mm shaft - 18x20
Stretch 110 ::::
:: - 340g - 315mm - 28in - 21mm shaft - 18x19
25th Anniversary
::: - 340g - 315mm - 27in - 21mm shaft - 18x20
Pro Staff 7.0 Lite 95
Pro Staff 7.5 95
Pro Staff 6.0 110
Pro Staff 7.0 Lite 110
Pro Staff 7.5 110
Pro Staff 4.9 95
Pro Staff 5.8 Stretch 95
Pro Staff 7.1 95
Pro Staff 4.7 EB Stretch 100
Pro Staff 5.7 EB Stretch 100
Pro Staff 5.8 110
Pro Staff 6.7 EB Oversize 110
Pro Staff 7.1 Stretch 110
Pro Staff 4.7 EB Stretch 115
Pro Staff 5.7 EB Stretch 115
Pro Staff 5.8 Stretch 95
Pro Staff 7.1 95
Pro Staff 4.7 EB Stretch 100
Pro Staff 5.7 EB Stretch 100
Pro Staff 5.8 110
Pro Staff 6.7 EB Oversize 110
Pro Staff 7.1 Stretch 110
Pro Staff 4.7 EB Stretch 115
Pro Staff 5.7 EB Stretch 115
v3.0 Hyper ProStaff: Return of the Box Beam
introduced in 2000, version 3 primarily focused on the materials of the frame, primarily hypercarbon.
Hyper Carbon
Original Box Beam
Hyper ProStaff 5.0 Stretch 95
Hyper ProStaff 6.5 95
Hyper ProStaff Extreme 6.7 95
Hyper ProStaff Zone 7.1 95
Hyper ProStaff 7.6 Rollers 98
Hyper ProStaff Surge 5.1 100
Hyper ProStaff Surge 5.1 X 100
Hyper ProStaff 5.0 Stretch 110
Hyper ProStaff 6.5 110
Hyper ProStaff Extreme 6.7 110
Other MaterialsHyper ProStaff 6.0 90 european market
Hyper ProStaff 6.0 Tour 95
Classic BeamHyper ProStaff 6.0 Tour 95
Hyper ProStaff 6.1 95
Hyper ProStaff 6.1 stretch 95
Hyper ProStaff 6.1 106
Hyper ProStaff 5.0 95Hyper ProStaff 6.1 stretch 95
Hyper ProStaff 6.1 106
Hyper ProStaff 5.0 Stretch 95
Hyper ProStaff 6.5 95
Hyper ProStaff Extreme 6.7 95
Hyper ProStaff Zone 7.1 95
Hyper ProStaff 7.6 Rollers 98
Hyper ProStaff Surge 5.1 100
Hyper ProStaff Surge 5.1 X 100
Hyper ProStaff 5.0 Stretch 110
Hyper ProStaff 6.5 110
Hyper ProStaff Extreme 6.7 110
Triad Pro Staff 6.0 95
Pro Staff 6.6 Titanium 95
Pro Staff 6.6 Titanium 110
v4.0 ProStaff TourPro Staff 6.6 Titanium 95
Pro Staff 6.6 Titanium 110
Version 4 was released in 2003 the Tour models were marketed as a return to the roots of the Pro Staff by removing swing index (6.0, 6.1) numbers.
ProStaff Tour 90
ProStaff ROK 93
Prostaff Tour 95
ProStaff Torch 95
ProStaff Trance 95
ProStaff ROK 102
ProStaff Torch 110
ProStaff Trance 110
v5.0 nSix-OneProStaff ROK 93
Prostaff Tour 95
ProStaff Torch 95
ProStaff Trance 95
ProStaff ROK 102
ProStaff Torch 110
ProStaff Trance 110
Introduced in 2004 version 5 was marketed as updates in materials (silicone crystals filling voids).
nSix-One Tour 90
nSix-One 95 (16x18)
nSix-One 95 (18x20)
nPS 95 (18x20)
nTour 95
PS Blitz 100
nTour 105
v6.0 KSix-OnenSix-One 95 (16x18)
nSix-One 95 (18x20)
nPS 95 (18x20)
nTour 95
PS Blitz 100
nTour 105
introduced in 2007 version 6 was marketed as having ...ummm... more nanoscopic stuff.
KPro Staff 88
KSix-One Tour 90
KSix-One 95 (16x18)
KSix-One 95 (18x20)
KSix-One Team 95
KSix-One X 95 (16x18)
KTour 95
v7.0 BLX Six.OneKSix-One Tour 90
KSix-One 95 (16x18)
KSix-One 95 (18x20)
KSix-One Team 95
KSix-One X 95 (16x18)
KTour 95
introduced in 2010
BLX Six.One Tour 90
BLX Six.One 95
BLX Six.One Team 95
BLX Six.One Lite 102
v8.0 BLX Pro Staff Six.OneBLX Six.One 95
BLX Six.One Team 95
BLX Six.One Lite 102
introduced in 2012
BLX Pro Staff Six.One 90
BLX Pro Staff Six.One 95
BLX Six.One 95
BLX Six.One Team 95
BLX Pro Staff Six.One 100
BLX Pro Staff Six.One 100L
v9.0 Pro StaffBLX Pro Staff Six.One 95
BLX Six.One 95
BLX Six.One Team 95
BLX Pro Staff Six.One 100
BLX Pro Staff Six.One 100L
introduced in 2014
Pro Staff 90
Pro Staff 95S
Six.One 95
Six.One 95S
Six.One 95L
Pro Staff 100L
Pro Staff 100LS
v10.0 Pro Staff :: - 340g - 305mm balance - 27in length - 17mm shaft - 16x19 pattern
Pro Staff 95Pro Staff 95S
Six.One 95
Six.One 95S
Six.One 95L
Pro Staff 100L
Pro Staff 100LS
introduced in 2015
Pro Staff RF97 Autograph
Pro Staff 97
Pro Staff 97S
Pro Staff 97LS
Pro Staff 97ULS
Pro Staff 95S
v11.0 Pro StaffPro Staff 97
Pro Staff 97S
Pro Staff 97LS
Pro Staff 97ULS
Pro Staff 95S
introduced in 2016
Pro Staff RF97 Autograph
Pro Staff 97
Pro Staff 97S
Pro Staff 97LS
Pro Staff 97ULS
...a work in progressPro Staff 97
Pro Staff 97S
Pro Staff 97LS
Pro Staff 97ULS
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