Wilson's PS6.0 (85) Grip Size question?? White Vs Black cap



Need some help to clarify some query.

For those people that has own a Wilson PS6.0 (85) White butt cap and black butt cap, with same grip size.

Is there any difference between the 2 racquets, in term of grip size?

Thank you.


I have one bought in 1996 with the white cap and one bought in 2003 with a black cap. Both are 4 1/2 but the one from 2003 is decidedly larger. The older also has slightly different consmetics and feels stiffer. Both are Chinas and not St. Vincents or anything.

Ray Wong

I agree with Andreh, I have four of 6.0 85, one of them made in Taiwan, another one bought in 1997 and made in China with Fairway grip, and two bought from TW last year with Wilson leather grip. I think the different leather grip will be affecting the grip size because the Wilson leather is thicker than the Fairway.