Protocol for use of the roof
These basic principles will govern the use of the roof:
(a) The Championships is an outdoor daytime event. Therefore, in good weather, the roof will only be used if it is too dark to play on without it.
(b) The Referee has ultimate control over use of the roof and his decision is final.
(c) Timings of scheduled play on Centre Court in 2018 are intended to be on the same basis as 2017. This includes the number of matches and the likely timing of those matches to be put on the court. There can be many different circumstances which will govern the opening and the closing of the roof, hence the ultimate control of the Referee. That said, the following may be useful guidelines:
Best efforts will be made to start play each day with the roof open. However, 45 minutes before the start of each day’s play, the Referee will decide if the first match will start with the roof open or closed.
If a match is suspended due to rain, the normal covers will first be deployed, before the roof is closed, and the match continued. Due to the change in playing conditions, players will get a full warm-up on returning to court. If the projected interruption is sufficiently brief, as determined by the Referee, the normal covers will be used and play then continued with the roof open.
The Referee will decide to open or close the roof before the start of each subsequent match
Any match originally scheduled for Centre Court will normally be completed if possible and if necessary the roof closed for reasons of rain or light. Any matches added to the original schedule may be stopped without the deployment of the roof at the discretion of the Referee.
Changes to the order of play, including moving a match from another court onto Centre Court, may be authorised in exceptional circumstances in the best interests of completing The Championships on schedule.
Fair enough. Rule (b) seems to agree with what you are saying, and it does technically give "the referee" the right to do whatever they want. However, the decision still went against rule (a), so technically I am right to say that one of the rules wasn't followed. These are the rules from April 2018 however, now I implore you to post the rules after this supposed change so we can see how they are any different. Fairs fair.
Rule (b) gives them the right to do whatever they want it seems. However it appears this rule was made only to give them a right to improvise in situations such as these. You asking me to explain the thoughts of what is going through their minds is not my problem however, since humans are perfectly capable of making decisions that are not well thought through and do not make sense. If you wish to offer an explanation please go ahead.
Are there formal rules on what a person can or can't disagree on which I am not aware of? In fact, isn't when something is not known the only time you can agree/disagree? Else I would just shout, "you're right," or "you're wrong."