Not me
What is the non electronic? I assume you were talking about the Wise lockout mode. I've never compared the Wise LO to the a regular LO.
I have. When I first got my Wise, I was concerned about tension differences. My concern was based on what I had read on the boards about constant pull versus lockout and how it was 10% different.
What I did was pull 54 pounds tension on a string in lockout mode and watch the tension number for about 3-4 seconds. At that point, I noted how much it had dropped. The 3-4 seconds was what I allowed myself to move a clamp. I then noted that tension and strung using constant pull mode.
Since then, I have disregarded doing that. There is not a 10% difference between lock out and constant pull, or at least not one that is significant enough to make a difference in stringing. I string at 58 in CP mode and don't look back.
This reinforced with me the only really really bad thing about these boards. There is a great propensity to over think every aspect of tennis from how much a set of string weighs and will it affect balance, if I string tighter will it make my frame more headlight, is my dampener aerodynamic enough, are 18X20 patterned racquets as easy to swing as 16X19, and do I need to put lead tape over scrapes on my racquet head to account for lost graphite.
It's like Johnny Unitas told a Charger toward the end of his career "Just catch the damn ball and score so we can all go home."