Thanks everyone! Heard back from Dan as well:
Lubricating the Lead screw
The main Lead screw is the large shiny screw you can see thru the brush where the gripper slides.
Please use lithium grease.
The lubricant should be very minimal, no need to open the machine. Just turn the machine On then turn off with the main switch before it reaches the end of travel, add a small amount of grease at the ends of the screw, that will be enough to reduce the noise.
Please do not need to saturate the screw with lubricant. Do not overspill on the electronics.
I recommend using a long swab and applying directly on the screw. It is not for wear and tear, the thermoplastic used for the nut handles friction well. The lubricant is only for reducing noise caused due to dryness and when it has trouble reaching the test cycle.
You can use lithium grease on the lead screw but only if you feel comfortable opening the case. Just put the screws back in the same place, especially the longest one should be on the upper left side. The advantage is that the grease lasts longer. Apply the grease lightly, a little bit is enough.
Another option is spray the screw with a lithium spray, but very careful not to spray the electronics. This you can reach without opening it, you can see the shiny screw through the brush when you move the gripper to the end of the pull.
This video will show you how to open the back cover: