Wonder Wedge - Name Change -

Tim Tennis

Well, you guys made so much fun of the Wonder Wedge, you know calling it the Wonder Wedgiee or what ever. I am just going to call it the "Power 'V' Grip." Actually over the years a number of people have questioned the name. Finally a strong supporter of the, Wonder Wedge on this forum said it sounded like an infomerical. That was the straw that broke the camels back. So now it is the "Power 'V' Grip." Hey, I can change it again if anyone has a better name, let me know.

In my attempt to explain why the Power 'V' Grip is an important advancement in the design of the handle the "grabbing air" concept came to me which basically is that once you leave the Eastern forehand grip none of the other grips fit that well in your hand with a standard shaped handle. You just don't know any better. I have tried to get that concept accross on the site now. I know it will make a lot of sense to the Wonder Wedge / Power -V- Grip users on this forum.


Thanks guys,

Appreciate all of your support


New User
hey tim the new name defenilty gives the wonder wedge a sense of class because when coach asks me what the *explative* is on my grip and i say wonder wedge hey gives me that ur crazy look but it doesnt matter what th name is i love das wonder wedge it has helped me take my game to another level so keep up the good work

Tim Tennis

Ko8727 said:
hey tim the new name defenilty gives the wonder wedge a sense of class because when coach asks me what the *explative* is on my grip and i say wonder wedge hey gives me that ur crazy look but it doesnt matter what th name is i love das wonder wedge it has helped me take my game to another level so keep up the good work

You got to love it. That is funny. It is amazing how people react.


Power V Grip

Power V Grip sounds much more macho eh. Ed, I think you should just stop promoting the WW, er PVG and just make me a batch of about 3 dozen before you cease production.:)


Since I don't hold my racquet in the same spot with my forehand, backhand, serve, or volley how does this accessory actually work for you? If it is installed to be in the optimal position for your semi-western forehand what does it do for you when you go to hit a one hand topspin backhand?

Tim Tennis

TennisParent said:
Power V Grip sounds much more macho eh. Ed, I think you should just stop promoting the WW, er PVG and just make me a batch of about 3 dozen before you cease production.:)

That is like my when I offered my daughter $5,000 to elope instead of having a big wedding. She said, "Dad, that is just a down payment." She was right. Yikes! LOL

TennisParent, good to hear from you. Thanks for your support.

Tim Tennis

Semaj said:
I think wonder wedge is the name of a golf wedge too!

I think you are right. It was also the name of some kind of pillow that was supposed to improve your sex life. It was time for a name change.

Like Tennis Parent said, "Power V Grip sounds much more macho." I like it.

Tim Tennis

It's all in the grip

Cruzer said:
Since I don't hold my racquet in the same spot with my forehand, backhand, serve, or volley how does this accessory actually work for you? If it is installed to be in the optimal position for your semi-western forehand what does it do for you when you go to hit a one hand topspin backhand?

The Power -V- Grip is installed on bevel 3. This will give each grip a very distinctive feel, much more so then a standard shaped handle. This makes all the grips so much easier to find.

In the SW position the PVG is in the palm of your hand.


If you use the SW grip you should find this statement from the site interesting. (On a standard shaped handle the flat bevel 3 prevents the palm of the hand from naturally forming around the handle. By increasing the size of bevel 2 and 4 the Power -V- Grip is created. This encourages the palm to wrap around the handle perfectly for the Semi-Western grip. It fills in the gap/space created when you roll the thumb forward to grasp the handle.)

When you move to the EBH grip the PVG is locked in your fingers.


EBH grip, here is a statment from the site that is going to make you think.
(See how your knuckles wrap around the Power - V- Grip bevels for increased leverage and traction. On a standard shaped handle the knuckles are just "grabing air," think about it. It's all in the grip.)

Hope this answers your questions.




Hall of Fame
You could call it the "Tennis See". :) j/k

I have been using this little invention to improve my topspin backhand. I had Continental grip strokes and hit slice and flat previously, but thought I'd learn some topspin strokes. Anyway, I have two problems. One is finding the appropriate grip for volleys. A traditional Continental grip feels odd. So, where do you grab that sucker for volleys? The second question is I notice I haven't gone quite that far around on my topspin backhand yet. I'm hitting quite a few balls into the net with such an extreme-for me-grip. Any suggestions?

Kitchen Measures
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Tim Tennis

chess9 said:
You could call it the "Tennis See". :) j/k

I have been using this little invention to improve my topspin backhand. I had Continental grip strokes and hit slice and flat previously, but thought I'd learn some topspin strokes. Anyway, I have two problems. One is finding the appropriate grip for volleys. A traditional Continental grip feels odd. So, where do you grab that sucker for volleys? The second question is I notice I haven't gone quite that far around on my topspin backhand yet. I'm hitting quite a few balls into the net with such an extreme-for me-grip. Any suggestions?


Tennis See Power -V-Grip. I'll have to think about that.

Volleys. Robert it is so hard to comment without seeing your exact hand placement. The Continental grip should feel very secure. It might be a matter of how you are postioning the palm of your hand. This can affect the tilt of the racquet face. By this I mean forward or backward not open or closed. In fact here is a link to the site which shows how much the placement of the palm can affect the Continental grip. If the problem is a matter of balls going into the net or long then it is a function of racquet head angle which you have to adjust by 1) Changing the position of your hand on the handle to open or close the racquet face. or 2) Keep the grip the same and adjust the position of your forearm to correct the racquet head angle,


Topspin backhand in the net. Again it is hard to comment without actually seeing what is going on but I will venture a quess. In moving from the C that you are used to, to the EBH grip in an attempt to hit with topspin, more than likely you are having trouble generating a strong low to high swing path because you are used to the less extreme swing path of the C slice and flat shots you used before. You need to make sure your racquet is well under the ball. You need a strong upward pull from your shoulder. You need to generate pretty good racquet speed and you need a good follow through. You have to believe in your shot, go for it.

The best way to learn how to hit a topspin backhand is to just drop hit balls from behind the baseline. This way you can really pay attention to how your hand is placed on the handle and what your swing path is. You can analyze you shots and make adjustments accordingly.

Well Robert, I hope I have not totally confused you.


chess9 said:
You could call it the "Tennis See". :) j/k

I have been using this little invention to improve my topspin backhand. I had Continental grip strokes and hit slice and flat previously, but thought I'd learn some topspin strokes. Anyway, I have two problems. One is finding the appropriate grip for volleys. A traditional Continental grip feels odd. So, where do you grab that sucker for volleys? The second question is I notice I haven't gone quite that far around on my topspin backhand yet. I'm hitting quite a few balls into the net with such an extreme-for me-grip. Any suggestions?


Chess9, I had the same problem w/ volleys and reported this to Tennis Tim when I first got the wedge. It just took some getting used to as it does feel very different. My serve and groundies were so much improved by PVG though that I had to persist until volleying became comfortable. By the way, do you use continental grip on both sides when you volley? Someone who switches from efh to ebh grip on volleys (as I do) may have more trouble adjusting to quick grip changes for volleys at first with PVG. (I know I should volley with C grip, and there have been some nasty debates on the instruction forum regarding this, but I have been switching grips on volleys since I was 8y/o and volley pretty well this way)

For better or worse, there is no going back for me now. I recently took home several demo racquets from a tennis store to try out and of course they had standard handles, actually made demoing the racquets rather difficult as they all felt "weird" and incomplete without PVG.

Ed, Where do I find that pillow?:)


Hall of Fame
Power 'V' Grip sounds much better. :)

I guess I have to change my signature now too.


Tim Tennis

TennisParent said:
For better or worse, there is no going back for me now. I recently took home several demo racquets from a tennis store to try out and of course they had standard handles, actually made demoing the racquets rather difficult as they all felt "weird" and incomplete without PVG.

Ed, Where do I find that pillow?:)

First, check with your wife. I felt sure she would have told you about it by now. LOL Just kidding! Or I could have said under the bed on the left hand side towards the top. Yikes!

It is funny at just how strange a standard shaped handle feels once you get used to the PVG. That is when you realize the standard shape just does not provide a good frame of reference for finding all the grips. It has no charactor.


Tim Tennis said:
First, check with your wife. I felt sure she would have told you about it by now. LOL Just kidding! Or I could have said under the bed on the left hand side towards the top. Yikes!

Ouch! I was just asking for that one.

Use of the PVG does present some unusual ethical dilemnas. My daughter was asked about the funny grip thingy by one of her archrivals,
she snapped "none of your business!" lol

Tim Tennis

It's all in the grip

TennisParent said:
Ouch! I was just asking for that one.

Use of the PVG does present some unusual ethical dilemnas. My daughter was asked about the funny grip thingy by one of her archrivals,
she snapped "none of your business!" lol

I am glad you have a good sense of humor.

She should have told her it is an electronic, satellite controlled device that automatically adjusts the racquet head angle at contact with the ball to achieve the optimum placement according to the racquet head speed and swing path she generates, factoring in the wind direction. That is why she is so good.


Hall of Fame
Ok. I had my usual Friday morning lesson with my pro and can report some progress on the backhand wing. I have reached the point on the grip for the backhand where I don't go not quite all the way around but I think a few more days and I'll make it. My problem is not dropping the racquet head low enough on the backswing. I thought I had it too low, but my pro says I'm hardly dropping it at all. Which is why I still take lessons. :) Anyway, I made some huge progress on the topspin backhand today. One drill that works wonders is to do backhand topspin lobs. It really gets you brushing up the back of the ball.

Btw, my forehand is very much improved with the Tennessee Power-V. You get less hand wobble with that grip. I hold the racquet very lightly so this has helped. I may never go back to a standard grip after this just because of the feel on the forehand wing. I've never had a reliable forehand, as I was all flat and slice backhand.

I use a continental grip for all serves and volleys. I come from a S & V background, so actually hitting ground strokes is a whole new enterprise for me. :) j/k-but almost NOT! I think the volleys are going to take some time.

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Tim Tennis

Robert thanks for the update.

chess9 said:
My problem is not dropping the racquet head low enough on the backswing. I thought I had it too low, but my pro says I'm hardly dropping it at all. Which is why I still take lessons. :)

Like I mentioned in the earlier post to you it is so hard to adjust the swing path for a topspin backhand when you have grooved the slice backhand. You have got to really work on it.

chess9 said:
Anyway, I made some huge progress on the topspin backhand today. One drill that works wonders is to do backhand topspin lobs. It really gets you brushing up the back of the ball.

I think that is an excellant drill.

chess9 said:
Btw, my forehand is very much improved with the Tennessee Power-V. You get less hand wobble with that grip. I hold the racquet very lightly so this has helped. I may never go back to a standard grip after this just because of the feel on the forehand wing.

Tennessee Power -V, you got to love it. Of course you will never go back. Why that is like saying you might go back to a wooden racquet.

chess9 said:
I use a continental grip for all serves and volleys. I come from a S & V background, so actually hitting ground strokes is a whole new enterprise for me. :) j/k-but almost NOT! I think the volleys are going to take some time.

This one bothers me. Next lesson get your teaching pro to work on the volleys with you. Try different hand positions. It should not be that much of a problem. How is your serve with the Continental grip?




Hall of Fame
TIM TENNIS, i just got my ww, may i know what should i base on to cut the ww to fit me......????????


Tim, now that u have changed the name. Perhaps its time to make your website more proffessional and convienient.

Tim Tennis

bagung said:
TIM TENNIS, i just got my ww, may i know what should i base on to cut the ww to fit me......????????

I would recommend cutting the PVG to where your index finger notches over the beveled tip to some extent on your continental serve grip. The beveled tip is a big advantage over a standard shaped handle.

Let me know how it works out for you.



Tim Tennis

Fishbulb said:
Tim, now that u have changed the name. Perhaps its time to make your website more proffessional and convienient.

Yikes! I just redid it to some extent. I know that if you don't use internet explorer some text will overlap. I don't know how to fix that.

I am always open to suggestions for improvement. Talk to me.

Sometimes I will get e-mails where people tell me they like the site.




Hey Tim

Just test out some new color schemes and fonts. Make the website more conveniant to use. Trust me, it looks more professional and is a great way to improve your business

Tim Tennis

Fishbulb said:
Hey Tim

Just test out some new color schemes and fonts. Make the website more conveniant to use. Trust me, it looks more professional and is a great way to improve your business

Greatly appreciate the comments. You would not believe how many nice people there are out there that offer good suggestions and just want to see me (the PVG) do well. Apparently you are one of them.




Hey Tim Tennis,

I think the Power V Grip is an awesome name and I saw that you changed the old name to this on your website. But when you have the tape for sale, underneath it says "enough for 4 WW's," maybe change this to PVG's?

Tim Tennis

TokyopunK said:
Hey Tim Tennis,

I think the Power V Grip is an awesome name and I saw that you changed the old name to this on your website. But when you have the tape for sale, underneath it says "enough for 4 WW's," maybe change this to PVG's?

There you go. Something I missed. Thanks so much.

Tim Tennis

Power -V- Grip Site redone

Fishbulb said:
Hey Tim

Just test out some new color schemes and fonts. Make the website more conveniant to use. Trust me, it looks more professional and is a great way to improve your business

Hello Fishbulb,

Well I redid the site, new fonts (Arial), put links on the bottom of each page, changed the home page to try to capture peoples imagination and put something up that both beginners and high performance players can identify with. I left the color scheme alone.

Anyhow, if you get a chance take a look at it and let me know what you think. I truly appreciated your suggestions. Thanks.


Best regards,
