(Woofer Effect) Pure Drive Plus vs. RODDICK Pure Drive Plus


New User
Hello TW,

On the Pure Drive Plus to get the woofer effect it says:

Note: The tension range listed on both Pure Drive models (50-55) is designed to "optimize Woofer grommet performance." Babolat informed us that the racquets may be strung up to 65 pounds without voiding the racquet's warranty.

What tension is it for the RODDICK Pure Drive Plus to get the optimize woofer effect? As it cannot be the same as the tension range on the RODDICK Pure Drive Plus is 55-62 (listed on the racquet)

Please advise.


TW Staff

You will feel the benefit of the Woofer grommet system at any tension within the 55-66lbs range we have listed.

I recommend you select a tension that best suits your playing style - higher for more control, lower for more power. Smack in the middle is always a good starting point.

Chris, TW