A few things I noted:
- Your contact point is consistently knee-height and below. This seems rather low to me. Do you prefer that low of a contact point? If not, you need to move forward a bit to get a higher contact point. Either that or you have to bend your knees and get lower to the ground
- As a result of the low contact point, there's more of a need to lift the ball up to get it over the net. But if you don't have good TS, that's going to be more difficult.
- You maintain your focus on the contact point rather than prematurely pulling your head up to watch the ball. That's great!
Seems like you have some decent mechanics [weight transfer, side turn]. If you study high level 1HBHs, you'll notice they tend to hold the racquet a lot higher on the takeback but that might be a more advanced thing for later.
It's hard to tell how much TS you're generating: is it enough to get good margin over the net? If not, I'd suggest a steeper swing path and putting more vertical force into the ball which means your shot won't travel through the court as fast but you'll get more clearance over the net and enough TS to bring it down.