I slept in late today, woke up and saw Federer lost and couldn't believe it. I wanted to see him go deep, and would have been fine with him winning. Really not happy about this upset at all, and hope he comes back strong. For those Federer fans that followed the match live, I can't imagine how much agony it was to see him lose 3 sets after being up 2! Had to be horrifying. He will bounce back though hopefully. But please take note of how calm this place is. I haven't seen a single thread from a "*******" dissing Federer, his loss, or talking crap. If Rafa somehow loses this match to Fish, this board will OVERFLOW with haters and venomous threads from vile trolls on here. We would really, really like the same respect from here on out. You guys can be insane. Proud of you Nadal fans, obviously I haven't read every post within match threads and someone of course will have said something stupid. But overall, this place really looks good, and im proud of u guys for being the better men today.
Federer fans take note?? Like all Fed fans troll around with anti-Nadal hatred? I know you mean well, but please cool it down with the blanket statements. Just like there are some bad seeds in the Nadal camp ("*******s"), there will be some bad ones in the Federer camp ("*******s")....but "Federer fans" like we're some collective hating group? Um...nope.