Worldliness is a skill acquired with age and experience and cannot be achieved with simple intellectual proficiency, Naturally toughened kids will be worldly by around 16/17 while sheltered kids may never learn this art.
Art is a way of expressing ones emotions and/or desires in a form that can be interpreted as such as well as pivotal moments in history or even strange configurations and inexplainable paintings.
Conquerors pledge lots of time, Money and hard work and stress in order to stake their claim on a foreign land Or conquer an internal emotion which they must tame to reignite their own control of their own being.
Inevitable, they say everything is inevitable from the moment of the big bang, one reaction followed another
in inevitable sequence to produce this inevitable world, which is after all that- a kind of a disappointment.
You are pursuing your dreams . . . pursuing your dreams is how you become homeless . . . Everyone does what they hate for money . . . and use the money for what they love.