Employees at hospitals may be scheduled to work, but let's face it you are not going to get
the best service on Christmas day as you might on a Tuesday in August.
"Drinking Alone Under the Moon" is a famous Li Bai poem.
“Drinking Alone under the Moon” by Li Bai
Among the blossoms waits a jug of wine.
I pour myself a drink, no loved one near.
Then raising my cup, I invite the bright moon
and turn to my shadow. We are now three.
But the moon doesn’t understand drinking,
and my shadow follows my body like a slave.
Still, for a time they will be my companions,
a passing joy that should last through the spring.
I sing and the moon just wavers in the sky;
I dance and my shadow whips around like mad.
While lucid still, we have such fun together!
But stumbling drunk, each staggers off alone.
Though bound forever, unfettered we roam
till we meet on yonder river of stars. —translated by David Bowles
Schoolboy cookies (Petit Écolier) and wine is an interesting pairing.
French schools once prized the nutritional value of wine. So commonly was it served to children that in 1956 the government banned wine in school canteens—and even then, only for the under-14s. France was the world’s biggest wine producer last year. A bottle of wine has long been to the French meal what fast driving is to the German motorway: a humdrum habit, national right and personal pleasure. https://www.economist.com/europe/2024/03/27/why-the-french-are-drinking-less-wine
Intricate plots in movies require a somewhat attentive audience to be understood and appreciated, which is seen as problematic by Hollywood studios in an era of shorter attention spans and smartphones.
Adults in the insect world are called imagos; after having gone through several transformations
the result could be something like a moth or butterfly.