Yonex ezone 100 strings


New User
Looking for recommended strings for ezone 100 which I am thinking of buying after a recent demo .

Current string setup with a 24 year old head racquet is Mg Gamma Ocho,poly technifbre red code
The ezone demo racquet came with babolat syn gut 1.3 which was comfortable but I think the racquet can be better for my baseline game with a similar hybrid string setup as my head .
Any combinations suggested ?

My stringer is suggesting hyper g suits ezone and to go with pure poly for ezone or mix with any multi filament .


For a hybrid I would recommend velocity or triax and ptp in the cross. Otherwise, poly tour pro full bed is great, I’m going to try poly tour rev/poly tour pro in a hybrid soon so I think that will be good.
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Thanks for the suggestions
We have a bit of limited options with my stringer unless I buy strings with the racquet so what I am thinking is

Poly Mains (Solinco Hyper-G or Yonex Ptp) strung at 52-55 lbs
And combine it with
Gamma Ocho ( current I use this ) or Yonex Rexis in Crosses strung at 50-53 lbs
This should give control and spin from the poly and softer crosses should provide enough control,power ?

Another option is to go full bed yonex Ptp but I hear durability can be an issue ?
I play about 2-3 hours a week as an intermediate player.


Hi @rj9 - First off, I would encourage you use the Search functionality of the forum, as this has been discussed numerous times recently. That said, I will give you the same guidance that I've given others previously.

The EZone, like all Yonex frames at this point, is fairly muted/vague in feel, due to excessive dampening "tech", so I would recommend using the most crisp strings you have access to, to drive as much vibration down to the handle as possible. This means the following types of strings:

- Poly: metallic (silver/alu/gray/gunmetal/champagne) colored and on the more firm side, strung as low as is needed for comfort (example: Alu / Rough, TB / Soft, Max Power / Rough, Hawk / Touch, Lynx Tour, Tour Sniper, Bussard)
- Synthetic Gut: more nylon and aramid makeup, plus durability wraps (ex: most Gosen, Gamma, Toalson syn gut, Prince SG w/ Duraflex, Lightning XX, Yonex Dynawire)
- Multifilaments: those with snappy solid cores and/or less gummy/gelatinous matrixes/jackets (ex: Tecnifibre Multifeel Black, Signum Pro Micronite)
- Synthetic-Esters: mostly all of them are on the more crisp side of things (Triax, HDMX, Rexis Speed, NXT Control, Lightning Pro)
- Gut: Luxilon is typically the most crisp

As for how best to hybrid non-poly + poly strings, unless you like or are impartial to a fully-locked string bed and how that plays and feels, typically you want to run the non-poly in the mains and the poly in the crosses, which will increase the amount and longevity of snapback, which past a certain amount of static grip, is really the thing that generates the most spin, plus that configuration will also prolong the life of the non-poly string, as there is at least some retained fluidity to the string bed, even as it ages, which can help alleviate the sawing effect, at least to some degree. That said, if you don't mind, or even prefer, little to no snap in the strings, then feel free to run poly mains / non-poly crosses; the feel on contact will definitely be more static and controlled, which may work better for your game and the racquet, or it may not.

As for the strings you have access to, considering what you're used to, I would try Gamma Ocho in the mains and Yonex PTP in the crosses at around 53 lbs mains / 50 lbs crosses, for starters. Do be aware, though, that Gamma just discontinued their entire line of Ocho synthetics (Ocho TNT, Ocho XP and Ocho XP Rx), so eventually the supply of that string will dry up, and you'll be left looking for something new. So it might be as good a time as any to start off with a completely new non-poly string that will be made for some time to come. Rexis might be decent, albeit perhaps a bit too gummy in feel or short on durability; Rexis Speed would likely be even better, although a bit lower-powered and more controlled. I would perhaps see if you can get your stringer to source another crisp syn gut or syn-ester, such as those I described above.

Hope some of that helps!
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New User
Thank you @Trip
I will check if we can get triax or the stringer has it for mains and get Ptp for the cross .
Would you suggest both at 16 gauage or 17?
Appreciate all the help


Very welcome. I'd probably start with 1.30 (typically 16 gauge) for the partial/non -poly mains, 1.25 (typically 16L) for the poly crosses.
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IME EZ100 is not particularly string sensitive, so there is a wide variety of options.

I play with full poly, My favorites were:

1. Hyper G round 1.25
2. ALU 1.25
3. Tru Pro Black Knight 1.23
4. Poly Tour Pro 1.30
5. Hyper G 1.30
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New User
Thanks . Went with Gamma Occho and Hyper G in the new Yonex ezone
Only issue I have is that the a low slide has no snap and I hit the net quite a few times. It could be that I need time to adjust to yonex otherwise all good so far .
+1 for Multifeel black-Hawk hybrid. It is now my setup for muted rackets. Want to try VS Touch-RPM Blast prepackaged though but a bit afraid of the power
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