Hi folks,
After playing Angell TC 97 18x20 for half a year and also tried many other different racquets, the new ezone 98 is my go to racquet!!
I played TT100p, ezone DR 98 & 100, TC95, TC100, Beast 100, Head PC 600, PT 630, pure control (295g), pure aero......too many...
New Ezone 98 has the same playability as my TC97, but even more forgiving especially on the defensive side, I blocked fast balls back more easily with the Ezone 98,
Serve is much better with the new Ezone 98, i think may be 30% faster than TC97...
The score of Ezone 98 from TW review is not fair, the new Ezone 98 is Great! I tried 4g lead tape at 12 but didnt feel right, change to 2g@10 and 2g@2, it was very great, I didnt feel any discomfort, stiff feel in upper hood was similar to other racquets, I think the lead tape really help solving this ...
I suggest anyone like dr 98 should at least demo the Ezone 98 first...although dr98 has the addictive plush feel, the extra pop from Ezone 98 really help on serve and groundstrokes, and the Ezone 98 feels super stable for me!
Conclusion: Ezone 98 is a powerful but not too powerful control racquet, great feel after putting lead @10&2 ( I use babolat tung tape), great serve, very stable you can feel it by just holding on hand, light weight, rooms for customization....overall it's a very underrated racquet.....i am very happy to find this treasure