I'm also looking for a good alternative to the stock grip. The same is "AC128EX Synthetic Leather Excel Pro Grip" but impossible to find. The only one we can find is "AC126EX Synthetic Leather Tour Grip" but it's not the same. Thinner (1,5mm Vs 1,6mm). Some said this AC126EX is bad. Not as good as AC128EX.Thanks! I was just trying to find the thickness so when the stock replacement grip begins to flatten I can find one with a similar thickness (maybe more cushioning)
A good alternative was the Babolat Skin Feel but discontinued. Same happened with Prince ResiThin (in Europe, impossible to find now).
Some talked about Tourna Pro Thin also for a very thin grip. Maybe Tourna Pro Tour is more suited.
I'd like to try Wilson Sublime but it's thicker (1,8mm Vs 1,6mm), or Head Hydrosorb Tour (1,75mm) which I particularly like. Hope it won't be too thick.