Yonex Ezone 98 2022 vs Ezone 100 2022


New User
Hallo,i like to buy new rackets.

I am a good Club Player and 41 years old.
I think, i am Level 4.0 -4.5

Would you buy ezone 98 2022 or the 100?

I habe a reel head lynx tour grey.
Is this string good for both rackets?
How much pounds?

I am more a baselineplayer with good forehand and weak backhand.
I am fit, but i hate netplay.

Can anyone help me ?
Which racket is better for me?
I want to buy 2.
Or should i buy one 100 and one 98 er?



New User
I’m probably at the same level as you and I’m going to buy two of the new EZONE 98’s. The added weight and control were two of the main factors for me. Also, whilst I currently play with a 100 sq. in. racket (2021 Pure Drive), the isometric shape of Yonex’s sticks supposedly increases the size of the sweet spot. The slight decrease to 98 sq. in. therefore shouldn’t feel overly dramatic.

My final thing was that it’s two more points head light than the EZONE 100 model. This is just a matter of personal preference really, but I’m accustomed to playing with a decent HL balance.

For what it’s worth, Tennis Warehouse’s written review on the EZONE 100 should be uploaded soon (keep checking here), so if you’re stuck between the two sticks then it might be worth waiting until that’s out to compare. Both video reviews are already on their YouTube channel.


Tennisnerd got ya:

To me it seems like the 100 is a better fit for you ("baselineplayer, hate netplay"), but why not take advantage of the TW testing programm and test them both?


I have been playing last year's Ezone 98 model for around 5 months now and really like them. I am now 4.0 all courter but played 4.5 when younger. I have a friend at my level who plays Ezone 100. I think either is good choice and which one is better for you depends on your playing ability, style and history with rackets. I prefer rackets around 98 square inches with a thinner throat so I went with the Ezone 98. I think the 98 with thinner beam gives a little more control and I like the feel of the thinner beam. If you have a history of playing with 100 rackets with thicker beams, you would probably like the Ezone 100 better. If you try to pound groundstrokes, maybe the 100 is the better choice. If you try to use variety and work the ball around the court, the 98 might be the better choice. Both are excellent rackets.


Hall of Fame
The Pure Drive is much more stable and solid than the Ezone 100. You would need to add significant weight to the Ezone 100 to match the Pure Drive stability.


I just demo'd both the new EZ100 and the new 98 and no real obvious standout; like them both for different reasons: 100 a little more powerful on serve, maybe a bit more solid at net, the 98 more whippy, better angles. Both real solid racquets. Maybe I'll just get both and use the 100 for doubles and the 98 for singles!


Sorry to revive an old thread, but having this dilemma right now, and demos have head faked me before due to lack of ability to select strings.

Just a bit of playstyle background, I'm a former high school athlete (around 18 years ago) with a big serve and tend to hit with lots of topspin from the baseline.

I recently started up again and played around a bit with the 2019 PA and 2022 Extreme MP, and liked a lot of the qualities such as high net clearance and the sensation of spin. Unfortunately, it all went out the window playing my first tournament back, and was hitting too many balls long when the pressure was on (always test rackets under match pressure I guess......)

I know that spin generation is 99% technique, and I'd probably be fine whichever direction I went, but I've taken too deep a sip of the marketing Koolaid.

Can I still have my desired spin characteristics with either of these rackets? Will the 100 be a bit toned down of a version of the PA/Extreme? Is the 98 really a "flat hitter's only" stick like TT tells me?

Someone talk some sense into me, thanks!
I play ezone 98. It can product a lot of spin but its launch angle is naturally low since the string spacing in the sweet spot is very dense for a 98inch 16x19 pattern racket.

It would be a very big change compared to what you are using. Ezone 100 is a toned down version of PA and Extreme MP in terms of launch angle so I would start with that first assuming you are happy with everything else about those rackets. I'm actually personally going to try out ezone 100.