Yonex ezone dr98



Hello guys!

I had the chance to buy 2 more dr98s next to my 1. But unfortunately I have a little issue with them. All have different weights. I found something inside their handles but its not look the same.
With string (17 gramms), head protector ( 4 gramms), overgrip ( 3 gramms), dampener 3 gramms) one is 343 g, other is 340 g, and is is around 335g.

Can they be a customized racquets by others in the handle, or they are just come out from the factory like this?
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There should be nothing in the handle if you flake off the foam residual. I had 2 DR98s and there was enough variation in weight that I had to add 4g of lead tape to the 3/9 areas to one to make a decent match so variance does happen