Yonex Ezone Lite?


(NOT the Xi Model) Is it any good? I love Yonex rackets and I'm looking for a new one, but I can't afford a top of the range xi model. I've just seen the Ezone lite advertised on a website for £52 which seems like a great deal. But I've never played with an Ezone- My last Yonie was a customised VCore Lite. I've heard that the VCore is quite a lot different to the Ezone in terms of the way it plays. What worries me is the Ezone's so-called "Explosive Power". I always found the VCore a bit underpowered, however the pinpoint accuracy made up for that. But I'm concerned that the Ezone lite will be overpowered and sporadic, exactly what I don't want from a racket.

So can anyone who's played with this racket shed some light on what it's like, how it plays and such? Also, can you tell me if you think it needs lead tape anywhere? Thanks :)

Jack Romeo

The main issue I had when I tried this stick a couple of years ago was the feel. I found it to be a strange combination of crispness and dampness. Because of this, for me, touch shots suffered - and I tend to rely on accuracy, touch, variety, net play and consistency (since I am primarily a doubles player).

But when I was just rallying from the baseline, the power and general directional control were good.


The main issue I had when I tried this stick a couple of years ago was the feel. I found it to be a strange combination of crispness and dampness. Because of this, for me, touch shots suffered - and I tend to rely on accuracy, touch, variety, net play and consistency (since I am primarily a doubles player).

But when I was just rallying from the baseline, the power and general directional control were good.

Thanks for the feedback Jack! I think I'll reconsider now, as I am currently playing more doubles than I used to and I'd like a stick to compliment that. Out of interest though, have you tried any other Yonex rackets you'd recommend? :)

Jack Romeo

I'm not sure what to recommend since you did mention that you do want to stay within a certain budget. Perhaps you could get some used rackets instead of brand new ones. If you are willing to do that, then the ezone xi's are the easy answer to your question. I mean, most of the comments here in the forum state that the ezone xi's really are an improvement over the older non-xi versions.

The Vcore 100s and the newer xi version should also be worth a demo. I am also interested in the 280g version of the Vcore xi 100. The higher swingweight and lower flex, compared to the 300g version, are appealing. Though it is marginally head-heavy, that is something that can easily be modified by tail-weighting it a little bit.


I'm not sure what to recommend since you did mention that you do want to stay within a certain budget. Perhaps you could get some used rackets instead of brand new ones. If you are willing to do that, then the ezone xi's are the easy answer to your question. I mean, most of the comments here in the forum state that the ezone xi's really are an improvement over the older non-xi versions.

The Vcore 100s and the newer xi version should also be worth a demo. I am also interested in the 280g version of the Vcore xi 100. The higher swingweight and lower flex, compared to the 300g version, are appealing. Though it is marginally head-heavy, that is something that can easily be modified by tail-weighting it a little bit.

It's funny you should mention that, as I've seen some great second hand deals on the very two rackets you mentioned. I could get a used Ezone xi 98 with only slight cosmetic damage for £50 ($75) or a used VCore 100s with slight wear and tear for £60 ($90). Both are within my budget and seem like absolute steals, so which one in your opinion is best for someone looking for a control friendly racket with decent pop and feel?

Jack Romeo

Personally, I would go for the 100s.

You know, another great thing about buying used sticks is that if you end up not liking it, you can always sell it again at almost the same price you bought it - provided you didn't add more damage (cosmetic or otherwise) to the frame. Or you could trade it for the other model you were considering.


Personally, I would go for the 100s.

You know, another great thing about buying used sticks is that if you end up not liking it, you can always sell it again at almost the same price you bought it - provided you didn't add more damage (cosmetic or otherwise) to the frame. Or you could trade it for the other model you were considering.

That's a good idea about the trade in thing. In that case, I think I'll bid for the 100s that's listed. Thanks for the advice :)