Thinking to switch to it from wilson k faktor 95. I read only positive reviews. Everyone says will never change anymore. What do you suggest?
I have the RDS 002 tour and the kfactor 6.1 and although the Yonex is comfortable and I play fairly well with it, In match play, I just seem to be able to play better with my Wilson or my Redondo. I find that I just can't get dialed into the Yonex on my backhand or with flat serves. I have to spin the ball in to get it in play when I serve, where as with the Wilson or PK, I can hit every shot dependably. I have it on the FS boards for a very good price if anyone is looking for a 4 1/2" grip. the frame is spotless.
Flat serves are just ughh. Spinning them in is fine.
When you are off, always blame your gear!. No seriously, when I say I can't hit a flat serve, I meant conistantly hit a good flat serve with the yonex.
I almost have to adjust my service motion away from what works with my other frames. Some people like the yonex head shape, some people struggle with it. If I only had to hit forehands & volleys, this would be my stick, but I tried my Moya imitaion the other night and I am just too old LOL. I still thinsk it's agreat frame, just not suited for me..
...I have tried 3 yonexs this year, RDX 500 MP, Rds001 MP and RDS 002 tour... I found that they all have a light swinging whippy feel that I never could get used to...
And so, this is not the ultimate weapon?
I own a couple of RDX500 MPs and I know what you mean by describing it as "whippy". I enjoy the RDX500 MP's "whippyness", but would like it to have a bit more "plow through" power. My weapon of choice, the RD-7, has spoiled me. If I could have an RD-7esque racquet that's a bit easier to swing, with a bit more power and with a bit larger sweetspot, I'd be lucky. I'm wondering if the RDS 002 Tour is that racquet. So, since I can't demo, I'm buying it, just to playtest it. I might, also, buy the RDS 002 Non-Tour, since I'm curious about the extreme "whippyness" that I think that model must have. Then, probably, I'll sell the Non-Tour (or both) here, as I mentioned in another post somewhere... blablablablabla :grin:
Seriously, there isn't racquet that's perfect. all racquets have each of their own faults. u only call the racque 'perfect' when the you personally loves how the racquet performs.Hey! The first negative opinion. And so, it's not perfect
Seriously, there isn't racquet that's perfect. all racquets have each of their own faults. u only call the racque 'perfect' when the you personally loves how the racquet performs.
we all have different tastes in racquets.
just demo it akwila and see for ur self if it's ur holy grail
How about compare with RD Ti-80?? Their specs al most the same.
I think the rds 002 tour ul is a great racquet, the sl version was to powerful for me.
I have neglected playing the 002 tour since I got some 200GMW's, but I decided to try juice the frame up with VS gut. I have really come to the conclusion that string is sometimes as important as the frame. My complaint with the yonex was that it was a little whippy and low powered. With the gut at 57#, it really has made the frame come alive. So much so, that I plan on using it in some league matches coming up this weekend. The 200GMW is the standard to which I compare every other frame against. The rds002 tour is as comfortable, has excellent control, not as much as the 200G MW and had loads more spin potential, especially on serves. This is the most comfortable frame since I discivered the Redondo that I have found. I will follow up later this weekend on how I handle match play with it.
And so, this is not the ultimate weapon?