Yonex RDX 300 Supermid?


Has anyone used this racket before?

I ordered an RDX 300 thinking it was the 98 version but I recieved the 103 sq in super mid version, I contacted the seller and turns out he didnt realise and he has no 98s available :? Anyway I can either get a refund or can cut my losses and try this out. It cost me about $69. This version is 27.5" in length compared to 27.25 on the MP so im wondering how this will impact on my OHB.

Thanks for reading


it's going to feel a little awkward. i always felt better using a one hander with a 27 in than a longbody frame. 27.25 won't bother me but anything more and you can forget it.


Lol yeah I used 27.25 previously before this.. hmm I guess i'm going to find out soon enough. But hey, if it works for Henin and gasquet then hopefully it works for me :p
currently use a rdx300 mp,a very nice racquet for me when i am on an off day.

It's easy on arm,huge spin,medium power with good directional control.For the SM version,I guess it would be more forgiving and seems suitable for a double game.


Hall of Fame
Wow . . . Hold your fingers .25" apart and ask youself if that is going to get in the way of a good backhand.

I own 4 MPs and 3 SMPs. They swing identically, to me.

The SMP's have a bit more power, but add a little bite to make up for it.

I use the MP for singles and the SMPs for doubles.

. . . Bud