Yonex VCore Pro 97 310 vs Ezone 98 305...


New User
Hello to you all. I have a little bit of a dilemma becasue I ve sold my Wilson Pro Staff 97 315g without CV and I wantedo to buy the new Yonex Vcore Pro 310 or the Ezone 98 305g. But the problem is for the first time I can't demo them:(
I wonder how is the power level comparing of those two yonex sticks to the Wilson PS 97 315:)
How would you solve this:)?


Power level VCore Pro 310 < PS97 <Ezone 98

I used to play the PS97 before switching to Yonex. I loved both the VCore Pro and the Ezone as they were both super comfortable but I ultimately went with the vcore because the Ezone had sooo much power it was a little uncontrollable at times. However both are far and above better than the PS97.


New User
Power level VCore Pro 310 < PS97 <Ezone 98

I used to play the PS97 before switching to Yonex. I loved both the VCore Pro and the Ezone as they were both super comfortable but I ultimately went with the vcore because the Ezone had sooo much power it was a little uncontrollable at times. However both are far and above better than the PS97.
Thank you:) but do you think the ezone has power like a pure drive? Sometimes when I strung ps97 22/23kg it was to much:D I used to play as a junior pro withe dunlop 200 line from the aerogel 18x20... and then came to the ps97 but it was very unpredictable. But is the gap of powet betwen the ezone and vcore pro 310 very high?:)


Thank you:) but do you think the ezone has power like a pure drive? Sometimes when I strung ps97 22/23kg it was to much:D I used to play as a junior pro withe dunlop 200 line from the aerogel 18x20... and then came to the ps97 but it was very unpredictable. But is the gap of powet betwen the ezone and vcore pro 310 very high?:)

Definitely a big gap. However the ezone having 8 center mains does help offset some of the power. Id say it’s on the puredrive spectrum but a totally different feeling because it’s no where near as stiff. The vcore pro is the best players racquet I’ve ever used and the ezone is my favorite tweener racquet. If you want more finesse and playability go with the vcore pro, if you want simple “hey I’m going to beat you because I can hit harder than you” go with the ezone!


If you hit more top spin and power is more important, probably Ezone might be better but if you don’t need power and hit less spin. Vcore pro might be better.
Prostaff and Dunlop rackets were previous one, I think vcore pro might fit well but that’s your decision.


New User
Hard one:( I was overhitting with the PS 97 sometimes due to the power and for me, lack of feel in it. I just don't want something only with power;D and very low powered:D the question for me is the vcore in that gap:D


I find both Yonexes to be more precise and spin-friendly than the Prostaff. I hit a heavier ball with both Yonexes, too. I think the Prostaff is a bit more forgiving than the VCore Pro, but far, far less forgiving than the Ezone 98.

The Ezone is a much better racket than the other two for people who want to hit with a lot of spin. If you are purely a line-drive hitter, you are more likely to prefer the other two. They all slice pretty well, though the VCore Pro gets the edge in that category.

I think the Prostaff hits more like a sledge and the VCore Pro hits more like a scalpel. The Prostaff probably gets the easiest free power out of the three, with the Ezone being at a close second place for most shots. I think of the Ezone as a hatchet.

Overall, I prefer the Ezone by a wide margin (partly because I can be a clumsy hitter). I especially think it's an insane beast on returns. It just sucks a bit on serves.


New User
Great advice:) my ex pro staff 97 was good, but it had no feel snd it was not flexible at all. It was stiff. Dunlop aerogel 200 was a flexible players frame, you could feel the vibrations of the ball, wonderful. But sometimes with the ps I overhit, you could not play on full power (string-yonex ptp 1,25 on 22/23 kg). I ve sold them yesterday and 2 new Vcore await or 2 new ezone s 98:D I am an ex pro junior player, agressive baseliner, not so regular but with an agressive forehand and two handed backhand. I am just afraid that the ezone is to much power & my other concern is that the vcore 310 is too low in power:D i don t know:( without a demo hard choice:(


Hall of Fame
VCP97 310. If you are afraid of low power level you could always tinker with strings (string at lower tension, or use multi or natural gut hybrid).

If you are based in Europe, you can order demo racquets from TW Europe.


New User
VCP97 310. If you are afraid of low power level you could always tinker with strings (string at lower tension, or use multi or natural gut hybrid).

If you are based in Europe, you can order demo racquets from TW Europe.
Realy? I am from Poland:) but i live now in Berlin:) they will send a demo ? You are wright I am going for the vxore pro 310 tomorrow:) it looks great:D I will tell you how it compares to the ps97:) buying two 310:)


New User
I jist putt on a Pacific leathet grip black and two vcore pro 310 weight 341 both:) 5h till first play:D they wete testet for SW, Balance they are the same:)


New User
Welcome to the Yonex world, where QC stands it apart :)
Just went back from test nr1. If someone says that the vcore pro 310 is low powered just isn't wright:D with pacific leather and vs original overgrip it is 344g. It is a hammer:D like my old aerogel 200 but with more pop:) it is very powerfull...


Hall of Fame
Just went back from test nr1. If someone says that the vcore pro 310 is low powered just isn't wright:D with pacific leather and vs original overgrip it is 344g. It is a hammer:D like my old aerogel 200 but with more pop:) it is very powerfull...
It's all relative.. It's low powered compared to say Pure Drive, but it is by no means No-Powered.


Hall of Fame
How is ot possible you many people say that:(? As an ex itf player i can say it has propper power for a players frame, strung it 22/23 kg and it rocks like a hurricane.
Techniques. Don't forget most of us on this board are casual / recreational players, including yours truly. So our techniques may not be up to par when it comes to generating effortless power.

Billy Baseline

New User
Hi guys, wonder if anyone can help here. I bought a Pure Aero Team (strung weight 303g). Loved hitting with it, but it wrecked my arm. Then got a Head Gravity Pro, brilliant feel, but it's just too heavy (strung weight 340g). Then got Gravity Tour and settled on that (strung weight 330g) . Still, when I hit for 5 mins with my Pure Aero just for fun, I'm better much with it. Better timing, effortless power and more accuracy. I think that's because I bought a lighter version, but then, light + stiff = pain for me. Is there anything out there that can do that without so much arm wrecking? So a bit heavier than 303g strung and not as stiff as 70RA. I'd love to try the Vcore 97HD. Sounds amazing, but think for me it will be like Gravity Pro - just a bit too heavy. So thinking of Vcore 97 310. I'll be able to swing it faster so thinking I'll get the comfort, control and power from that. I'm in my 40s now, but played tennis most of my life with rackets at 340g. Just looking for something more suitable now. If anyone has any experience or thoughts here I'd really love to hear it. Many thanks in advance.