Fed Kennedy
Wow they like the 89
This 97 has huge potential to be my first Yonex.
Wow they like the 89
This 97 has huge potential to be my first Yonex.
I talked to our buyer and it looks like the Yonex VCORE Tour 89 and 97 should be available in mid May for pre-sale and in stock at the beginning of June.
Brittany, TW
Well, I moved back to the RQiS 1 Tour because I missed it's feel. But I moved AWAY from it because of it's headsize combined with my inability to volley. I'm with the EZONE Xi98 right now and pretty happy, especially now that I've discovered PolyTour Spin in it at 45 lbs. And I added some lead tape to 3 and 9. Stock form was too instable for me, again, I hit a lot of off-centered volleys.
I'll try out the 97T G (310g) and HG (330g) versions with the intention of switching purely because it's a new racquet. hehe.
How is the spin production of Xi 98?
Is it open pattern, spin friendly??
In this video review they said the VCORE TOURs are spin friendly, so more than never I will demo the 97 310g. I wonder if it is because the the longer throat.
This is the TW review, with guest reviewers, of the 97, they sold the rights of their prototype to YonexThe 97 is the greatest racquet ever made
Now the question is: for the 97 Tour, will the 310 gram unstrung weight model be available in the larger grip sizes or will only the heavier 330 gram model (ala RD Ti-80)? If they make the 310 gram weight in a G5 grip I am in.
Now the question is: for the 97 Tour, will the 310 gram unstrung weight model be available in the larger grip sizes or will only the heavier 330 gram model (ala RD Ti-80)? If they make the 310 gram weight in a G5 grip I am in.
So they are using some kind of "micro core" material in these frames. I wonder if they too are using a "smart foam" like Donnay is doing with their "XeneCore", which is nothing more than a smart foam called Expancel.
Yonex may be using something completely different though.
They reviewed both.I only saw the 97 reveiw...
Correct. This is similar to the Prince TTT (Tungsten Triple Threat) technology, though Yonex used hd foam and Prince used tungsten and copper.The Microcore looks to be high-density foam injected into the frame ONLY at 2 and 10.
Looks to be a weight-related technology that then produces a stabler racquet face.
I only saw the 97 reveiw, but what NTRP do you think those guys are?
I don't believe in "Spin friendly" racquets.
I get enough spin from the Xi98. But, I'm not really a spin player.
I am truly at a loss.... what purpose does this racquet have? It's 10 grams lighter and 2 sq inches bigger than the 95d and called a "tour" and has the same string pattern? so what makes it noticeably different from the 95d? I was really hoping for a 16 x 19 complement to the 100s.
I think you meant RA....one notch down in terms of RDC to compensate for the extra weight.
The 89 looks like it could have the same stiffness as the rds001 mid. YES!!! 64 but felt like 60. I'm just guessing this from the description 'stiff' yet 'comfy'.
RqIsTour was good but throat was way too flexy and redirection of shots became tricky.
RDS001 mid was one of my favorites. Had a nice overall flex to it, crisp but comfortable, powerful yet control oriented and not too much pop like the rdis93. From what I've heard, the vcore95 is quite the 'beast' in terms of pop. Not what I want.
The only thing that pisses me off about Yonex, every two years they go in a completely different direction with their line, alienating their base while trying to get converts. You can do both.
The 89 is going to be just like the RDS001mid, I HOPE!!! Heavier, denser pattern and hopefully more HH and maybe one notch down in terms of RDC to compensate for the extra weight.
Anyone got any flex ratings for these yet?
I think you meant RA.
RDC - Racquet Diagnostic Center.
I looove the RQiS 1 Tour. The EZONE Xi98 is softer than the VCORES, but, still not there in terms of that intangible feeling I get with the RQiS 1 Tour. I hope maybe the 89 can fill that void... they did mention how it plays a lot bigger than the head size suggests.
Wish Yonex would come out with some flex ratings along with the regular mumbo jumbo specs.
I think both the 89 and the 97 can fill the gap in the Yonex line up.Good news about the 89. That's how I felt about the rds001mid, played a lot bigger than the 90sq. Should have never sold that one. Flex ratings can be deceiving and in the end materials and distribution play a far greater role in determining feel.
MgPresMid+ and MgPresMid are both supposedly 63, play much closer to 60. The rds001mid was a 64, felt like a 60 and another all time favorite of mine the rds002Tour was supposedly a 65, yet had tremendous touch/feel and was in line with some 61/62ra sticks I've played. If the 97 plays anything like the rds002tour, yonex has a winner.
Those are the two sticks that yonex is missing from their line-up, the rds001mid and rds002tour. Hopefully these upcoming vTours will fill those voids.
It is very important where exactly the frame is more flexible and where it is stiffer.
The Bab RDC machine gives only one number - for flex at the bridge area.
Now I wonder how would it look like if all new racquets were tested on the Flex Infinity Machine...
When you're really good, 10grams and 2sq inches is a completely different racquet.
How much is one of these machines.
Well, I moved back to the RQiS 1 Tour because I missed it's feel. But I moved AWAY from it because of it's headsize combined with my inability to volley. I'm with the EZONE Xi98 right now and pretty happy, especially now that I've discovered PolyTour Spin in it at 45 lbs. And I added some lead tape to 3 and 9. Stock form was too instable for me, again, I hit a lot of off-centered volleys.
I'll try out the 97T G (310g) and HG (330g) versions with the intention of switching purely because it's a new racquet. hehe.
You guys should really consider the 310 version. Yonex stock grip is thin, light and squishy. It sucks basically.
If you replace them with a leather grip, add in the strings, overgrip and dampener, you will easily hit 345g with the 310. Do that with a 330, you will get 365g, which will be unwieldy and gives little room to further tweak the balance.
I say Y-ah-nex. Was looking into the 89... but the 97 is looking more and more attractive.
These two sticks have to fill the void left behind by rds001mid and rds002tour. Two great sticks that are missing from the current yonex line-up.
You guys should really consider the 310 version. Yonex stock grip is thin, light and squishy. It sucks basically.
If you replace them with a leather grip, add in the strings, overgrip and dampener, you will easily hit 345g with the 310. Do that with a 330, you will get 365g, which will be unwieldy and gives little room to further tweak the balance.