Your favorite smartphone apps


Hall of Fame
Guys, I feel like posting videos of puppies to diffuse the tension in the Galaxy versus Iphone thread, but let me propose something more interesting :). Let us list (a) your 10 indispensable apps, and (b) up to 10 often-used but probably dispensable apps, and (optionally) (c) up to 10 widgets on our beloved smartphones about which we argue about so much. That way, at least there is the chance to discover some cool apps that other people are using.

I'll go first. It is actually quite embarrassing how much of my day depends on my smartphone :| .

Current phone: HTC Droid Incredible 2

10 most-used apps:
Gmail, Android Browser, Out-of-Milk, Pocket, EverNote, Maps with turn-by-turn Voice Navigation, Google Talk, FM Radio, Google Play, Just Pictures.

10 useful but not indispensable apps:
Kindle, United Airlines, Level-Up, Key Ring, Mint, Dropbox, Pulse, Skype, Amazon Cloud Player, Facebook.

Up to 10 widgets:
Weather, Airplane Mode, GPS Toggle, Wi-Fi Toggle, Brightness Setting, People (Contacts) Widget, Calendar Widget, Calculator, Stocks


Etrade widget to see my stocks
Southwest Airlines
Google search
AK Notepad
Voice recorder
Yahoo email and my company email
Wbns 10tv news
Espn score center
The gear page
Acoustic guitar forum
My Les Paul forum
Christian Radio

I use these apps all day long


Hall of Fame
Facebook, instagram, google maps, gmail, YouTube, messenger, map my ride, flixter, the weather channel, netflix, google earth, ****, PayPal, xbox smartglass


Hall of Fame
Etrade widget to see my stocks
Southwest Airlines
Google search
AK Notepad
Voice recorder
Yahoo email and my company email
Wbns 10tv news
Espn score center
The gear page
Acoustic guitar forum
My Les Paul forum
Christian Radio

I use these apps all day long

I used to like Pandora a lot, but their ads have started to become quite heavy recently? Do you have the Pandora One upgrade, and is it much better than the free version?

And a totally off-topic question: I'm a rank noob looking for a second-hand acoustic guitar. Could you suggest a few pointers? Am going to be in Nashville in a few days, and I found that the second hand (Craigslist) market there is quite vibrant.


I used to like Pandora a lot, but their ads have started to become quite heavy recently? Do you have the Pandora One upgrade, and is it much better than the free version?

And a totally off-topic question: I'm a rank noob looking for a second-hand acoustic guitar. Could you suggest a few pointers? Am going to be in Nashville in a few days, and I found that the second hand (Craigslist) market there is quite vibrant.

I don't mind the adds. The political ones are annoying though. I'm a Martin acoustic guy and a Gibson electric player. For $500 you can get a brand new, lifetime warranty Martin DX series. Solid Sitka spruce top. Laminated sides and back, built in tuner and pickup. Best deal out there..and it sounds like a $3k Martin. Go to Guitar Center and check them out. I think they have 12 months same as cash.


Also, I have no problem buying electrics've got to be careful....making sure they have been properly humidified or you've got trouble.


Hall of Fame
I'm a Martin acoustic guy and a Gibson electric player. For $500 you can get a brand new, lifetime warranty Martin DX series. Solid Sitka spruce top. Laminated sides and back, built in tuner and pickup. Best deal out there..and it sounds like a $3k Martin. Go to Guitar Center and check them out. I think they have 12 months same as cash.
Also, I have no problem buying electrics've got to be careful....making sure they have been properly humidified or you've got trouble.

Power Player said:
Martins are the best. And i have a taylor endorsement. I just love the warm martin is perfect.

Thanks. Your recommendation (Martin, GC) gives me a starting point for my search.

I automatically thought "acoustic" since I really have no exposure, only an interest which I hope I will be able to sustain. My impression has been that "electric" is for people who know a thing or two about playing; is that dopey, or is there truth to that?

Also, I wonder how the pricing goes. Surely - I'm confessing total ignorance here - electrics would be much more expensive given the whole amplifier, tuner, and stuff?


Some of my acoustics. Acoustic is where I would start. Yes, electrics are a whole new world of amps, cabs, pedals.

PowerPlayer. Not sure what you mean by Taylor endorsement...I know Bob Taylor very well...they do no endorsements.



What is your band? I'll be in San Diego next month and will see him. They are addiment about endorsements.

My 1970's JMP.


Power Player

Bionic Poster
Im not saying who my band was in a public forum. We charted, were on a major and were heavily endorsed.

This is what Taylor does. They work with certain touring artists who are going to be on tv, or on larger tours and they give you guitars that you pay off for a monthly fee. Mine was $10 or something super miniscule. Thr guy is awesome. Plain and simple. I have nothing to prove to anyone past that. If you dont believe me, thats fine. Anyone who knows me in real life knows i have no reason to bs about this stuff. Basically it was a loaner program with the option to buy.

I love the sg. One of the best guitars ever.

Power Player

Bionic Poster
Im assuming you know the man at mesa- tien?

I wont get into what they did for Mesa is just a sick sick good to artists, so good at making great amps.

I have zero gearlust but if i did i would hate


Mesa people are great to artists...and strict as heck to their dealers.


Power Player

Bionic Poster
Im guessing you are into classic rock and some blues rock, but my friend made a career out of blending the mesa triple rec with a peavey 5150. This was on modern heavy stuff.

It was THE tone on a lot of records a few years ago. He would get heads sent in from every company to try and get him to try was basically a gear festival.

But yeah, the triple good.

I had a litle l subway blues amp that i gigged with...ran a strat and a ts9 though it.


I drag this out from my office to our 2 story living room when the wife goes shopping. The sound travels...the recto needs room to Rawk. And yes, one neighbor likes to call the police.

I just sold my old 5150! Great amp...average clean channel...awesom hi gainer.

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Power Player

Bionic Poster
We just ruined this

I sold all my gear and just borrow amps from studios if i ever need any. All I have is guitars and pedals.:(. I have zero gear lust..its weird..i think i just had so much that i lost the love or something

As for apps - i really love Figure, racquet tune, punch quest, shazam, spotify..many more.


Well...I'm now playing through a Hot Rod Deluxe III and a pedalboard. Bogner just sent me these pedals last week. So amazing.


Power Player

Bionic Poster
If that red one models the heavy distrortion from the ecstacy then it must be amazing.

Ueberschall blended with 51/50 is another goat tone for heavy records.
Don't know how this turned into a thread about guitars, but ok....

-Tapatalk - a must for forum browsers like us
-Google Maps
-ATP/WTA Live Scoring App
-Angry Birds (Seasons, Space, Rio, etc)
-NFL/NBA/other sports Apps
-Logo Quiz - fun/addictive

And of course the weather.