Your Racquet Timeline


Just curious what racquets everyone has been through since starting to play tennis (in order).

Wilson Hammer 6.2
Wilson Hyper Hammer 5.6 Rollers
Wilson Hyper Hammer 6.6 Rollers
Wilson Hyper Prostaff 7.6 Rollers
Babolat Pure Drive (2nd Generation)
Wilson Hyper Prostaff 6.1 Midplus
Völkl Tour 10 Mid (1st Generation)
Wilson BLX Six.One Tour 90
Head YOUTEK IG Prestige Pro (Current)
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Hall of Fame
N-code N-4
Wilson k 6.1 tour 90
Head microgel radical mp
Dunlop 4d 500 tour
Dunlop biomimetic 300 tour
Prince Ignite 95
Babolat Pure Drive roddick GT 2009 (current)
Misc. junior racquets
Head Ti. Heat (~1 year)
Prince Precision Response Ti. (~2 years)
Dunlop Hotmelt 200g (~1 year)
Head i.Prestige Mid (~5 years)
Prince NXG Graphite Mid (for like a month...)
Head Prestige Classic 600 (~5 years)
Wilson BLX Six.One Tour 90 (current)


Wilson Avenger (kid, racket looked good, never really that interested in tennis)
Wilson Europa Ace (mess around not serious about tennis)
Dunlop Evo 255 (Loved it, so light and yet so powerful!)
Aeropro Drive Cortex (Yes I was one of those)
Pro Staff 6.1 Classic (Started getting a lot more interested in tennis and a bad habbit of buying rackets)
Pro Staff 85 st v
Head Youtek Speed MP
Technifibre T Fight 320
Then I can't remember **** load up until I had around 60+
Now I use whatever, if I play serious games, APD, K90 or ps85 wierd?


Some old wood racket my dad had that I could barely lift.

A Rucanor junior racket.

Random Wilson junior racket.

Wilson Pro Staff Junior Racket

3 Head Muster blue rackets Trisys.

3 Zebra Radicals extended.

3 Ti. Radicals

3 Head Microgel Radicals (just got these because the Ti. Rads were feeling too stiff, especially with polys).


From 1979 to the present:
Bancroft wood racquet (1979)
Dunlop wood racquet -not Maxply:( (1980)
Spalding Speedshaft -wood frame with modern "v" throat (1980-1983)
Some unknown brand aluminum racquet (1983-1990)
Yonex R-20 (1990-1995)
Yonex R-22 (1990-1995)
Dunlop Revelation 200G (1996-2010)
Dunlop HM 300G (2008)
Dunlop Muscleweave 200G (2008)
Dunlop Aerogel 4D 200 (2010-present time)
Dunlop Aerogel 4D 300 (2011)
Dunlop Aerogel 4D 300 Tour (2011-present time)
Dunlop Biomimetic 200 (2013-present time)
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Beginning in 2001 when I took a real interest in the game:
Misc Prince racquet from Sports Authority
Some terrible Yonex tweener
Prince Precision Response Ti
Hyper ProStaff 6.1
Hyper Prostaff 6.0 Tour 95
Prince Tour Diablo MP
ProStaff 6.1 Classic
Head Flexpoint Radical MP
Babolat Drive Z Mid
Currently demoing...
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Skipping past my junior racquet and low-quality metal frames...

Prince Vortex SB MP (97 square inches)
Prince Extender Thunder 880PL (122)
Prince Thunderstick OS (110)
Prince TT Airstick B950 MP (100)
Prince More Approach OS (105)
Prince Tour Diablo MP (100)
Wilson nTour Two MP (95)
Wilson kBlade Tour (93)
Prince Tour Diablo Mid (93)
Yonex RDS 001 Mid (90)
Wilson Pro Staff 6.0 Mid (85)
Wilson K Pro Staff 88 (88, duh)
Wilson BLX Pro Staff Six.One 90 (90)

In retrospect, I'm mad at my high school self for wanting racquets with high power ratings. That guy was an idiot who was perfectly capable of generating power.

I should have stuck with the Vortex for a lot longer; it was a decent tweener before that was a market segment. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten better more quickly if I'd used that instead of the big oversized frames.

Pure Babs

Cheap crappy head titanium
Babolat pure drive team
Babolat pure drive cortex
Babolat pure drive gt
-- Shoulder/arm injury
Wilson nblade 98
Head Youtek Prestige Pro
Head Youtek IG Prestige MP (Current)


Playing racquets
1.Wilson Pro Staff 85
2.Wilson N-Code Tour 90
3.Wilson K-six one tour 90
4.Pro-kennex silver ace 90 (Current)

Fun racquets
Head prestige Mid
Dunlop 300 tour
Babolat pure storm tour
Wilson BLX prostaff 95


- Some crappy Wilson from Big 5 that I cracked slamming the net many tkmes throughout matches in high school :)
- Wilson Sledgehammer 6.3 (Yes, another crappy Wilson from Big 5...)
- Babolat Pure Drive Team Oversize
- Yonex RDS 003
- Yonex RDiS 100 Midplus


I've done this drill a couple of times now, but its always fun...

Wilson T-2000
Head Arthur Ashe Competition
Yonex R-27
Yonex R-50 "Pat Cash"
Prince Graphite Comp
Donnay Pro One (Yellow)
Prince Graphite Mid
Prince CTS Blast
Yonex RQ 420
Yonex Cyborg 2700
Wilson Pro Staff Classic 4.2si
Wilson Hammer 6.2 "Skunk"
Yonex RD Power 10 Long Mid+
Fischer Pro Tour FT (red)
Wilson Hyper Pro Staff 6.1 +
Babolat Pure Control + "Swirly"
Fischer M-Comp 95
Volkl C10 Pro
Fischer M-Pro No 1
Pacific X Force Pro


Started playing tennis about 9 years ago when is was 20 yrs. My rackets were:
Wilson 5.2 hyper carbon (grey)
Wilson 5.3 mp (95)
Head LM radical MP
Dunlop ag 200 (16*19)
Wilson K90
Head I.prestige MP
Head mg radical MP

As a collector I also have 2 prestige 600 and a PS85 reissue


Hall of Fame
Wilson Ncode N4 - (about a year)
Wilson k factor team zen (was my birthday gift from my brother)
used it about a year

up to this point I played two years recreation only.

Joined USTA league in 2010 demoed several rackets
Babolat APD Cortex(first season fall and spring)
Babolat APD GT (6 months of second seson then went back to the Cortex)

Currently using a friends Babolat Aero Storm the weight and the smaller head size trying a few others in the 95-98 head size.


Started playing with a cheap Wilson Federer GrandSlam Limited Edition
Wilson K 6.1 95 Team
Wilson K Pro Staff 88
Wilson BLX 6.1 Tour 90 (Current)


New User
Wilson Pro Jr. (still have it for nostalgia reason)
Wilson Nemesis Oversize
Dunlop Black Max Mid
2 Wilson PS 6.0 85s
2 K90s
1. Crappy wilson(23 in)
2. Ncode wilson 6.1 (25 or 26 in)
3. Wilson Ksurge
4. Babolat aero storm(cortex)
5. Head extreme mp(youtek)
6. Wilson BLX blade 98/Babolat pure control (97 sq in)


I have played with the following racquets since I started in High school...

Wilson Ceramic 95 (pearl white- high beam - PWS)
Prince Pro XB mid size
Wilson Sting Mid (red & black)
Wilson Prostaff 6.0 85 - 1994 & still playing with it by the way
HEAD PT 280 mid-plus
HEAD radical 260 mid-plus
Yonex SRD tour 90
Yonex SRD tour 95
Yonex RD 70 Long mid size
Yonex RD Power 10 Long
Wilson Prostaff 6.1 classic - still playing with this racquet
Babolat PDR
Babolat Pure Drive - swirly
Wilson Hyper Prostaff 6.1 - still playing with this racquet
HEAD Microgel & Youtek Prestige Pro - current stick
HEAD Graphite Pro (teal color) - current stick


Wilson Sting Mid
Dunlop Max 200G
POG Midsize
Prince Precision Graphite 640
Prince NXG MidPlus
Prince Graphite Longbody
(I still want to buy a Babolat Pure Control someday, just for kicks.)


started in 1988

Pro Kennex Aluminum Frame from Fedco ( Burgundy in color with matching burgundy felt-type grip. (high school)

Prince Power Pro 110 (high school)

Prince Graduate 110 (high school-college)

Prince Michael Chang Titanium 95 ( after 8 year layoff)

Prince Original Graphite Mid (4-stripe version)

Prince Original Graphite Oversize (4-stripe version)

Prince EXO3 Graphite 100 (after 4 year layoff)

Head Radical Pro ( couple months)

Pro Kennex 5G (2 months)

Prince EXO3 Graphite 100 (yeah back again)

Babolat Pure Storm (2 months)

Prince EXO3 Graphite 100 (yeah back again and again)


Slazenger - wood racket - several of these
Wilson T2000
Wilson T3000
Wilson Jack Kramer Prostaff - wood racket - several of these
Prince OS Aluminum Green Plastic Yoke - a few of these
Prince Presicion Graphite - several of these - several years
Wilson Prostaff Hammer - Model? a bit of a wide body - terrible racket
Head S2 - terrible
Wilson Prostaff - cannot remember model OK racket
Volkl Quantum Tour 10 - excellent - several years
Yonex RDX 500 Mid+
Tecnifibre TFight 320
Wilson BLX 6.1 95
Volkl Organix 10 295


Hall of Fame
Wilson ncode n4 oversize
Wilson k six one 95
BLX six one 95
BLX six one tour
Prostaff six one 90(current)
K six one tour(current)


Not listing crappy walmart racquets.
Wilson N-6 110
Wilson K Six One Team
Yonex RDS 002 Tour
Wilson K Six One Team
Bosworth Tour 96, use this for doubles.


1. Donnay junior racquet of some kind
2. Donnay random cheap racquet
3. Prince Graphite from ~'84
4. Prince Graphite from ~'88
5. Head TiS6 (after 15 years away from tennis)
6. Head Youtek IG Speed Lite
7. Prince Exo3 White 100
8. Tecnifibre Tfight 325 Vo2 (current)
9. Volkl Power Bridge 10 Mid (currently demoing...)


Started playing serious is 2003, before then a bunch of Junior rackets incl, Pro kennex, Rucanor and Donnay

1. Dunlop 200g Revelation Tour (95)
2. Prince Oversize Graphite (110)
3. Head Ti. Radical mp
4. Head Ti. Classic
5. Prince Diablo Xp Midplus
6. Head i.radical mp
7. Babolat Pure Control Team 2003
8. Head Pro Tour 630
9. Wilson K6.1 95 18 X 20
10. Wilson Kblade 98
11. Head IG Extreme Pro
12. Prince Rebel 2009 (current)

am also demoing the Yonex Rdis 100MP and 200MP..

OMG, no wonder why I haven't improved as much as I would like!!


Hall of Fame
1. wilson american ace (k-mart racquet; that's how jay berger and i roll!)
2. wilson jack kramer staff (see above)
3. prince pro 110 (see above; i think that was the one berger actually used too)
4. prince something or other OS
5. head trysis 250
>>>>10 years off>>>>>>
6. head fxp radical
7. tw donnay pro one
8. yonex rds003
9. yonex rqis 1 tour


Playing Racquets:
Head Arthur Ashe Competition
Prince Pro 110
Pro Kennex Marquiz
Prince Tricomp 110
Pro Kennex Graphite Innovator
..Break from Tennis
Head i.Radical 110 ..still have it
Dunlop Aerogel 4D 200 ..use it for fun, enjoy it a lot but the Völkl suits better my game
Völkl Powerbridge 8 315 ..current

My collection:
Dunlop Maxply Fort
Dunlop Max 200 G
Donnay Flex Pro
Donnay Allwood
Donnay Borg Pro Mid
Donnay GLA 600
Wilson Stan Smith Capri
Prince Pro 110
Prince Classic II

Hi I'm Ray

110sq inch, 10.5oz
90, 12.3oz
98, 12oz
Long Break

back to
98, 12oz
leaded to 12.8oz -> f'd up shoulder serving topspin with it
100sq in, 11.3oz
93, 12.1oz
2 month honeymoon period with midsize racket over
back to
100sq in racket, now leaded to 11.7oz


I have over 50 some odd rackets, so I'm just going to post which ones I actually made the switch to...

Walmart Fed Stick
Head FXP Tour
Wilson PSC6.1(I used for a year)
Wilson KPS88
Yonex RDiS 1 Tour
Youtek Prestige Mid
Babolat Pure Storm LTD (I used for almost an entire season)
Dunlop Bio200
Head TGK 237.1

Recently I've been having a lot of success playing with the 6.1 series by Wilson again, and I'm thinking of moving to them full time for my tournament season, but the 200's are solid sticks as well. The TGK's are just too small to be used in heavy game play when I'm getting moved around, but in casual matches and practice their feel cannot be beat.



1. Kid sized Kneissl White Star
2. random aluminum racquet
3. Pro Kennex Micro OS :D
4. Wilson 2.7
5. Wilson Hammer 6.2
6. Wilson n6.1 95 16x18 (current)
7. Wilson n6.1 90 Asian version
8. Pro Kennex Redondo 98
9. Dunlop AG100
10. Pro Kennex Redondo 93 (current)


Hall of Fame
Yonex RDiS 1 Tour
Youtek Prestige Mid
Babolat Pure Storm LTD (I used for almost an entire season)
Dunlop Bio200
Head TGK 237.1


et tu brother fuji? have you forsaken the buttery goodness of the yonex sticks??? :) just kidding man!


My first "real" racquet: Head Ti Radical OS
Then Head LM Radical MP
Head Ti Carbon One 1000
(Three) Head Twin Tube Radial Tour OS (2nd paintjob version)
Head Ti Carbon 6000
Head Ti Carbon 6000
Head Ti Carbon 5001
Head Ti Carbon 5000
Head PT 280
Head LM Prestige mid

I still have the Ti Radical OS, but it has a crack in the hoop @ 3 o'clock and a stringer said if I cut the strings the frame would crumple in on itself :( . I will always keep it as a trophy of sorts, I won a lot of HS summer tournies at Siena with it and bought it from my modified tennis coach, a marine drill sargent who was all about conditioning first. A lot of great lessons learned and memories from him.

I stopped using the LM Radical MP after a year. During my junior year on the high school team, I found it average bc I couldnt generate the same amount of topspin. Looking back, the grip was too big, and I just didnt know enough about racquet characteristics to understand that back then. It was a good looking racquet though, and the one I used as a camper at NETC, one of the best 2 week spans of summer in my life.

I bought the Ti Carbon One 1000 from a counselor at NETC that summer for $25. I loved it instantly, and the guy I bought it from was from England and just an awesome dude, so even though its stripped down now, it got a lot of good use and is also is like a trophy to me. I could never find much info on it from online searches, and nothing in the US since im 99% its from Europe (the English counselor). After somehow finding the image on a chinese website, I got some of the specs and posted about it on this forum. This lead me to getting info on the other Ti Carbons, but I didnt get more of those until college.

The summer before my senior year of HS, I won an online auction for the 3 gently used Twin Tube Radical Tour OS racquets for $150. I was so fortunate, because someone had bid 150.00 as well, but since I had bid it first, I won the racquets. I bet to this day he is kicking himself, and I love looking back on it. Anyway, they came with brand new base grips and grommets/bumper guards, and with shipping plus the seller's offer to string them prior to shipping, it all came out to $190 (a steal). When they came in they were absolutely beautiful, all were at least 9/10 condition or better. They are curious, though, because the paint job says Radical Tour XL, but they all are def 27" long, and the paint on the inside throat doesn't have the L6 swing rating symbol. I was assured by others on this forum that it was just a painting error, and when I personally checked the specs they pretty much all met what was given by TW. These are my favorite racquets bc of the way the auction played out and bc they are simply amazing sticks. When I play to win, I grab these racquets every time.

Throughout college, I became more interested in the Ti Carbons, since I did love the one I had (but needed to retire, it was bruised but not broken). I learned about how the Ti Carbons had the same composition of the Ti Radical but with a 102 sq in head size, and how there were many versions of this racquet with different paintjobs. This info plus my previous experience lead my to buying now 4 additional Ti Carbons; all off that same auction website and all between $20 and $40 shipped. They needed a fair bit of customization to match the specs I wanted for all of my racquets, but afterward they felt more solid and better than ever. Since they also have the Twin Tube tech they feel similar to the Radical Tours, but I give the RT's a slight edge since they needed less customization and thus feel more complete to me. Still, the Ti Carbons are great racquets, and their various paintjobs are all very cool. I only wish it was easier for me to find replacement grommets and bumper guards, but I did find out this summer that Head's old junior racquets are a match. I am always looking for some (to anyone who knows where I can get them...)

The PT 280 and the LM Prestige mid are both recent and random pick ups. I know about the glory that is the PT 280, and it is quickly rising in my racquet ranks. The hybrid I have in it right now is good, but I want to get some kevlar in there and make it really pop. The Prestige is my first mid size racquet, and though it is fun to fit with, I dont know if I would ever play a full match with it (or use it in an actual match at all). Ive seen here that its regarded as one of the "worst" prestiges out of the lot, but i dont think thats why im not confident in it - it would just take a lot of time to fully transition to it and Id rather keep playing with my TT Radicals than take the time to do so.

So there is my timeline and notes on my racquets. I was feeling a little nostalgic since I just graduated college and am about to make a big life change. It's been good to look back, and again, if anyone knows about those Ti Carbon grommets/bumper guards, just let me know
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Wilson Hammer 4.3
Wilson NCode Six-Two 113
Volkl DNX 10 Mid
Head Microgel Prestige MidPlus
Babolat Pure Drive GT
Babolat Pure Storm Carbon Xtreme
Babolat Pure Storm GT
Babolat Pure Storm Tour GT
Head Youtek Prestige MidPlus
Babolat Pure Drive Roddick 2012


New User
Wilson Rally 25
Head graphite mid
Head 660 widebody
Prince Precision Midplus
Prince Graphtech 90
Dunlop Revelation 115
(extended break from tennis)
6.1 95 BLX 2010


et tu brother fuji? have you forsaken the buttery goodness of the yonex sticks??? :) just kidding man!

Hahahaha! As much as I love the Yonex feel, I am too weak to use them! :razz:

I need sticks with a lot of plough throw to help me gain depth, and the RQiS 1 Tour was a bit too demanding.



New User
1. Wilson NFury
2. Head microgel Extreme
3. Head microgel Radical MP
4. Volkl PB 9
5. Head Youtek Radical pro
6. Head Youtek Radical MP


New User
some really old yonex (forgot the name)
puerdrive 2009
head speed ig elite
head speed ig 18*20
wilson PS BLX 95
wilson PS BLX 90 (current stick)


New User
jack kramer pro staff wooden racquet from my grandparents garage-5-7 y.o.
a graphite racquet from caldor dept store at about 8 y.o.
an old prince metal framed racquet at about 9-13
prince cts approach oversize at about 13 or 14
prince precision response 107 around 15/16
volkl tour 9 around 17-19
wilson PSC 6.1 19-24
gamma g325 25-27
head MG prestige mid 27-30
head IG prestige mid 30-current


OTASCO Rawlings John Newcombe wood racket
OTASCO aluminum racket
Head Professional (red head) (10th grade)
Head Arthur Ashe Competition (11th grade)
Head Arthur Ashe Competition 2 (12th grade)
Head Professional again (freshman yr college tennis)
Dunlop Maxply wood (soph yr)
Yamaha FYG 30 fiberglass (Jr & Sr yr)
Spaulding World Open wood (next year or so)
Match Mate and Fox oversize graphites
Davis mid size graphite
Yamaha mid size graphite
Davis oversize graphite
Wilson Sting oversize graphite
Pro Kennex Oversize graphite
Wilson Staff 85
Multiple Volkl frames (mainly mid size player models) (C9, C10)
Wilson midsize 95 Tour (forget the exact model)
Wilson K 6-1 team
Dunlop Aerogel 300
Pure Drive
Wilson BLX Pro Open
Becker London

I am leaving out dozens of frames I have owned, now own, played with for short period, or just have forgotten about. These are generally the rackets I played with for extended periods of time, but played a short while with many many many others.
1. Prince Thunder Cloud (or something with the name Thunder)
2. Prince TT Hornet
3. Wilson Hyper Prostaff 6.1
4. Wilson K Factor 6.1
5. Wilson BLX 6.1
6. Dunlop Biomimetic 200 Tour
7. Dunlop Biomimetic Max200G (current)


New User
OTASCO Rawlings John Newcombe wood racket
OTASCO aluminum racket
Head Professional (red head) (10th grade)
Head Arthur Ashe Competition (11th grade)
Head Arthur Ashe Competition 2 (12th grade)
Head Professional again (freshman yr college tennis)
Dunlop Maxply wood (soph yr)
Yamaha FYG 30 fiberglass (Jr & Sr yr)
Spaulding World Open wood (next year or so)
Match Mate and Fox oversize graphites
Davis mid size graphite
Yamaha mid size graphite
Davis oversize graphite
Wilson Sting oversize graphite
Pro Kennex Oversize graphite
Wilson Staff 85
Multiple Volkl frames (mainly mid size player models) (C9, C10)
Wilson midsize 95 Tour (forget the exact model)
Wilson K 6-1 team
Dunlop Aerogel 300
Pure Drive
Wilson BLX Pro Open
Becker London

I am leaving out dozens of frames I have owned, now own, played with for short period, or just have forgotten about. These are generally the rackets I played with for extended periods of time, but played a short while with many many many others.

That's impressive! OTASCO! Oklahoma Tire and Supply Company -- you must be from the Oklahoma area. I have some of those racquets you mentioned too; I thought I was one of the few that played with wood back in the day. I even had a Yamaha YFG-45 graphite, and later a Pro Kennex Affinity 110 graphite.


Hall of Fame
1 - Tensor metal racquet (can't remember if steel or aluminum, broke it quickly)
2 - Wilson JK Autograph
3 - Wilson JK Pro Staff
4 - Wilson Advantage (still have it, with 30+ year old Victor Imperial)
5 - Wilson JK Autograph Midsize (still have it)

LONG break in playing (decades)

6 - Wilson Hyperhammer 5.3 (big mistake)
7 - Wilson Ultra Ti Stretch
8 - Dunlop 200G Xl hot melt (really started playing again, have a few)


Head Ti s6
Head YOUtek speed
Babolat XS 109
Babolat AeroPro Drive Cortex Plus
Prince EXO3 Warrior 100
EXO3 Rebel 95
Back to the Aero
Babolat Pure Drive Plus (cracked it)
Back to the Rebel (Cracked it)
Back to the Warrior (Hated it)
Back to the Aero
And now.... I have two 2012 95 16x18


New User
Head Ti S1
Wilson K Factor 90
Babolat Aero Drive GT
Babolat Aero Drive original
Head Radical Youtek Pro
Head Radical Youtek Mp
Wilson KP 88
Head Graphite Pro (old 80's)
Wilson PS 85
Volkl pb 10 mid
Volkl Classic Pro 10
Dunlop Bio tour 300
Babolat pure drive 2012

I tried out so many racquets. Long list.