I'm most of all in the 'don't fix it if it ain't broke'-bracket, but okay I'll play:
- Bring back Bo5 in Master's finals. The thought of never getting to see any of the beauty of say, the Rome 2006 final, anymore, is still making me

- ENFORCE those f****** RULES when it comes to the annoying time wasting!
- Get rid of byes. Top players receive enough benefits already because of their seedings.
- No MTO's allowed before an opponent's serve, otherwise: forfeit the upcoming game.
- Bring back carpet.
- WTA, especially: get rid of that stupid on-court coaching. You're no longer in Kindergarten, just *try* and think out a solution by yourselves, ladies.
- WTA, again: screaming = obstruction. Penalties for obsessive, obnoxious decibels produced, please.
- Last but not least: BAN the towels. It appears allowed to even towel off after just having produced an ace nowadays. W.T.F.!
Reduce playing time by:
4) Change the time between changeovers. Slowly increase the time after a set has been completed e.g 1 min changeovers in the first set, 1.5 mins in the second, 2 mins in the third etc.
Unfortunately, those lengthy changeovers are mostly due to television bobo's finding it necessary to send all of us watchers to bathroom each changeover because of their repetitive, boring advertisements. In other words: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ rulez. No, I don't like it.