Youtek IG Extreme Pro 2.0 vs Youtek IG Extreme Pro


Has anyone tried both?

I demoed the older model, Youtek IG Extreme Pro, earlier today and loved it. I usually dislike tweener racquets but this one felt great. I demoed the Pure Drive Roddick during the same hitting session and didn't like that (hollow and thin feeling) but loved the Head.

Has anyone tried both last year's and the new Youtek IG Extreme Pro 2.0, which (as noted in another new thread) gets a great review at TW? They are similar in spec but wondering if there are noticeable differences in feel, esp. since 2.0 has quite a bit lower flex rating.


Hall of Fame
The new Pro 2.0 is a VERY good update! It feels softer and more solid and you get more feeling in this frame. I really love the feel of this frame!


Hall of Fame
Hi Hankenstein, do you think the grommets make a big difference in this frame or do you think the graphite layup in the new frame is the big difference?


Hall of Fame
Hi Hankenstein, do you think the grommets make a big difference in this frame or do you think the graphite layup in the new frame is the big difference?

I would say the layup. Cant imagine the grommets make that big difference. The frame plays so impressive i actually consider/d switching to it..


New User
The Head Extreme Pro 2.0 is often compared to the Pure Drive Roddick GT. The balls tend to fly off the PD. Did anyone find the same issues with the Extreme 2.0? Is there more control? Is it under powered on serves?


Extreme Pro v. PDR

I have playtested both racquets multiple times, including side by side.

I love the Head and do not love the Roddick. The Head feels solid to me where the PDR feels stiff and tinny.

The serve was the one area where the Extreme Pro didn't feel great to me -- I am used to a heavier racquet with more flex, and I felt like I had to "hit" the ball with the Extreme Pro rather than swing through it on serve. That said, I did notice that I hit a few aces up the tee with the Extreme Pro over 3-4 service games, a higher rate than with my POG OS and pretty good for a 3.5/4.0 kind of a player. Could be that the serve just feels bad to me but the actual velocity and spin is better than my regular racquet.