Youtek Prestige Pro vs. Yonex rdis 100 mp


New User
rdis 100 mp
98 sq. in. / 632 sq. cm.
Length: 27 inches / 69 cm
Strung Weight: 11.7oz / 332g
Balance: 7pts Head Light
Swingweight: 323
Stiffness: 64
Beam Width: 21 mm Straight Beam

98 sq. in. / 632.26 sq. cm.
Length: 27 inches / 68.58 cm
Strung Weight: 11.8oz / 334.52g
Balance: 6 pts HL
Swingweight: 320
Stiffness: 66
Beam Width: 21mm Straight Beam

Open pattern....

looks pretty similar spec between the two... can anyone give a comparison?


the prestige pro has more power and is better for serve I think, but for the rest, I prefer the yonex, more stable, more comfortable, better spin and control, more maneuvrable.

I prefer the yonex, no doubt


Hall of Fame
Also keep in mind that the Prestige is listed at 98, but it's actually 95 because Head measures the whole head including the frame. Other companies don't.


Also keep in mind that the Prestige is listed at 98, but it's actually 95 because Head measures the whole head including the frame. Other companies don't.

I agree, it's that why prestige are a bit difficult to play compared to other 98sq


New User
I agree, it's that why prestige are a bit difficult to play compared to other 98sq

oh... so the headsize of prestige pro is actually more or less the same as Volkl PB10mid, which was quoted as 93 but is actually 95?


Also keep in mind that the Prestige is listed at 98, but it's actually 95 because Head measures the whole head including the frame. Other companies don't.
I think it's been pointed out before that including the frame would make for a lot more than 3 sq in. (try it!).

I don't know how accurate the "95" designation generally is, but I do know that the Prestige 98 size is a tiny bit larger than the K6.1 95 headsize (an extra sliver at the throat).