Bad to lift weights day before tennis?


Hall of Fame
I'm thinking of doing P90x chest and back which is a lot of push ups and pull ups/chin ups as well as some back exercises with weights. There's also a separate shoulders and arms routine I'd do a different day that exercises your shoulders, biceps and triceps with dumbells. After I do these routines I definitely feel sore in the area I exercised for a few days.

Is it bad for you to play tennis while you feel sore? I'm fine with not playing as well, but I don't want to get injured.


Hall of Fame
I have same question, I've been doing it day before, but do a good slow dynamic stretch warm up the next morning and before I play.
When I workout before I play the same day, in the past, I played poorly , overhitting.
I try to do it after tennis usually same day.


If you stretch and warm up well, you shouldn't feel too much. Are you currently on a lifting program?

Here's the thing: you're going to start sometime, and if you haven't been doing anything, you will be sore to start. Until you get into it for a couple weeks, a workout will leave you sore. If your long term plan is going to include lifting, you will have a few early days with some soreness on the court. Better to get it out of the way.

A different discussion will be whether to do P90x...


Hall of Fame
Everyone's different on recovery. I need 2 days after heavy weights to recover some need 5 days and others less than 24 hrs


I think that when you first get started on a weight training program your body is adjusting to something new, so playing tennis afterwards could introduce another variable. However, if you make weight training a regular part of your routine, your body will adjust to a new norm, and playing tennis afterwards won't be such a big deal.


Depends how much.

If your talking about an insane superset session of intense 1.5 hour heavy weight training... then YES, probably not the best idea.


I don't have a choice. I lift weights 4 nights a week intensely and even play tennis after a leg workout. It doesn't seem to affect me but everyone is different. The key thing is to listen to your body.


The first few times you do it it will suck, as you'll be aching like mad and probably play terribly because of it. But after a few weight sessions your body will adapt quickly and you won't have the terrible aching for days after.

I weight train around 4 days a week and very rarely feel sore the next day.


If you accept the notion that weight and resistance exercises cause muscle development in a process that involves transient damage to the muscle fibers, then playing sore the next day likely means you won't play your best tennis, though I doubt there's significant increase in risk of injury


Hall of Fame
In the winter when I am not playing tennis regularly I am lifting four days a week. In the summer when I will play on the weekends I am thinking of lifting on Mondays and Thursdays. I worry a little bit about the Monday lifting session being affected by the weekend tennis.